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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this study, we especially pay attention to the importance of relationship between industry and transportation sectors in forming distribution of industrial activities. More investment in the transport sector would be effective in the distributioan of manufacturing activities in industrial sector. For this porpuse, the relationship between industry and transportation sectors based on input- output table of 1385 by using direct and indirect forward and backward linkage coefficients for these two sections was determined to consider the importance of the relationship in distribution of industry activites in different regions form 1379 to 1385 by using two provincial and industrial econometric panel data models. The distribution of industrial activities is evaluated by EG as geographic concentration index. Results of geographic concentration measurement show that the relation between road, water, air transportation subsectors and industry sector (their estimated coefficients in industrial model are 1.607, 2.261 and 2.761, respectively) is as far as geographically concentrated industries in Iran. The results of provincial model express that investment and existance different kinds of transportations can play an important role in attracting various industrial activities in different areas.

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Economic and trade relation between the regions and countries is highly effective in economic growth and welfare of them. The development of trade relationships lead to the optimal use of production capacities in various sectors of the economy especially total factor productivity and GDP. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between export growth and economic growth in the industrial regions. To investigate the relationship between the variables a dynamic panel data (GMM) econometric method was used employing the data over. The data have been collected from annual census reports of over ten employees in manufacturing firms in 28 provinces of Iran from1379 to1390. The model estimation results indicated the presence of a two-way causality between the variables. The results showed that the growth of export goods had a positive affect on economic growth and outspreading manufacturing sector. So, one percent increase in manufacturing export goods lead to an increase in GDP and manufacturing sector about 0.035 and 0.095 percent, respectively. Also, the results revealed that the economic growth and the growth of manufacturing sector had a positive impact on growth of exports goods about 0.03 and 0.39 percent.

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Despite the formation of the largest production and processing of stone in the Isfahan metropolitan region in recent decades (including: Mahmmoudabad, Najafabad, Dolatabad, and Khomeinishahr industrial clusters), less detailed studies have been done about clustering, especially in relation to their role in the regional development of industrial areas. This study attempts to cover this gap by cluster analysis of the stone industrial of Isfahan metropolitan region impact on regional development in term of its intensity and desirability. A Mixed research paradigm (involving the mixed case study in quantitative and qualitative research methods) has been used. In this way, at first, the literature about "industrial clusters" and "the role of industrial clusters on the regional development" were reviewed to determin indexes. The second stage, the questionnaire was provided based on selected measures and multi stage sampling method (stratified random sampling for determiantion of sampling population and systematic sampling methods for sampling frame). Then, 223 persons who work in the selected industrial were selected among 1115 workers base on the clustering sample in order to complete the questionnaire and collect data. The third stage, the obtained data were entered into the SPSS software in which confirmatory factor analysis and linear scaling transformation technique were used for measuring selected clusters in term of its intensity and desirability, respectively. The results show that despite the potential influence of Mahmmoudabad, Najafabad, Dolatabad, and Khomeinishahr stone industrial clusters on the Isfahan metropolitan development in term of its intensity, the selected industrial clusters have not still a very desirable economic, social and physical impacts. Also, clusters have more impact on social regional development, internal relation of firm improvement, preventing management migration and increasing physical capital in comparison with to economic regional development, external relation of firm improvement, preventing staff migration and increasing human capital. Thus, stone industrial clusters in the Isfahan metropolitan region are stil in the embryonic stage of development and they are far from the theoretical industrial clusters which have high-intensity and desirable impact for their regions.

