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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aim: Alexithymia as a disability in the processing of cognition and regulation of emotions is associated with a large number of mental and physical disorders. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the alexithymia correlation with positive strategies of cognitive emotion regulation in prisoners.Instrument and Methods: This descriptive correlation study was carried out in all prisons in the prisons of Darband City, Iran, in 2013. Using available sampling method, 100 individuals were selected as samples. Alexithymia and positive strategies of cognitive emotion regulation questionnaires were used for data collection. Data were analyzed in SPSS 18 software using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression tests.Findings: Total mean of alexithymia was 55.40±14.30 and positive strategy of cognitive emotion regulation was 63.46±8.86. Positive strategy of cognitive emotion had a significant positive correlation with the difficulty in identifying the emotions (r=0.27; p=0.01) and a significant negative correlation with objective thinking (r=-0.29; p=0.01). 29.0% of the variance related to the positive strategy of cognitive emotion regulation was determined by alexithymia components (r=7.316; p=0.001). 27.3% of the variance of the positive strategy of cognitive emotion regulation was predicted by the objective thinking (p=0.005; t=-2.888) and the difficulty in identifying the emotions, could not predict the positive strategy of cognitive emotion regulation (p=0.256).Conclusion: There are correlations between positive strategies of cognitive emotion regulation and difficulty in identifying the emotions and objective thinking; and objective thinking can predict the use of positive strategies of cognitive emotion regulation in prisoners.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: Risky driving behaviors are the most important cause of road accidents. It seems that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder plays a role in this regard. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in risky driving behaviors with emotion regulation difficulties.Instrument & Methods: The statistical population of this descriptive correlation study was all drivers of public and private vehicles of Tabriz City, Iran, in 2015. Finally, 210 people were selected using available sampling method. To collect data, adult Converge attention deficit hyperactivity disorder questionnaire, emotion difficulty scale and Manchester traffic behavior inventory were used. Data analysis was carried out using structural equation modeling method.Findings: Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder symptoms and emotion regulation difficulties had significant correlations with driving risk behaviors. The attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder had direct effects on driving slips and mistakes and indirect effects on intentional and un-intentional driving violations, with mediation of emotion regulation difficulties.Conclusion: Slips and mistakes are directly affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but driving violations are indirectly affected with mediation of emotion regulation difficulties.

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Aim: Resistance is considered as a disturbing factor in the process of changing drug abusers. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of agency sense and alexithymia in prediction of resistance to change drug abusers.Instruments and Methods: This descriptive correlational study was carried out in all drug abusers who were referred to treatment centers in Ardabil City, Iran, in the first half of 2016. Using clustered random sampling method, 140 samples were selected. The sense of agency rating, Toronto Alexithymia and resiliency scales were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation test and multiple regression analysis.Findings: Resistance to change had a significant negative correlation with agency sense involuntariness (r=-0.28; p<0.001) and a significant positive correlation with a general score of Alexithymia (r=-0.46; p<0.01), difficulty in emotion detection (r=-0.4; p<0.01), difficulty in describing emotions (r=-0.43; p<0.01) and focusing on external experiences (r=-0.47, p<0.01).8% of the total variance in the resistance to change related to sense of agency (F=5.58; p<0.05) and 23% to Alexithymia (F=13.53; p<0.05) that among the factors of agency only involuntariness with variance of 30% (p=0.004; t=-2.89) and focusing on external experiences among of Alexithymia factors with variance of 40% (p=0.013; t=2.51) could predict the resistance to change.Conclusion: The sense of agency and alexithymia are able to predict resistance to change of drug abusers.

