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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Use of sex pheromone traps is known as an effective method for monitoring and controlling Tortrix viridanaL. (Lep. Tortricidae). Trap shape, trap color and placement on trees are factors affecting male’s captures. The main goal of this research was to determine the effect of pheromone traps color and placement on the rate of males catches in three provinces of West Azarbaijan, Kordestan and Fars. First experiment accomplished by different colored delta traps (yellow, brown, white and green) which placed at middle height canopy of oak trees, following first emergence of males. In experiment 2, delta traps placed in upper half section and lower half part of trees as two treatments. In both experiments, captured males were counted weekly and trap catch data were subjected to analysis of variance and differences among means were determined by Duncan or t-test methods. In West Azarbaijan white traps were the most effective captured T. viridana males significantly higher than the other trap colors (mean=298.5±16.6).While in Kordestan and Fars Province trap color had no effect on the rate of moth captured. In second experiment, results indicated that maximum rate of captured moth was observed in upper half part of oak trees (mean=295.5±8.07) compared with those placed in lower part of the trees (mean=254.3±7.05) in west Azarbaijan province. There was no significant difference between upper and lower sections of the trees in Kurdistan and Fars Provinces. Based on the obtained results, white delta traps must be placed in upper half part of oak trees to capture maximum rate of moths.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Study on adaptability and productivity of conifer species in different areas of northern forests have been performed by many natural resources researchers and practitioners for the last two decades. In this regard, Picea abies (L) Karsten as a fast growing species have been planted in altitude of over 1000 meters in some of Mazandaran province. Toska Cheshmeh is one of these areas that located in altitude about 1400 meters. The first die back symptoms were detected in 2005 and the present study was initiated during 2008. For evaluation of the disease losses, the trees were measured by full callipering. The result showed severe infestation in the area as 21.93 percent. The infected tree parts were cultured on PDA medium.Pestalotiopsis funerea was isolated and to determine the pathogenicity of the isolated fungus, 2-year-old seedlings were inoculated. Management practices should be based on the removal of the dead trees, provide good growing conditions for healthy Norway spruce stands and to keep all the native broadleaf outgrowths in the area.

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Currently, there is great concern over natural forests depletion because of erosion, stress and over-use., Developing Research programs is an essential approach for the reforestation and rehabilitation efforts; In this regard the application of mycorrhizas is a valuable method. The mycorrhizal fungal hyphae extend into the rhizosphere and improve the absorption of water and nutrients from the soil thereby providing a critical linkage between the plant root system and the soil. As a result, mycorrhizal plants are often more competitive and better able to growth and tolerate environmental stresses than nonmycorrhizal plants. The aim of this study was to figure out the influence of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis on amelioration the performance of micro propagated Populus caspica in acclimatization process. After inoculation of micro propagated P. caspica with Pisolithus tinctorius, It was found that establishment of this symbiosis on plantlets of P. caspica enhanced seedling height, Biomass of root, shoot and leaves, photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance and leaf chlorophyll. These data indicate that mycorrhization improved the plant water relations, growth and performance; thereby ectomycorrhization has the ecological significance in sustainable plant production systems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (19)
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Skidding by ground-base Machines in mountainous forests of northern Iran on selective cutting leads to physical damages of residual stand, lowering of stem quality and tree value in border skid trail. In present research, two conventional methods (picket-wood and machine tire) as well as rubberized - stem were evaluated for preventing damage to surrounding stand and compared with the control. In this regard the study was carried out in parcel 212 of Shorab district, in Golband Forest. Following the end of skidding operation, affected area for any single tree was measured. And data were subjected to analysis of variance. Differences among means were determined by Duncan test. Results showed significant statistical differences between scar severities due to skidding operation in different stem protection methods. Based on the obtained results, picket-wood, machine tire and the control trees were in class one and Rubberize-stem was in class two. Furthermore, there were significant difference between scars in two angle class (100 -140 and 140-180 grade) and the scar height classes. Use of rubberized-stem in skidding operation, will result in fewer trees affected and less scar dimensions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (19)
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Haloxylon spp. as a resistant species against dry and desert conditions of Iran has been widely used for sand dune fixation since 1965. Haloxylon plantation areas are estimated more than 1.5 millions hec. Dericorys albidula is a monophagus pest inflicting considerable damage to the forests every year. Application of chemical compounds in forest and range areas has largely criticized in terms of environmental conditions, therefore, Green Muscle (BCP Co. S. Africa) as a biological product (conidia of Metarhisium anisopliae var acridum) were used at the rate of 50 g/hec. to control Dericorys albidula nymphs. During 2 years (2010 and 2011). Two field experiments (screen cages) were conducted in a randomized complete design with 4 and 5 replications in Abuzeid Abad, Kashan and Hossein Abad, Qom respectively ULV and electrostatic sprayers were used with. Diesel fuel as carrier was used. Results showed that treatments were statistically different at 0.01% level. Sprayers were not significantly different.Maximum mortality rate (98%) was observed in ULV sprayer and second year, while least mortality rate (92%) was in electrostatic sprayer and in the first year. Thus, taking into account Green Muscles great efficacy and specificity, it exhibit high potential as a selective material against grasshoppers in saxaul plantations.

