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Bioethics Journal

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Most human rights instruments, especially the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights contains several provisions which are concerned exclusively with the issue of consent. The statement and the report Venice International Bioethics Committee on the "consent" Dramatically legal concept of "consent" to a broader and more detailed concepts such as respect for the dignity and integrity and autonomy, connects.Although the report on "consent" has a wide range that only parts of it have been considered in this article But the concept of consent in human rights instruments And the relationship between the principle of consent and the principle of self-determination, human dignity as a whole, have been reviewed in this article.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Bioethics as a new branch of normative ethics and applied to the basic strategies in the face of questions and answers explaining the challenges posed by the emergence of new technologies, biomedical deals. Implementation issues such as human cloning, stem cells, shimmer and demonization organisms, genetic manipulation and gene-related technologies and biomedical experiments on human subjects, is subject to bioethics studies. In the meantime, Human Dignity as the source of all human rights has an important place in the field of bioethics and biomedical technology to permit or prohibit any behavior or action in this area.Materials and Methods: In this article with the use of previous studies about Human Dignity and the search keywords in the origin sources, tried to analyze and assesse the place of human dignity in the context of the implementation of Bioethics.Ethical Consideration: Principles of research ethics were observed in searches and cite texts and primary sources.Finding: In this brief article the different approaches of human dignity in connection with bioethics have been studied and evaluated: assessment of religiosity readings that reflects the characteristics and traits of inherent dignity of the human being and attributes of Allah the way He sees; exposition of philosophical interpretations ranging from the tradition of Kantian deontological, utilitarian approach and the approach of a naturalist's among the subjects, that in this study descriptive, analytical, and criticized the accuracy and purpose of issue of why the prohibition and criminalization in the areas of bioethical issues.Conclution: In the final classification and the integration of various approaches, the importance of human dignity as the source of all human rights has been asserted and any restriction on the scope of bioethics must be in the light of observation and respection to the dignity of the human identity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Felicity is among key items in the field of philosophy of ethics, center of attention for divine knowledge; meanwhile, due to difference ideologies and viewpoint toward universe, there is no single agreement in relation to semantic definition of felicity; thus, the present articles examines the relationship between felicity with suitable sovereignty theory.Materials and Methods: The present research from viewpoint of its methodology is descriptive-analytical and library study associated with relationship of felicity with suitable sovereignty. The present study benefits from key words including: "felicity", "philosophy of ethics", "suitable sovereignty" in Magiran database, SID and Google Scholar and examining the related articles and texts.Ethical Consideration: Sincerity and trustworthiness is observed for analyzing and referencing texts and there is sincerity for offering report and texts.Finding: Although felicity is a value based concept, from relative aspects it has specific dimension and may have distinguished approaches. Meanwhile, there is problem for theories of philosophers and scholars for referring to cognitive concept of felicity. In fact, felicity according to its ethical concept has physical and spiritual aspect and refers to satisfaction and pleasure within actualization of skills and talents.Conclution: Felicity is regarded as item for suitable sovereignty or influential variable when it is revealed within an ideological system and goes beyond material and sensible objects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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Evolutionary ethics in the normative field concerns the impact of evolutionary biology on the content of normative facts and the obligations based on these facts. The aim of current research is to consider the impact of evolutionary biology in the realm of normative ethics and is an attempt to answer this question: can biological factors influence the realm of moral obligations? The present research, at first reviews, with an descriptive - analytic approach, the anthropological theory of evolution which is based on the theory of evolution and its various applications in the field of ethics, and after that offers a detailed description of evolutionary normative ethics, followed by evaluating and critiquing it.The results of the research show that evolutionary ethics can be categorized, like any other research, into subcategories, here as three branches of the descriptive, normative and meta-analyzed moral (which is often neglected in the study of evolutionary ethics), and assuming the correctness of the theory of evolution without the denial of its impact which is limited in the field of normative ethics, it is proved that a moral obligation has the necessity in relation to something else. Analogically, and because the need is real, the moral obligation has an objective reality. The source of these obligations does not lie in evolutionary factors, but in human reason and human perceptions in that there lie the mandate of human will and human power of choice.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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This study clarifies the role of professional ethics in organizational excellence mediation teacher' s enthusiasm. The research is descriptive and correlational study based on structural equation modeling. The study population consisted of all teachers in the city of Ardabil (a total of 5750 persons) and 360 samples using the sample size Gorges and Morgan were selected using stratified random sampling method. To collect the required data from three standard questionnaires Ethics (1393), Organizational Excellence (1385) and Work Engagement (1392) is used. In order to analyze the data collected, Lisrel and SPSS statistical software was used.3 hypotheses were evaluated in accordance with structural equation modeling and significant relationships between variables and structures are confirmed and changing relationships of a significant amount of error is five percent more 1/96. The findings of this analysis show the model structure Professional ethics with high path coefficient with other variables, can be a powerful factor in the organization is to raise them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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The aim of this paper is to study of influence Islamic work ethic (IWE) and organizational commitment (OC) with mediator role organizational justice (OJ) among staff at the Yasuj University of medical sciences. The total sample of this study was among total 250 staff at the (Yasuj) University of Medical Sciences. Two hundred fifty questionnaires were distributed that only 157 questionnaires were returned. We employed three mixed questionnaires with survey way. We used of random sampling method and Cochran test for determination of sample size.The recent research from objective aspect is applicative and in class correlation descriptive researches. In this research we used of rational method that often used by researchers that use the properties a science research.Path analysis influences indicate that (IWE) has two variables (interpersonal relationship and attitude work ethic) that indirectly and positively influence on organizational commitment also two variables (IWE) directly and positively affective on three variables of organizational justice (procedural justice-interpersonal justice-distributional justice) and the end of experiment the all of hypothesizes have been validated.This study is the first in the published literature to used mediator role organizational justice among organizations with notice to emphasis instructions Islam to justice.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Thrill of joy, good human beings that sometimes praise and blame associated with moral and ethical challenge faced is always going to extremes. To solve this challenge, it should be clear criteria, to adapt the applications to be determined. The aim of this study was to explain the ethics of happiness from the perspective of verses and Hadiths Imams (Slamallh Bayt) is.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study done by relying on Islamic sources.Finding: In the Holy Quran and traditions mechanisms for happiness and its moral principles and mechanisms are provided.Conclusion: Ethical principles include the modification motivation joy, remembrance of Allah, piety, trust, hope, transcendence, sugar and Khrtgrayy. ShnhY with adherence to their belief and practice, will be happy with moral values. Islamic ethical teachings not only prevent but also seeks the happiness of the reform HmhY believers and their belief in a monotheistic attitude towards happiness and God can make. The principles outlined moral guarantor of happiness that is both religious and worldly happiness and happy world for them to follow.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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The article is result of a survey in Babol aimed to clarifying an ethical problem of physician working in the field of refractory disease, especially cancer. The researchers inquired that people how much are ready to be informed directly about their disease and survival, and which attributes containing age, gender, marital status, education status, and number of children are correlate to it so that physician can describe about illness to them. This survey has done on 381 people in five geographical areas in Babol. Research tool was a researcher made questionnaire, which was based on psychological projection. Questionnaire validity calculated by splitting 0.78 and by Cronbach’s alpha 0.79 after a pilot study and removing some items. Also in order to improving the reliability some items has corrected at the same time. Finally, findings showed there is a significant deference between people who prefer to know truth and somebody do not prefer. The agreement to awareness showed correlation with some factors such as age and number of children, but there is no correlation with educational status and gender.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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