This study was conducted to provide an applicable model for ranking industries based on economic performance. Experts selected indicators include: value added, investing value, production value, exports, employment creation, labor and production productivity. Prioritization of industries is a complex issue, because of the interrelations between these criteria, different dimensions and uncertainty of experts' judgments in determining the importance of the criteria. Also, Human judgments about preferences often vague and exact numbers are not available, then, the use of fuzzy logic in solving such problems is essential. Fuzzy Network Analysis Process (FANP) is a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making model that takes into account the interrelationships between criteria. Therefore, this technique has been used in the determination of the importance of indexes. The data available for various industries in each index, have crisp values, so in the ranking of various industries, the study applied the benefits of ARAS technique. The findings show that the proposed integrated FANP-ARAS technique is able to solve such issue effectively. The data of all manufacturing industries are considered based on the ISIC international classification codes, 2-digit level in the year of 1392 (March 2013 - March 2014) that is presented by the Statistical Center of Iran. The results show that the best industries, based on selected economic indicators in Year 1392 (March 2013 - March 2014), respectively, are as follows: materials and chemical products industry, oil refineries and nuclear fuels and coke industry, and production of basic metals. Other industries are next in rank.