Background and Objective: The association between screening markers in the first trimester of pregnancy and an increased risk of pregnancy complications has been reported. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between serum levels of PAPP-A and free β, hCG in the first trimester with pregnancy complications. Materials and Methods: During a prospective study on 200 pregnant women referred to Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital in Tehran from July 2020 to March 2021, due to anoploid screening in the first trimester at 11-14 weeks, serum levels of PAPP-A and free β,-hCG were measured. After providing the information, written consent was obtained and demographic and pregnancy information and test results were recorded. All subjects were followed up until delivery. Weight at birth and in case of abortion, preterm delivery, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, information was recorded. The relationship between PAPP-A and β, hCG in the first trimester with pregnancy complications was statistically analyzed using Fisher's exact test. Results: 18. 5% (n=37) had gestational diabetes, 9. 5% (n=19) had preeclampsia, 5% (n=10) had preterm labor, and 1. 5% (n=3) had abortion. There was no statistically significant relationship between PAPP-A with gestational diabetes (P=0. 782), preeclampsia (P=0. 059), preterm delivery (P=0. 350) and low birth weight (P=1. 000). Between serum β,-hCG level and gestational diabetes (P=0. 271), preeclampsia (P=0. 365) and preterm delivery (P=1. 000) and low birth weight (P=0. 241), statistically significant relationship does not exist. Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between serum PAPP-A and β, hCG levels with preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm delivery and low birth weight.