The impressive results of entrepreneurship as one of the most important actors in social and economic development have attracted a lot of attention from policymakers. However, entrepreneurship policy as an emerging area is not well-developed and there is significant ambiguity about entrepreneurial policies against other economic policies. Moreover, in most entrepreneurship policies, the main focus is on small and medium enterprises, and the development of entrepreneurship has been neglected. Therefore, it is necessary to create a common conception and a correct insight of entrepreneurship policy for policy makers and researchers. The purpose of this research is to explain the intellectual foundations and the theoretical domain of entrepreneurship policy using qualitative research method and documentary analysis method. As a means to this goal, the written and published literature on entrepreneurship policy has been collected and the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurial policy are explained. Then, after providing an introduction to the importance, goals and nature of entrepreneurship policy, the theoretical sphere of entrepreneurship policy is identified in other similar areas. The results show that entrepreneurial policies are unique in terms of goals, outcomes, focus, priorities, tools, assessment methods and time frame and has a significant difference in comparison to other similar concepts of business policy entrepreneurial policies. Finally, some policy recommendations are presented.