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View 1999

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Tourism industrial, its benefits for a country -especially economic ones- has led communities to raise their great efforts to attract more tourists and create new opportunities in this area by optimal use of time and place for tourism development. So, various potentials of places were considered with respect to time factor. One salient topic in this area is ‘night tourism’. Night tourism has opened new chapter in the way of exploring potentials of regions for tourism development. Regarding the importance of night tourism in economic, social and cultural dimensions, appropriateness of basics, and great potential facilities in Iran -e.g. shrines, great historical and cultural works, ceremonies, and environmental desirability- this research attempted to give a comparative evaluation of five Iranian metropolises including Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz, Mashhad and Yazd for determining the priorities of planning and developing night tourism. Needed data have been collected through library studies and questionnaire. Evaluating situation and potentials of mentioned cities was done by experts in the field of tourism who were completely familiar with various aspects of tourism in different regions of Iran. In this respect, two questionnaires, consisting 17 questions about indicators of potentials of night tourism planning, were designed; the first questionnaire was intended to weight indicators through pairwise comparisons, and the second one to compare cities in respect of each indicator.The mentioned indicators were organized in four groups including ‘attractions and services’, ‘status quo of night city’, ‘environmental desirability’ and ‘night transportation system’. Analysis of data was done by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and RALSPI method. Based on calculated final scores of cities, Isfahan was identified as the first priority for developing night tourism with score of 0.7420. Tabriz was placed at the second position with the score of 0.2072, and Mashhad, Shiraz and Yazd located in subsequent status whose scores are 0.1865, 0.1494 and 0.0496, respectively. So, we can conclude that if there is a will to found and develop night tourism at national level, based on synthesizing tourism experts’ viewpoints, Isfahan is introduced as prior alternative among five studied cities.

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Identifying opportunities and determining the status of civil society, is considered as the first step in the process of regional development and reducing inequality for this society. Assessing the level of regional inequality and knowledge of the rate enjoyment different areas could be an effective step in planning. The dimensions of inequality in different spheres of economic, cultural, social and environmental are searchable. Among the multiple dimensions of inequality, the economic dimension has special importance due to having a close relationship with employment in reducing poverty and inequality. One of the most important economic and social issues is the employment at the present time which plays a key role in rural-urban migration and regional balance. The purpose of this study is to measure regional disparities of Townships of Aedebil province economically.The research method is descriptive- analytic. Two components of the structure of employment and economic potential are selected among 26 indicators to measure regional disparities in terms of economic indicators. The population consisted of 10 city of Ardabil province is based on 1390 statistics. In this study, Shannon entropy model and TOPSIS model were used to analyze the collected data. The results of the research show that the city of Ardabil located in the first rank with rate Topsis 0.814 and Sareyn, Namin and germi Townships located in the last rank with rate topsis 0.252, 0.240, and 0.216, respectively. Based on the rate TOPSIS the difference between Ardabil with germi is 0.589 that this is a sign of regional inequality among the cities of Ardabil Province.

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One of important and successable new energy is wind energy that many developed and developing countries use wind energy to supply power. The aim of this reasearch is to evaluate wind energy potantial in North-West of Iran with fuzzy allgorithme. The data of this applied- analytical research were collected from Country Meteorological Organization form 2000 to 2008. Then, the collected wind speed frequency were based on the standard 4 meters per second and more that were classified in Matlab software. FCM algorithm was used extensively in the regional frequency analysis. Also, WINROSE software was used to determine the prevailing wind and wind direction. The results indicated that Ardabil station (first cluster) among all stations in the study has the highest frequency of wind occurrence whit speed of 8 knot and more. The frequency of this cluster is 5183 in studied statistical period. Urmia and Parsabad stations (cluster 5) have the lowest frequency of wind occurrence with speed of 8 knot that the average of this cluster is 577 times in studied statistical period. This reasearch found that First, second and third clusters for use of wind energy were very suitable and the fourth and fifth clusters were unsuitable to use of wind energy.

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Factors affecting the development of advanced societies show that all of these countries hve professional and capable educational institutions, in addition to appropriate infrastructure and high tourism and geographical potential.In this regard, this study examines the impact of empowerment of human resources in the development of tourism in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province. This research is descriptive-analysis researches in term of its nature and in term of objective is functional. The population of this study is 130 experts of cultural heritage handicrafts and Tourism organism of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province which 97 of them were randomly selected as the sample studied based on Morgan samples. The data collection tool in this study is a questionnaire which is based on four general questions and 28 specific questions that its validity and reliability is determined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. To achieve the research objectives, the statistical methods such as correlation, regression and path analysis were used. Based on the calculated correlation coefficients, there is a significant relationship among the four components of job expertise, knowledge and career information, job motivation and attitude and tourism development at %634, %721, %632, %704 levels in Fars province, respectively. The results showed that empowerment of human resources variable, by a factor of 764.0, has a direct and positive impact on the development of tourism industry.

