Introduction: This study aimed to find a statistical relationship between clinical and functional findings based on the Lysholm scoring scale in the success rate of surgery and patient satisfaction with the arthroscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Method: This prospective and cross‐, sec, onal study was performed on 38 pa, ents (42 knees) aged 17 to 45 years who underwent anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruc, on during 2018‐, 2019 due to ACL rupture at Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahvaz. 6 and 12 months a, er surgery, clinical trials of "anterior drawer" and "Lachman test" were performed, and the standard Lysholm questionnaire for patients was completed. Then, the compatibility of the test results with the results of the Lysholm questionnaire and MRI was assessed. Results: In the diagnosis of ACL rupture, 6 months a, er surgery, the highest sensi, vity was related to the anterior drawer and Lysholm scale tests, and the highest specificity was related to the Lachman test. Also, the highest positive predictive value was related to the Lachman test and the highest negative predictive value was related to the anterior drawer and Lysholm scale tests. 12 months a, er surgery, the highest sensitivity was related to the Lysholm scale and the highest specificity was related to the Lachman test. The highest positive predictive value was for the Lachman test and the highest negative predictive value was for the Lysholm scale. In the first 6 months, gra,failure was observed in 13. 6% of pa, ents, but the percentage of patients with “, Fair”,and “, Poor”,Lysholm scale was 28. 95%. In the second 6 months, gra,failure was observed in 7. 14% of pa, ents, but the percentage of pa, ents with “, Fair”,and “, Poor”,Lysholm scale was 19. 05%. Conclusion: Since in some cases, such as excessive knee diameter due to obesity or swelling, the examination may be limited and citation of clinical test results may be erroneous, it is recommended that in addition to mechanical tests such as the Lachman test and the anterior drawer test, standard questionnaires such as Lysholm be used to more accurately assess the success of surgery and treatment, as well as to help identify more accurate lesions.