The mojority of nations and political communities have
accepted the theory of sovereinty through people and actualised
it, after a long and varied experiences of govenmental issves,
worthwhile to mention that this theory is accepted by the
Constitutional law of Iranian Society. But due to impossibility of
direct democracy, the indirect in which the election of governing
body is done by the governed ones, is noticeable and the
mechanism of election is based upon it. Although the general
principles of appropriate election which is rational and usual
featuresof any democratic government of the world and this is
also emphasized in our juridical system, but its development will
be based on some more consideration and preparation, likewise
the increase of appropriate elections experiences and maintaining
the peoples trust regarding the result of the election, constitution
and encouraging the read and popular political parties, electional
law making which not vague and general stated, the preparation
of electional schedual.