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    1 (19)
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Plants maybe affected directly or indirectly by allelochemicals which released from plants or microorganisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical stimulators in improving seed germination and growth of Bromus inermis in response to five concentration of the allopathic extract of Thymus kotschyanus (0, 5%, 25%, 50% and 75 %) under laboratory conditions. Pretreatments included: gibberlic acid (250, 500 and 1000 ppm), potassium nitrate (0.1%, 0.2 % and 0.3%) and salicylic acid (100, 200 and 300 mg/l). This experiment was carried out as a factorial experiment based on a randomized completely design with four replications. The results showed that seed germination, germination speed and seedling vigor were significantly (P<0.01) decreased by increasing extract concentration of Thymus kotschyanus allelopathic compounds in unprimed seed (control) compared with primed seeds. Seed priming enhanced germination percentage, germination speed and initial growth.Overall, the results of this study showed that reaction of the Bromus inermis to pretreatment of seed was positive. Thus, pretreatments of seeds with the above treatments prior to planting can significantly reduce negative effect of allopathic components of Thymus kotschyanus during germination stage and establishment of plant by increasing germination speed and growth of embryo.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (19)
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Poacea family with 120 genera has the widest distribution range among flowering plants in Iran. The family comprises important rangeland plants. One of the most common diseases of the plants is powdery mildew. In this research samples were collected from infected range plants in different localities of Lorestan province. Following determination of host plants, fungi organs were micrometeried. All macroscopic and microscopic characters were recorded and the fungal organs shapes were drawn and microscopic picture taken and compared using appropriate keys.Following species were identified as host plants for the fungus Blumeria graminis (DC.) Speer.Species with one or two asterisk are new record for the province and the country, respectively: **Bromus tectorum L., **Agropyrum podperae Nab., **Agropyrum pertenue (C.A.Mey.) Nevski, *Phalaris minor Retz., **Avena barbata Pott ex link, **Agropyrum elongatiform Drobov, *Aegilops umbellate Zhuk., *Aegilops triuncialis L., **Eremopoa persica (Trin.) Roshev., **Heteranthelium piliferum (Banks and Soland.) Hochst., *Hordeum bulbosum L., **Elymus elongatiformis (Drobov) Assadi, **Aegilops caudate L., *Hordeum geniculatum All., **Hordeum violaceum Boiss. et Huet, *Hordeum marinum Hudson, **Bromus scoparius L., **Bromus danthoniae Trin., *Poa bulbosa L., **Lolium multiflorum Lam., **Lolium rigidum Gaudin, **Bromus Rechingeri Melderis, **Bromus tomentellus Boiss., **Agropyrum trichophorum (Link) Richter, *Hordeum sp., **Aegilops cylindrica Host, *Hordum glaucum Steud. and*Hordeum vulgare L., were the host of Blumeria graminis (DC.) Speer.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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