Since the inflation has numerous effects on various aspects of economic and social, many economists believe the importance of inflation is higher than other economic indicators. With this approach, in this study the effective factors on main forming groups of Iran’s inflation in the Fourth Development Plan identified and have been examined. For achieve this target, among the twelve main forming groups of consumer price index (CPI), the important forming groups of CPI have been identified using Neural Network Sensitivity Analysis. Then by definition the causes and origins of inflation in Iran using various economic theories and domestic studies, the effects of these factors has been studied on the main commodity groups of CPI. The result of this study showed, among the main groups of commodities, Food and beverage group (Group 1), Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels Group (Group 4) and transport group (Group 7) were more important Compared to the other groups. So that, these groups explained 15.22%, 13.19% and 12.23% of the total change in the CPI during the period under review, respectively. The results of this study indicated the commodities of group 1 have been most affected by changes in liquidity, exchange rates and the GDP gap. Also commodities of group 4 and 7 have been most impressed by the rate of return on rent housing in urban areas and liquidity, inflation expectations and exchange rate, respectively.