Due to the growing need of manufacturing, industrial & ... plants for financing their projects, and the inability of banks to do this, there is an urgent need to design new financial instruments. Taking this into account, we can mention murabaha contract, by which the seller announces to the customer the final price of goods, including purchase price, transportation costs, maintenance costs and other information, and then by adding some amount of profit, they sell them to him. Murabaha contract can be concluded in cash or on credit, and usually the latter is more because of interest rate. Based on this contract, murabaha securities are designed which like any other legal and economic actions have their own nature and rules. Among the issues related to nature of securities are their characteristics as well as their transference.This research has a legal approach, but the basics of jurisprudence and financial management are taken into consideration according to needs. The research method was theoretical - practical with a descriptive - analytical view together with library inquiry.