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In this research, urban waste rules and regulations adopted by Iran have been studied in order to determine to what extent these regulations help the proper management of the urban waste. Also, considering to what extent different organizations related to this subject can be useful in the optimal management of waste in the country. This analytical-descriptive research was used library resource information an survey data in order to perform the analysis. The survey tool was a questionnaire that was distributed based on snowball method among International experts in waste management organizations Tehran municipality, environmental protection and studies and urban planning center of Tehran. The reliability of Likert-questionnaire was 0.735 based on Cronbach’s alpha. The results showed the best performance is related to local organizations (the average rating=5.27) and the weakest performance is related to IRIB (the average ratings=2.85). Environmental Protection Agency, as one of the main custodians of municipal solid waste management (with an average ranking 3.65), has weak results among relevant organizations. Finally, one sample T-test proper was evaluated for waste management. So, article 7 of the Law on Waste Management is identified as the most the most suitable criteria for optimal management of waste.

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The purpose of this study is to locate heavy industry with respect to environmental, physical and underlying factors of Bandar Mahshahr and Bandar Emam Khomeini by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in a GIS environment. In this regard, the specific characteristics of the studied area were conducted to determine. Each of these steps involves determining factors according to the specific conditions of the region, collecting and preparing data, and invoice maps to locate the proper position ultimately. This analytical research was used two types of maps and map plots restriction maps to identify the role of different factors in determining an appropriate location for the establishment of heavy industries. With regard to the importance of integrating information, Model Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was selected and implemented by utilizing EC2000 software and the GIS software was used for modeling and spatial analysis and integration of information to divide the studied area into four parts, poor, average, good and excellent area in terms of the ability to deploy heavy industry. The results show that the suitable land for industrial deployment is 85/34642 acres of studied area that these areas are mainly located in central, western, eastern and southern of Khuzestan province. The main causes of the desirability of these arid areas in relation to the establishment of industries refer to far away from risky areas, the perfectly slope fit and having convenient access to communication networks.

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Spatial structure of a region, as a system, is the result of an ongoing process of space organization. In this way, the role of internal (climate, topography, land fertility etc.) and external factors (political and administrative factors, access etc.) were studied in the formation and development of the spatial organization of Babol County from 1986 to 2011. So, primary indicators including city and centrality were studied to assess the relationship and differences between urban centers and its seven districts. The findings indicate that the political-official factors have the most prominent role particularly within the past decade. During the last four decades, spatial organization of Babol County has been restructuring from center-periphery to the city area network (11 towns), but most of the activities and services of Babol County (more than 80%) were located in Babol City that represents primary city rule in this county.

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Social sustainability is one of the most important pillars of sustainable development that achieving an acceptable level of it, is considered of the most important goal of all rural development planners and policy makers. The aim of this applied descriptive-analytic study is to check the status of social stability and its indexes and also spatial representation of social stability in rural settlements in Avramanat region, which is located in Kermanshah province. The population under this study is included the all heads of rural households living in 21 villages and 431 district in Avramanat region. Due to the financial constraints and time, researchers have not been able to consider the opinion of all households and by using statistical formulas, the statistical sample was estimated 395 persons. The main research tools to collect the required data were questionnaire and interview. The validity and reliability of questionnaire were confirmed with scientific principles. The results show that the majority of social sustainability indicators in the study area is in an acceptable condition.The overall social stability in rural settlements in Avramanat region is higher than the mean of 3.176. Also the results showed that there is a difference among the villages of in Avramanat region in terms of social sustainability. Spatial Distribution of social stability in Avramanat region shows that social stability in the eastern half of the region is better in comparison with its western half. Factor of the Proximity to the border has been effective in poor rural social stability in adjacent to the border in in Avramanat region.

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The rural society of Iran as an in transition society has been involved in a lot of changes and transformation as seeing the change values of youth, family transformations and the generational gap in rural communities. Intensity and variation range in different aspects of lifestyle in rural communities to the extent that entering new media lead to move the community from the rural lifestyle to the urban lifestyle. Considering the importance of the issue, the current descriptive study has been conducted to investigate the role of media in developments of rural life style in Zanjan Township by a survey method. The population of this study consisted of all rural residents in Zanjan Township that 250 respondents were selected through utilizing multi-stage cluster sampling. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. The face and content validity of questionnaires was confirmed by a panel of expert (Including; faculty members of Extension, Communication and Rural Development Department in University of Zanjan). The construct validity and reliability of questionnaire were evaluated through confirmatory factor analyses (measurement model). Composite reliability coefficients ranging from 0.906 to 0.929 indicated good internal consistency of the measurement tool. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 20 and AMOS 20 softwares. Descriptive findings regarding life style components showed that 44.4 percent of respondents assessed their social health at the high level. Also, results showed that 70 percent of respondents had high level spiritual health. According to the results, the average watching TV among the respondents were about 4 hours and 20 minutes a day. Inferential findings showed a significant negative relationship between media environment and lifestyle. Furthermore, the results confirmed the moderating effects of age groups variable on the relationship between the study variables. So that media environment had a significant negative impact on the lifestyle for respondents with age lower than the average age group, while this effect for respondents in age higher than the average age group is non-significant.

