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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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در میدان سیاست گذاری عمومی 2 دغدغه مستمر و دائمی مشاهده می شود. از یک سو انتظار آن است که تصمیم سازان و تصمیم گیرندگان، اهداف، چشم انداز، آرمان ها و راهبردهای ثابت و مشخصی را در طول زمان معین و همیشه همان ها را پیگیری و بر اجراء و پیاده سازی آنها اصرار و اهتمام داشته باشند. مبنای نظری این گزاره نیز بسیار مقبول و پذیرفتنی بنظر می رسد. چرا که مشخص بودن اهداف و سیاست ها در بازه های زمانی طولانی مدت و پیروی از یک مجموعه اصول و سیاست های مشخص (به تعبیر دیپلمات ها «مواضع اصولی») نشان دهنده ثبات، یکپارچگی، وزانت و اقتدار نظام سیاست گذاری است. ثبات سیاست ها مبین تعیین تکلیف سیستم و جهت گیری های پایدار آن خواهد بود و در این صورت هم رقبا، حریفان و دشمنان و هم شهروندان و بخصوص ذینفعان و گروداران می دانند که با چه ساختار و با چه فرایندهائی مواجه اند، برنامه ها و تدابیر سیاست گذار چیست و وی قصد دارد کشور یا بنگاه یا مسئله (موضوع سیاست گذاری) را به کدام سمت و سوی سوق داده و رهنمون سازد. ثبات در سیاست گذاری حاکی از توانائی به اجماع رسیدن مجموعه نیروها و جریانات موثر بر سیاست گذاری توسط مدیریت سیستم و نظام تقنینی یا نظام تصمیم گیری هم است که خود نکته بسیار مهمی در برآورد قدرت و بخصوص قدرت نرم سیستم تصمیم گیری است. این رویه باعث می شود دوست و دشمن بتوانند بر سیاست های این نظام تکیه کنند (به اصطلاح حساب کنند) چرا که عدم توافق بازیگران کلیدی باعث تغییر مستمر نظام تدابیر و یا تداوم فضای ابهام و یا سکوت خواهد شد. . .

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Sanaeepour Hadi

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The impressive results of entrepreneurship as one of the most important actors in social and economic development have attracted a lot of attention from policymakers. However, entrepreneurship policy as an emerging area is not well-developed and there is significant ambiguity about entrepreneurial policies against other economic policies. Moreover, in most entrepreneurship policies, the main focus is on small and medium enterprises, and the development of entrepreneurship has been neglected. Therefore, it is necessary to create a common conception and a correct insight of entrepreneurship policy for policy makers and researchers. The purpose of this research is to explain the intellectual foundations and the theoretical domain of entrepreneurship policy using qualitative research method and documentary analysis method. As a means to this goal, the written and published literature on entrepreneurship policy has been collected and the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurial policy are explained. Then, after providing an introduction to the importance, goals and nature of entrepreneurship policy, the theoretical sphere of entrepreneurship policy is identified in other similar areas. The results show that entrepreneurial policies are unique in terms of goals, outcomes, focus, priorities, tools, assessment methods and time frame and has a significant difference in comparison to other similar concepts of business policy entrepreneurial policies. Finally, some policy recommendations are presented.

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Political situation is fundamentally about social change in values, behaviors, patterns of economic activity and, crucially, in political institutions. The purpose of this study is to investigate how political stability affect economic growth in Iran over the period of 1984-2014 using Quantile Regression. In order to determine political instability indicator, we employ the principle component analysis (PCA) on a set of 5 political instability indicators, referred to as: Internal Conflict (IC), External Conflict (EC), Military in Politics (MP), Ethnic Tensions (ET) and Religion in Politics (RP). These data are extracted in ICRG database. The results of our analysis indicate a positive relationship between economic growth and political stability.

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Many scholars have highlighted the role of government policies in the formation and evolution of complex product systems (CoPS) industries. On the other hand, Iran has made plenty of effort to acquire knowledge, skills, and technologies of manufacturing gas turbines as a CoPS industry and consequently it has achieved favorable and remarkable outcomes. Gas turbine industry is one of the strategic industries that incorporate technologies and products used in a wide range of industries such as energy, oil and gas, and defense. This paper aims at investigating the effects of variety and dynamism of government policies on the formation and evolution of this industry in Iran, through employing a qualitative approach and case study strategy. The data were collected through interviews with industry and policy experts, documents and observation. Research findings indicate that government have created a proper condition for the formation and evolution of this industry in Iran via acting as leader and coordinator, investor and financer, client and operator and enabler and facilitator and adopting appropriate policies for each role. The innovation of this research is to examine the diversity and dynamism of government policies affecting the formation and development of a strategic industry with complex products and systems in Iran, under certain conditions, including international sanctions.

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The automotive industry has a strong role in the Iranian economy due to its extensive communication with other industries and its high production and employment levels. Therefore, it is important to improve policy-making and strategy in this industry. This research tries to provide strategic options for policy making in the Iranian automotive industry based on a strategic foresight approach. First, data on the theoretical foundations of the research were collected through library research method and five types of integrated strategy options were introduced based on the literature review of the research. The overall research methodology is qualitative. Delphi technique was used to identify future industry perspective in 2021. The Inter-Quartile Range was used as an indicator for the consensus of experts. Then, plotting the "distribution chart" based on the two-axis effect rate and probability of occurrence, nine images were selected as priority images. In the end, the research presents some recommendations for improving policy in the automotive industry of Iran, based on the five kinds of strategic options and images extracted in the foresight process. The method of presenting strategic options based on the strategic foresight approach is the innovation of this research.

