Extending non-petroleum export and diversifying export revenues were vital in order to reduce Economic development goals vulnerability. Due to importance of Medicinal Plants in Iran’s non-petroleum export, present study determined market structure and Ranks of Exporting Target Markets of Iranian Medicinal Plants (case study: Anise, badian, fennel, coriander). The investigation period is 2001 through 2012. For determine Irans’ export market structure of Medicinal Plants, herfindahl and concentration ratio indices and For ranking export target markets were applied numerical taxonomy analysis. Whereas, reverse value of the Herfindahl index fluctuated during the studied period from one to four. Therefore Irans’ export structure during the period always followed a dominant firm and Closed oligopoly and Iran does not have export diversity.Also according to the share between 4 to 92 percent of Iranian exports, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE were the biggest commercial parties of Iran. The results revealed that Viet Nam, Kyrgyzstan, Zimbabwe, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Cameroon, Jamaica, Armenia, Bangladesh, India, Libya were selected as Iran’s Medicinal Plants exports target markets.