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Nowadays, the attitudes toward the sustainable development as a framework to analyze rural settlements have underline value and credit; which have the various dimensions such as economic, social, and environmental ones in which the social sustainability has been one of the principal foundations and ultimate purpose of sustainable development. This mentioned dimension relates to quality of life; furthermore, this social sustainability accompanied with the concepts such as intercommunity, coherence, social justice, life quality, and hope for the future. So according to importance of this issue, present study has been aimed to analyze and evaluate of indicators of social sustainability in rural areas located in northern area of Eslam Abad-e – Gharb. This research stands on the applicable purpose and the descriptive-analytical method. Data used in this research have been collected via library (Note-taking) and questionnaire. The study area includes 23 villages in rural district of northern suburb of Eslamabad-e Gharb County by having 1387 families. The sample valume is estimated around 309 people calculated by Cochran formula. Analysis of the data from the questionnaires was conducted by using electronic decision-making techniques, and it shows that the indicator of social sustainability in studied villages of this research does not have the appropriate distribution. As result, the stability in 3 villages has relatively stable, and in 16 villages has average stability and in 4 villages has relatively instable. Among 10 specific indicator, the indicator of intercommunity has the most effect and the indicator of service satisfaction has the least effect on the social sustainability in the mentioned area.

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In the past, rural residential context was shaped largely as a result of continuous interaction or conflict among rural humans, environment and surroundings such as the use of local building materials appropriate to the climate and water resources compliance (rivers, streams and canals) and residential and commercial functions with a normal and endogenous developmental process. But in recent decades, rural housing model is quickly and rapidly changed because of urbanization and development of tourism activities under the influence of external factors. Tourist villages of Rezvanshar are not excepted from this, so that many changes have been occurred in rural housing. The aim of this present paper is to explain the change of housing pattern due to the interaction between tourists and villagers in the Rezvanshahr for answering this question that whether the new architectural model in the sample is in accordance with the requirements and satisfaction of rural communities? this descriptive-survey study was based on observation, interviews and completing questionnaires that 358 questionnaires were completed by households in the sample villages, 8 questionnaires were completed by state officials and all local administrators. Data were analyzed by t-test. The results of the data indicate that indigenous and traditional architecture is being destroyed and replaced by modern urban architecture. These results indicate that in the method of construction of new housing, strengthens and health components has positive impact on people satisfaction, but culturally, economically and functionally incompatible with the conditions of rural life.

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Nominating 2017 as "International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development" by the United Nations General Assembly shows the significance of paying more attention to the rich heritage of various civilizations and intrinsic values of different cultures. So, the role of tourism in observing the values of different cultures is evident. On the other hand, urban structures are the outcome of different civilizations and nations’ thoughts and ideologies. The structure of Iranian cities is characterized by features that make identity in their physical architecture. Although in the modern age materialistic, quantitative indicators are used to distinguish cities and other types of residential complexes. It should not be disregarded that during the history spiritual, cultural, qualitative factors have played a significant role in defining cities. In the urban structure, semiotics is used frequently to analyze the urban identity. The meaningful use of signs and symbols focuses out attention on semiotics.The main objective of this paper is to explain the concept of sustainable tourism in Iran as a strategy for sustainable development. Therefore, this study is a qualitative research in terms of data and used variables. In addition, a descriptive-analytical method was used to investigate the relationship between the research variables. The data were collected through documents and field studies. The independent variable was sustainable tourism and environmental perception was used as the dependent variable. Furthermore, urban semiotics and urban physical identity were considered as a tool for sustainable tourism development. Then the literature in the field was reviewed to develop a model based on sustainable tourism using the proposed tool (semiotics). The results of the study suggested that sustainable tourism development can be realized by reproducing components of physical identity of cities and using urban semiotics.