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Aim: Drug abuse is one of the most important mental concerns and most harmful social damages in the present time. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on admission of treatment plan in marijuana, phencyclidine and ketamine abusers.Materials & Methods: This semi-experimental study with pretest posttest design with control group was performed in 6 addiction treatment centers in Ardabil, Iran, in the fall of 2016. Using available sampling method, 40 samples from marijuana, phencyclidine and ketamine abusers were selected. The DUDIT questionnaire was used for data collection. Data analysis was performed using the ANCOVA covariance analysis in SPSS 21 software.Findings: In the pre-test, the control and experimental groups had a mean of 107.60±13.02 and 102.05±18.80, respectively (p>0.05). These values were 101.60±17.16 and 140.04±25.55 in the post-test, respectively (p=0.001).Conclusion: Acceptance and commitment therapy increases the admission of treatment plan in marijuana, phencyclidine and ketamine abusers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: Theft is one of the most serious human crimes that can be found in various ways in different societies, and various factors can play a role in it. The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that causes the trend to high-risk behaviors can be one of the factors associated with theft. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the perceived stress and attention deficit hyperactivity in men and women thieves and comparing them with normal people.Materials & Methods: This causal-comparative research was carried out in Rasht Central Prison, Iran, in 2015-2016. Using non-random targeted sampling method, 100 individuals (50 males and 50 females) from the prisoners committed theft, and 100 individuals (50 males and 50 females) using available non-random sampling method were selected as samples. The legal and demographic variables inventory, perceived stress, Conners’ adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder rating and the Wender Utah rating scales were used for data collection. Data were analyzed in SPSS 20 software using multivariate of variance (MANOVA) and univariate of variance (ANOVA) analyzes.Findings: The stress and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were significantly higher in prisoners committed theft than other groups (p<0.05). The main effect of gender and the interactive effect of group*gender on stress and the main effect of gender on childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were not significant (p>0.05).Conclusion: The level of perceived stress and attention deficit hyperactivity in childhood and adults are higher in prisoners committed theft than normal people. Therefore, must pay more attention to treatment interventions and creation or upgrade of public health services standard system of prisoners.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: The prevalence of crime in many countries, including Iran, is increasing and thousands of women are entering prisons for various reasons every year. A large percentage of women prisoners suffer from personality disorders and mental illnesses. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of short-term interpersonal psychotherapy on depression symptoms reduction and mental wellbeing in women prisoners.Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental research with pretestposttest design with control group was performed in the central prison of Khorramabad, Iran, in 2013. Using available sampling method, 30 samples from women prisoners were selected and divided into two groups of control (15 subjects) and test (15 subjects) randomly. Data were collected using Beck depression inventory and Reef psychological well-Being questionnaire and in short-term interpersonal psychotherapy structure. Data analysis was performed using covariance analysis in SPSS 19 software.Findings: In the experimental group after treatment, the depression and psychological well-being indicators were significantly improved (p<0.05).Conclusion: The group interpersonal psychotherapy is effective in depression symptoms reduction and increasing the psychological wellbeing in women prisoners.

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Aims: Internalizing Symptoms are associated with negative consequences such as reduced performance interpersonal, drug abuse and academic problems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy on internalizing symptoms among teen boy victims of bullying.Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study with pretest posttest design with control group was performed in all students of boy’s middle schools in Bukan, Iran, in the academic year of2015- 2016. Using cluster sampling, 30 people who scored more in the victims of bullying questionnaire were selected and randomly assigned to two groups of experiment and control (each of 15 people). The Illinois bullying scale and teen self-assessment form were used for data collection. Data analysis was performed using the descriptive statistics and multivariate covariance analysis test in SPSS 23 software.Findings: The overall index of internalization symptoms in the pretest stage in the experimental and control groups were 23.90±4.60 and 24.40±4.06, respectively. These values in the posttest were 14.50±4.12 and 24.60±3.40, respectively (p=0.0001). In addition, emotion-focused treatment significantly decreased the subscales of internalization symptoms (p=0.0001).Conclusion: Emotion-focused therapy is effective on internalizing symptoms among teen boy victims of bullying.

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Aim: Police is one of the most important organizations in the countries that has missions and important tasks. The scientific preemployment selection of candidates ensures the selection of suitable people and access to the goals of the organization. The purpose of this study was to construct and validate the personality characteristics questionnaire of traffic police.Materials & Methods: This 5-step research was carried out with a mixed method of exploratory sequential designe on all of the staff and police commanders of the Iran and knowledgeable psychologists in this field in 2015. Using cluster-random sampling, 380 samples from traffic polices participated in the final stage of the questionnaire. NEO personality inventory, job motivation questionnaire, organizational commitment scale, job performance questionnaire and job satisfaction scale were used to data collection. The data were analyzed using simple correlation, multivariable stepwise regression, and also factor analysis in AMOS 23 software.Results: Four factor questionnaire of personality characteristics of traffic police was constract in 75 questions and all 4 factors as traits (b=0.91), psychosocial skills (b=0.85), professional skills (b=0.66) and attitudes (b=0.70) with 95% confidence, were subscales of personality characteristics of traffic police (p=0.001). Reliability and validity of the questionnaire were at an acceptable level.Conclusion: Personality characteristics questionnaire of traffic police has a good reliability and validity for pre-employment selection in traffic police.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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