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The goal of the present study, in the framework of a causal model, was to examine the relationship between Self-efficacy, achievement motivation and learning model dimensions. The statistical population was consisted of high school students (public school) in Tehran academic year 2013-2014. Among them 734(374 females, 360 males) were selected by using random cluster sampling method. The research instruments included Kolb learning Styles Inventory, Sherer Self-efficacy scale, Hermans Achievement Motivation Test. The reliability and validity coefficients of Instruments were approved, The hypothetical model tested by using correlation matrix and structural equation modeling. Therefore, causal relationship among learning model dimensions construct, self-efficacy and achievement motivation through designing of model was tested based on theatrical and empirical foundation. Test of final model showed that all of fitness index were in acceptable range. And default model fits sample data completely. Approximately 35 percent of variance achievement motivation and 90 percent of self-efficacy were explained by existing variables.

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The Purpose of this study was to investigate the Relationship between Family Communication Patterns and Life Satisfaction whit Mediator Role of Religion Motivation. For this reason, 350 students (150 males and 200 females) from Shiraz University were chosen with multistage random cluster sampling method. The participants responded to the following scales: Life satisfaction scale, Family communication patterns scale, and Situational motivational scale. Reliability and Validity of the measures were approved by Cronbach alpha and Factor analysis. Multiple regression and path analysis were used to testing hypothesis. The results by path analysis technique showed that the relationship between Family communication patterns and Life of satisfaction was positive and significant. That conversational communication pattern can predict life satisfaction positively. And conformity communication pattern can predict life satisfaction negatively. Also the results showed that family communication patterns had influenced on intrinsic and extrinsic religion motivation. In sum, the results showed that religion motivation could have a mediator role in family communication patterns and life satisfaction. The implications of results were discussed in relation to the pervious literature. Suggestions for future researches, educational practice and limitation of this study were also discussed.

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The main purpose of this research was investigate the mediatory role of the identify styles in relationship between differentiation of self and internet addiction in non-government high school students. The sample of this study was 336 students (174 females, 162 males) who were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling and completed Berzonski identify styles, Skoworn & Friedlander differentiation of self and Young internet addiction questionnaires. The result showed that: there were negative and significant relation between informational and normative identifies styles with internet addiction, there was positive and significant relation between confused/avoidance identity style and internet addiction. There was significant relation between differentiation of self-component and internet addiction. Informational and normative identify styles had a negative relation with differentiation of self. Identify styles had a mediating role in relationship between differentiation of self and internet addiction.

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The purpose of the study was to comparison of cognitive failures, alexithymia and avoid cognitive in students with and without specific learning disorder. This is a comparative case-control study. The statistical population of this research includes all male students in the fifth grade of elementary schools in Ardabil city in the 2014 academic year. The research subjects consisted of 80 students who were selected by multistage cluster sampling (n= 40 for each group). To collect data cognitive failures, alexithymia and A void Cognitive scales were used. The results of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOV A) showed that there was a significant difference between the students with and without specific learning disorder in term of cognitive failures, alexithymia and avoid cognitive (p<0.001). In other words: cognitive -failures, alexithymia and avoid cognitive of students with specific learning disorder were more than normal students. These results indicated that cognitive and emotional variables can create a gap between individual's thoughts and emotions and also avoid an accepting it, can face academic achievement of students with specific learning disorder with significant barriers; Thus, according to the relevant factors by the authorities in order to prevent this disorder in this students is very important.

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Background: The aim of this research was to study the validity and reliability of the dark personality scale - the form of 12 questions (Jonason & Webster,2010) in a group of Medical Sciences University students (80 females and 65 males). The validity of the scale was evaluated with item-total correlations (item analysis), subtests correlated with total scores and factor analysis. Scale reliability by Cronbach’s alpha and split-half reliability.Results: The correlation of items with total score (0.22 to 0.80) and sub-test with total score (0.75 to 0.83) was significant in all cases (p<0.01). The factor analysis showed three factors Machiavellianism, psychopath and narcissism, which in total explained 63% of variance of dark personality. The Cranach's alpha coefficients for Machiavellianism, psychopath and narcissism and total scores were obtained 0.92, 0.40, 0.68 & 0.81. The split-half reliability coefficients of Scale was estimated 0.78. Also there was no significant difference between males and females in terms of dark personality. Conclusion: Overall, the results of this study indicated that the scale of dark personality to disease had a good psychometric quality for assessing component of dark personality in Iran.

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This study aims to investigate the efficacy of treatment can be increased by integrating cognitive behavioral treatment and attachment- based family psychotherapy, and would improve symptoms of depression in adolescents and increase their life satisfaction. This study was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest study. The statistical population comprised all public high school female students of 2012 in Shiraz city of Iran. To that end, 40 high school students between 15 and 17 ages were selected using cluster sampling method. Their score on the children depression scale (CDI) exceeded mean score by standard deviation of 1.5, and they had depression symptoms according to the K-SADS diagnostic test. Finally, given the study inclusion and exclusion-criteria, they were divided into 3 experimental and one control groups. The experimental groups included behavioral-cognitive therapy, attachment-based family therapy, and combined behavioral-cognitive therapy and attachment-based family therapy. Results showed that in both post-test and follow-up stages, all 3 types of treatments were able to reduce depression symptoms (P=0.0001). and increase life satisfaction(for ABFT, CBT, and combined therapy in post test (P£0.01) and in follow up (P£0.05). But in follow up 2 there was significant differences between ABFT and combined therapy (P=0.016), and between CBT and combined therapy (P=0.050). Also there was significant difference between control group with ABFT, CBT, and combined therapy (P£0.001). In the life satisfaction area, there was significant differences between CBT and combined therapy (P= 0.05) and between control group with all type of therapy (P=0.0001). Combined therapy was more effective than the other therapies in long time.

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The main goal of this study was construction and validation of Quality of Life Questionnaire based on Javadi Amoli's views. The research method was a descriptive survey in which the researcher constructed questionnaire was answered by 350 bachelor students of Karaj Islamic Azad University, selected by convenience sampling method. Javadi Amoli's books were utilized for construction of the questionnaire. Validity of questionnaire was founded upon content validity, face validity and construct validity (using factor analysis and measuring correlation of identified components with total questionnaire) methods. After ensuring content validity and using Bartlett's test and KMO index, factor analysis w(i.s performed using principal component analysis and varimax rotation. The results revealed four dimensions as God, Self, Others, and The Nature. Reliability numbers of the questionnaire, using split-half method and Cronbach's alpha, was 0.63 and 0.89 respectively, which proved it to be reliable. Finally, findings of this survey showed that constructed questionnaire was purposeful and efficient.

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