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The basis of Imam Ali (AS)'s ideas is merely on the model of sobriety. The dual reality of sobriety, namely sobriety as a "method" and sobriety as an "insight" will be formulated with the balancing and symmetrical nature sometimes in the middle and sometimes on the side. Through using Tashkik theory, the dual understanding of sobriety in relation to the calibration of phenomena and the clarifying the meaning of sobriety as well as its conceptualization for the useful and effective usage in society and politics will be provided. The present paper argues that sobriety is a legitimate framework in Imam Ali's (AS) thought that is targeted on avoiding extremism and on the path of Tawhid. The three elements of rationality, religion, and morality will form sobriety as insight. Considering these three elements in a continuous and gradual manner, sobriety will be regulated as an insight. These three elements are the three ontological, the integral and indivisible components of sobriety in Imam Ali's thoughts

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Among the goals of Islamic education are paying attentions to practical mysticism, preparing the necessary elements for mystical journey and expanding its teachings. Since the mystical teachings of Nahj al-Balagha have had a significant impact on later Muslim scholars, such as Imam Khomeini, it is important to consider how and to what extent Imam Khomeini was influenced by the word of Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (AS) in Nahj al-Balagha, including the notion of Yaghze, which is one of the earliest stages of practical mysticism. Given the profound impact of Islamic education on the country's cultural promotion, it is necessary to explain the policies outlined by Imam Ali and the founder of the Islamic Revolution in this regard. The present article through descriptiveanalytical study, after explaining the concept of Yaghze (awakening) with an intertextual approach as one of the new approaches to reading and analyzing text, examines the relevance and effectiveness of Imam Khomeini's views and theories in the light of common elements of Imam Ali's words in Nahj al-Balagha. In this regard, the question is to what extent has Imam Khomeini been influenced by the words of Imam Ali (AS) in Nahj al-Balagha on the subject of Yaghze (awakening)? The research hypothesis is that the concept of Yaghze has been used with limited repetition in Imam Khomeini's works, but in most of its applications, Imam Khomeini has been directly influenced by Nahj al-Balagha.

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Rafat mohsen

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Nahj al-Balagha's description by Ibn Abi'l-Hadid and Maitham al-Bahrani are prominent descriptions of Nahj al-Balagha. The authors of these descriptions, in an overview with a common theological and literary approach, have described the words of Imam Ali (AS). For instance the unique sermons of Nahj al-Balagha in the recognition of past historical events regarding Imam is the sermon of Shaqshaqiya, of course, Ibn Abi'l-Hadid and Maitham al-Bahrani have elaborated it. Maitham al-Bahrani considers Shaqshaqiya sermon more spiritual and not literal; although Ibn Abi'l-Hadid does not explicitly state that the Imam's words have been stated in Tawator (sequencing), but in some other statements, the sequencing of Imam Ali's (AS) words regarding his complain about cruelty toward him, has been proved to Ibn Abi'l-Hadid. Maitham al-Bahrani, through realistic approach, and Ibn Abi'l-Hadid with his dismissal theological approach, and of course biased approach, provided a detailed and historical description of the Imam's utterances, and in various instances described the utterances through false justifications and misinformation which is in need of further investigation. This paper compares Ibn Abi'l-Hadid and Maitham al-Bahrani's approaches to the Shaqshaqiya sermon with a descriptive-analytical review

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Esmaili Hossein

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This study examines the Tawhid from the perspective of Imam Ali (PBUH) in Nahj al-Balagha, which compares the views of Imam Ali (PBUH) and what Wahhabism has been stated as Tawhid, so that the difference between these two views can be clarified as Imam Ali (PBUH) has deprived the divine nature of God from any idolatry in essence and has described Him free of body and composition in solitude, but Wahhabism has given a sense of unity that, the divine nature of God as a physical being, comes to earth and sits on the seat next to the Prophet (peace be upon him). Therefore in Wahhabism God is the same as human being. This research, in a descriptive-analytical way, examines the differences between these two points of view, and highlights the importance of the approaches Imam Ali (PBUH) over Wahhabi perspective

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Approving the succession of the beloved Prophet of Islam in the form of logical reasoning is remarkable in the statements of Imam Ali (pbuh) particularly in his sermons and letters in Nahj al-Balagha. In this matter, Imam Ali (pbuh) did not merely claim for the succession, but supplemented his claim with sufficient documentation and strong and rational arguments. This article attempts to examine the sermons and letters in which the Imam Ali (pbuh) addressed the issue of caliphate and asserted his competence in front of the opposition, and present them in a rational and accepted format. The results showed that his argument for proving his succession after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), in addition to solidifying the foundations of the proofs, also has correct rational structure and form, so that there is no doubt. The abilities, competence, kinship, and recommendations of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are the basis of his arguments. In dealing with the opposition, the Imam Ali (pbuh) also uses controversial analogy. However, at some point in time, the interests of the Islamic community required the Imam Ali (pbuh) to choose the path of silence in order to avoid division

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One of the most important aspects of the literary-rhetorical features of the Nahj al-Balagha is its specific vocabularies, combinations, and expressions. This can be studied at two levels of appropriateness and the creation of specific words and expressions in the Imam's words. The appropriateness in Nahj al-Balagha is devoted to the appropriateness of vocabulary, words and selecting specific expressions and phrases that the Imam (AS) have chosen from among the vocabularies that had the same meaning. Therefore he has selected a word in the best and most appropriate manner from the based on their meaning that only is possible through precise studies. Creating new expressions and vocabularies in Nahj al-Balagha, is the extraction of those specific vocabularies and expressions in Nahj al-Balagha that the Imam (AS) has used them for the first time. Another form of vocabularies creation and expressions in Nahj al-Balagha is the process of selecting a certain vocabulary in Arabic and using it in a new meaning that is related to its original meaning which is one of the masterworks of Nahj al-Balagha. The vocabularies and phrases that Imam (AS) used them for the first time have become common after their usage by him. This is another example of the creation of the vocabularies and expressions in Nahj al-Balagha, which presents Imam Ali (AS) as a literary authority.

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It's been a long time that Islamic scholars consider the unity and solidarity of the Islamic nations as one of the most urgent needs of the Islamic Ummah and have always provided solutions to this end. Undoubtedly, the identification and analysis of the components and factors of creating unity among Muslim community from the point of view of Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (AS) will have a great importance. Therefore the present article aims by the use of the speech of Imam Ali attempts to investigate the theoretical and doctrinal foundations of establishing the Islamic Ummah. Through focusing on the Imam Ali (AS) guidelines, one can point to these fundamental and influential axes: Tawhid, Islam, Quran, the tradition of prophetic, the imamate and fair and wise leader. So when the people of the society come into the unity and accept the principles, society will be close to the intended purpose and away from conflict

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The purpose of this research is to look at the Alavi teachings and explain them through descriptive-analytical method. It also aims to answer this question that in the approach taken from the word of the Imam Ali (peace be upon him), what mechanism is there for the accountability of senior executives and managers in society, and what are the origins of the expectation of accountability in social interactions? The article begins with a discussion of the concept of oversight and accountability, and then discusses the goals of accountability in the public sector and its different types. Accountability goals can include effective tools for monitoring power, ensuring the proper use of national resources, and tools for enhancing public service management. At the same time, studies show that accountability based on the word of the Imam Ali (peace be upon him) includes accountability toward responsibility, accountability to the people, accountability to the public (property) and accountability to the performance

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