Samuel Beckett, as one of the celebrated literary men in the twentieth century, has fascinated a lot of commentators. Although his literary output is little, they heve been examined from various lenses. In this paper Endgame has been compared
with Zen Buddhism. Having done this different principles of
Zen, this paper will discuss in the first place; then, they are pursued in the dialogue, decoration, characterization, behaviour and the attitudes of the roles of the drama and eventually similar grounds are established between the two poles.
Accordingly, one can name Beckett a gifted man who has been able to produce such a masterpiece. Though Endgame belongs to the realm of literature, the primary priciples of Zen are discernable in it. This, by itself, brings to light the fact that though Beckett is a Westerner and consequently under the weight of Western ideology, he has been also markedly attracted to Zen Buddhism.