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The most important function of green spaces and parks is to cope with the negative effects of industrial development and incorrect application of technology in order to increase the quality of life cities. Green spaces and its effect in the cities is inevitable, so it is not possible to remain sustainable cities without considering green spaces. Hence, a targeted program is required for developing these spaces in the today towns. For this purpose, advanced tools and techniques have been devised for more efficient analysis. One of these tools is decision and planning support systems. The purpose of this study is to develop a strategic plan for locating the neighborhood's parks. Optimal site selection pattern of neighborhood parks in region 2 Zahedan was done by using the SWOT technique, AHP and geographical information systems (GIS). This descriptive- analytical research was provided to classify and analyze data used by models such as SWOT, FUZZY AHP and overlay index (IO). GIS program has been used to creat the database, analyze data and generate maps and weighting of criteria was conducted in the Expert Choice software. The results of prioritize measures show that proximity to residential centers, as sub-index of physical index with relative weight 0.368, and population density, as sub-index of social with relative weight 0.123, have highest priority in site selection neighborhood’s parks. Also, results include strategies and policies of neighborhood parks development in Zahedan and the final map of optimum locations for construction of new neighborhood's parks in region 2 Zahedan.

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Nowadays inefficient and problematic urban tissues are manifested as one of problems of the cities, hence the situation of these tissues should be arranged to achieve efficient and coherent city. In this regard, the present study seeks to recreate sustainable central part of Ahvaz city based on the principles of modernism and smart growth. The needed data of this analytical-descriptive study were collected by two methods of documented-library type (referring to performed plans and researches related to this study topic) and field-survey type (distributing questionnaire, doing interview, observation, etc). Expert Choice as applied software and hierarchical analysis of AHP and SWOT as analysis method were used. Results show that enhancing public green space, organizing, access, housing diversity, architecture diversity and aesthetic are the most important urbanism indices. Furthermore, the results of the hierarchical AHP model showed that three indices of identity, physical quality, organizing access are more important than two other indices from the experts’ viewpoint.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, the concept of quality of urban life is considered important in the shadow schools, welfare and social justice. In Iran, Various efforts have been made to raise the quality of urban life.The present study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the quality of life and social justice by mediating role of social justice in Ferdosiyeh neighborhoods’ city. For this purpose, a conceptual framework of quality of life due to the quality of life and social justice were presented. In this research library and field data collection methods were used. The aim of this strategic study is to test hypotheses. Data were collected by using a questionnaire. The study population included all citizens of Ferdosiyeh neighborhoods’ city that 379 samples were selected by using stratified random sampling method to complete questionnaire. Finally, the data were tested and analyzed by using software Spss23 and Amos 2.0 structural equation model. The results showed that all the involved variables have been affected justice and quality of life. Among the three external variables (partnership, trust and performance) variable with the coefficient of 04.1 has a significantly negative impact on justice participation and with the coefficient of 73 / -0 percent has a significant negative impact on quality of life. As well as the citizens trust variable with the coefficient of 52.0 has the greatest impact on the equity. Also, performance variable with the coefficient of 1.16 has the greatest impact on quality of life of citizens in Ferdowsieh the city. Finally, justice as well as the role of endogenous variables with a coefficient of -0.23 has significant negative correlation with quality of life in the Ferdowsieh city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Over recent decades, the topic of spatial justice is important n terms of determining the extent of urban poverty and informal settlements among geographers and urban planners. Injustice in the distribution of funds and facilities can have irreversible effects on the structure and nature of cities that leaded to imbalance of urban spatial, growth of urban poverty and informal settlements formation. One of the problems of urbanization and urbanism is ignoring the effects of spatial justice in countries.Poor urban areas have factors in terms of socio - economic and physical features that make these areas inactivite and isolate in compare with other urban areas with their informal settlements. This article discuss urban poverty and informal settlements of Nsim Shahr from the perspective of spatial justice. This descriptive-analytical study was used hierarchical analysis of AHP method and GIS program has been used to analyze the distribution and dispersion of poverty from the perspective of spatial justice. The collected data were obtained via the library and field studies, questionnaires and interviews. The results show that Hesarak paeen, Vajih abad, south of Ahmadabad and Kolmeh in terms of various indicators of social, economic and spatial are vulnerable areas of the Nasim shar because of informal settlements and the high growth rate of urban poverty. Ismael Abad discit and downtown core are placed in a better situation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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