Purpose: Movement is considered a system that is made up of several elements, each of which has a relatively unique basic function necessary for the production and regulation of movement. Sometimes, repetitive movement and sustained postures causes to move away from the normal state. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between scapular movement impairment and shoulder girdle strength and range of motion in professional male volleyball players. Methods: 120 men volleyball players (mean ±,SD, age: 23. 25±, 3. 23 years, weight: 88. 11±, 8. 14 kg and height: 192. 78±, 8. 63cm) participated in this study. Participants classified according to the obvious scapular movement impairment during scapular dyskinesis test and Kibler shoulder lateral slip test. For measure the strength and range of motion handheld power meter and goniometer were used respectively. Scapulohumeral rhythm used to measure with inclinometer. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to check the data normality. Pearson correlation (p<0. 05) was used to analyze data. Results: The results showed, there was a significant relationship between movement impairment and range of motion of the shoulder extension (p=0. 001), (r=-0. 752), Internal rotation (p=0. 003), (r=-0. 554), strength scapula downward rotation (p=0. 003), (r=-0. 482), elevation (p= 0. 029), (r = 0. 286) and Depression (p=0. 003), (r=0. 460) Scaption (p=0. 003), (r =0. 137), scapula protraction (p=0. 001), (r=0. 534), and retraction (p=0. 002), (r=-0. 649) and scapulohumeral rhythm 0°, , 90°, , 135°, (p= 0. 001), (r=0. 583, 0. 581, 0. 583) and 45°,(p=0. 003), (r=0. 580). However, there was no significant relationship between movement impairment, rang of motion of the shoulder flexion, external rotaion, adduction and abduction, strength of the shoulder flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal and external rotation, and horizontal adduction. (p>0. 05) Conclusion: According to the results pattern of repetitive movement in the sport of volleyball, in long duration may disturb the balance of natural ratio of strength, range of motion and scapulohumeral rhythm in the shoulder girdle and scapula reign.