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Donald Trump's election as the president of the United States, US withdrawal from JCPOA, majority of Republicans in US Senate, rigorous rhetoric of neoconservatives towards Iran, the developments of the West Asian region and the decline of the ISIS terrorist group have created a very deep advertising platform for the economic diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The purpose of this research is to provide a proper strategy for promoting media diplomacy in the context of sustainable economic development of Iran during Post-JCPOA era. This research was conducted using Delphi method in three stages using a strategic planning pattern. Experts from this field were interviewed to achieve the research objectives. The results of this study showed that competitive approaches are the most appropriate strategies for promoting media diplomacy in the context of sustainable economic development of Iran during Post-JCPOA era. Finally, the developed competitive approaches were prioritized. The most important strategy of this study is "the semantic integration in the packaging of the message of the Iranian media to manage the image of Iran as a peaceful and stable nation in the global context of sustainable economic development, " which is consistent with the soft balance theory.

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The purpose of this study is to identify the mutual impacts of social capital and health in Iranian provinces. In order to study the present subject, the panel data vector autoregression for the period of 1394-1384 has been used. To calculate the social capital index of 11 variables, 5 variables have been used to calculate health capital. There is a positive and significant effect between the social capital and health in Iranian provinces during the studied period. Also, the positive and significant impact of economic growth of the provinces on the formation of social capital and health is one of the other results of model estimation. The experimental results obtained from the estimation of the model and the study of the interaction effects of research variables in the framework of analysis of variance show that in the study period, higher levels of social capital resulted in the health capital improvement in provinces and This improvement has improved the formation of social capital in turn. Therefore, social capital, as one of the main ways of promoting health, should be taken into consideration by health policymakers and other policy-makers in Iranian provinces.

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Metropolitan areas are considered as powerful economic, political, and social centers around the globe that have a plurality of actors, and this has led to disparities which result in many problems in management of these regions. Tehran metropolitan area as the largest metropolitan area of Iran suffers from the same problems. Therefore, the present study uses a descriptive-analytical method for modelling and analyzing the relationship between actors in Tehran metropolitan area at a strategic level using game theory. The results show that the desirability, sustainability and balance that is being discussed in Tehran metropolitan area requires involvement and establishment of senior government institutions and decision makers in the form of structural reforms and revising the laws and regulations of the divisions as the first step in recognizing the concept of metropolitan area.

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Iran's economy in the past three decades has experienced different economic sanctions including oil embargos and other financial, banking and commercial sanctions. The sanctions have had a high impact on various economic indicators in Iran. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of sanctions intensity on poverty in Iranian economy during the period 1985-2013. Another goal of the study is to show that, despite the claims of the sanctions against livelihoods (due to the exclusion of food and medicine sanctions), these sanctions have led to an increase in absolute poverty, and so on the people, and especially the poorer have been affected. For this purpose, by specifying a Markov-switching model, sanctions intensity, along with other macro factors affecting poverty have been investigated. The estimation results of the model have indicated that by increasing economic sanctions intensity, poverty in Iran has been increased. According to the results of the study, the claim that sanctions cannot be imposed on the people cannot be accepted, therefore economic sanctions need to be abolished for human rights reasons.

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The primary concern of the article lies in this question: Why cannot the capital accumulation in Saudi Arabia (despite the advantages of globalization, young workforce, understanding about inefficiency of oil-based economy and planning to economic reform) transfer from an oil-dependent accumulation formation to a post-industrial accumulation? In order to answer this question, the author suggests that changes in the process of capital accumulation in Saudi Arabia depend on changes the government's approach to society, the private sector (restrictions on civil society) and its costly foreign policy. As long as the government's approach will continue, accumulation in Saudi Arabia will depend on oil and will not have the elements of global capital accumulation such as: science and technology, specialty of internal experts, and benefits of service sector.

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Since 1991, the debate on the independence of the Kurdistan region of Iraq has been one of the main crises in this country. In order to achieve this goal, Massoud Barzani, the head of Iraqi Kurdistan Region, held a referendum On 25 September 2017 to determine the independence of the central government in Iraq and pushed this country to the brink of danger of separatism and civil war. In this paper, the authors' efforts are about providing a scientific answer to these questions: What are the impacts of the referendum on the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran? and what are the possible scenarios for the future of Iraqi Kurdistan? The findings of the paper, which are based on the theory of the cyclic version of the Mial Haug crisis, implies that the historical background of this crisis are related to the era of Saddam's Ba'ath and defeat of the Iraqi government by the US-led coalition in 1991. The development of the crisis is the result of many factors including the US invasion of Iraq, the lack of a powerful government in this country, conflicts between Iraqi Arab groups, the emergence of ISIL and the opportunism of the Kurds in post-Saddam developments. In the phase of repression and civil war, one can consider the military challenges and the problems of central government in Kirkuk and economic and geopolitical issues. In the phase of mediation and intermediacy, One can consider the impact of the political and economic sanctions of countries in the region such as Iran, Turkey and Iraq, international oppositions, death of Jalal Talabani and the internal challenges among the Kurds in the Kurdistan region. The methodology of this paper is based on futures studies and the use the written/virtual sources.

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The main purpose of the research is a survey of patients' satisfaction of health system development plan. The statistical population of this area is 7000 patients in Khatam al-Anbia and Ali ibn Abi Talib Hospitals. 313 patients were selected through stratified sampling in 2017. In this study, satisfaction of patients from different dimensions of the effects of Health System Development Plan was investigated using customer satisfaction method (CSM) and the SPSS software. The results show that the level of satisfaction of individuals from Health System Development Plan has been higher for increasing natural delivery than other goals. However, the component “ increase in the duration of doctors’ service in deprived areas” has the lowest satisfaction rate among patients. A review of the overall performance of the Health System Development shows satisfaction above 50% for all aspects, which suggests that the plan has succeeded in achieving its goals.

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