Optimal placement of solar power plants is an influential factor in increasing its productivity that leads to the accuracy of the solar radiation potential. The use of spatial relationships among data interpolation techniques increases the precision estimating of solar radiation potentials for different regions of the country. The study of variety interpolation methods is vitally tangible because of significant differences in their results. In this study, interpolation methods; such as Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Diffusion Interpolation (DI), Kriging and Cokriging were implemented and their results compared with one-leave-out cross validation. Cokriging, solar radiation map of Solar GIS model- as secondary data- was combined to data from ground- based observations for increasing its accuracy. The results show that optimization the influencing factors in interpolation methods contribute to 8.3% increase of result’s convergence. Eventually, Cokriging with the aid of DEM and temperature of 4.91w/m2 RMSE estimates the optimal surface. The accuracy of solar radiation map from Solar GIS model, which derived from satellite imagery, recovered 4.1% by Cokriging method. According to the Cokriging performance, most parts of the country and particularly the southern part located at lower latitudes, have a high potentially for solar renewable energy use. With a slight difference, Meymand, SadatAbad, Kovar, Sarvestan, Bavi, NokAbad respectively were identified as high potential areas with radiation.