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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objective: Primary dysmenorrhea is one of the most common complaints among women in reproductive age in that about half of young women suffer from dysmenorrhea. Nowadays, many people have a tendency to use a traditional medicine for dysmenorrhea. Hence, we aimed to compare the analgesic effect of Agnogol and Mefenamic acid in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.Material and Methods: This clinical trial was conducted on 44 women with primary dysmenorrhea referred to Hajar hospital in Shahrekord. The participants were randomly allocated to two groups of Agnogol (n=23) to use one 3.2 mg Agnogol pill for three times a day and Mefenamic Acid (n=21) to use 250 mg Mefenamic acid every 8 hours a day for three days. The pain severity was detected by Visual Analogue Scale. We used Independent and Paired t test for comparing the means of quantitative variables and Chi Square for qualitative variables (P<0.05).Results: Considering age, menstrual duration, menstrual interval, and pain severity score, there was no significant difference in two groups at the beginning of the study (P>0.05). After intervention, a significant reduction was found in the mean of pain score over time in both Agnogol (P<0.001) and Mefenamic acid (P<0.001) groups, but the difference between two groups was not significant (P>0.05).Conclusion: Given the same effect of Agnogol in mitigating dysmenorrhea, we recommend it as an appropriate alternative for Mefenamic acid.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Direct observation of medical learner working on real patients is of paramount importance to assess practical competency. The direct observation clinical skills (DOPS) needs to be performed by direct observation of the learner and simultaneous evaluation by a questionnaire. This study aimed to assess the effect of clinical skills evaluation applied by DOPS on the clinical performance nursing students.Material and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 35 nursing students allocated randomly to case and control groups, 2013. The data was collected by a research-made questionnaire and analyzed by Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney, Spearman Coefficient (r=0.05) and Kappa Coefficient (K=0.6), using SPSS software.Results: The participants of case group were evaluated three times by DOPS and the ones in control were assessed once by routine method. The DOPS average point of case group stage 2 and 3 was significantly higher than that of controls (0.0001). But in control group, no change in mean point and no promotion in clinical performance were observed.Conclusion: The accurate implementation of DOPS can be a useful approach to connect knowledge to development of professional and skillful behavior. Thus, we recommend that the faculty members of nursing schools to focus on this way of evaluation and other modern approaches to develop continuing education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of OSA in myocardial infarction patients in the CCU of Karaj Hospitals, 2009. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted, via convenience sampling, on 140 acute myocardial infarction patients in two cardiac care units of Shariati and Rajaei hospital in Karaj, 2009. We assessed demographic data, history of cardiovascular risk factors, STOP-Bang questionnaire through interview, information related to the type of myocardial infarction and laboratory parameters from medical records, and also we measured anthropometric indices with balance scale and meter tap.Results: Mean score of STOP-BANG questionnaire was 4.9±1.2 in the range of 2 to 8 points and in 64% of the participants was higher than 4 points. The Score of STOP-BANG questionnaire was statistically significant considering age, smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, extensive infarction, BMI, waist-to-height ratio, Waist to Hip Ratio, Waist Circumference, neck circumference, cholesterol and left ventricular ejection fraction (P=0.001), sex (P=0.044), Diabetes(P=0.019), inferior infarction (P=0.006), anterior wall (P=0.048) and triglyceride levels (P=0.031).Conclusion: OSA is common among patients with myocardial infarction and is associated with anthropometric indices, cardiovascular risk factors, the location of infarction and left ventricular ejection fraction. Thus, Screening, evaluating the symptoms of OSA and referring for counseling and treatment is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1619

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Background and Objective: One of the environmental factors bringing about chronic stress is something that is related to occupation. Because mental health improvement of a society particularly in a productive group is a necessity for dynamics and progression of a community, we aimed to examine the relationship between occupational stress and mental health in medical emergency’s Male staff of Golestan province, 2012-2013. Material and Methods: This correlational study was conducted, via census method, 206 pre-hospital personnel working in 44 emergency stations. The instruments were demographic checklist, Occupational stress questionnaire for nurses and Goldberg general health questionnaire. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, ANOVA, T-test, and Tukey Test, using SPSS 16 software.Results: One hundred and seventeen (75.5%) of emergency staff had a medium to high level of occupational stress and 145 of them (75.1%) a medium to low level of mental health. A significant inverse relationship was seen between the overall level of occupational stress and mental health. Occupational stress was significantly associated with the variables such as age and type of employment, and mental health with type of employment.Conclusion: Occupational stress can adversely affect clinical practice and mental health in pre-hospital personnel. Hence, the use of some strategies to reduce stress can improve the mental health in that it leads to increase the quality of nursing care.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Preterm delivery is a critical factor in neonatal morbidity & mortality. The present study was performed to determine the relationship between the serum level of zinc & iron and preterm delivery.Material and Methods: This cohort study was conducted, via multi-stage sampling, on 1033 pregnant women referred to the prenatal centers in Tehran, Iran. The instrument was demographic- productivity questionnaire completed within the14th-20th weeks of gestation. Serum level of zinc & iron was measured by spectrophotometric atomic absorption method and Ferene test, respectively. To analyze the data, we used test, c2 and logistic regression using SPSS16 software.Results: The incidence of preterm delivery was 10.5%. This rate increased to 12.5% and 18.2% in lack of iron and zinc, respectively. There was no significant link between lack of zinc level and preterm delivery (P>0.05), But the relationship between lack of iron and preterm delivery was significant (P<0.05). Based on logistic regression, there was higher risk of preterm delivery if iron serum level was low.Conclusion: Given the high impact of lack of iron on preterm delivery, we recommend that the factors effective on intake & absorption of iron be emphasized in reproductive education courses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 970

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Background and Objective: Burnout has negative effects on nurses’ health, and also onpatients’ satisfaction and safety. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between Burnout and nurses’ job characteristics in teaching and therapeutic hospitals affiliated to Golestan university of medical sciences.Material and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 206 nurses who engaged in the teaching and therapeutic centers of Golestan university of medical sciences were selected via random sampling. The data was collected by demographic data sheet and Copenhagen burnout questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistical, logistic Regression.Results: The mean age was 34.66±7.38 and 68% of the participants were female. Overall, 34% of the nurses had burnout. The prevalence of personal, work-related and client-related burnout was 33.5%, 41.3% and 22.3%, respectively. Age, job experience and type of employment were the risk factors of personal, work and client-related burnout. Being supervisor, working in the psychiatric ward and having private job, were the causes of increased personal burnout.Conclusion: In line with the increase of age and job experience increasing, the officials should pay more attention to burnout, and in some ward of the hospitals and job positions, they need considering a unique career planning.

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Background and Objective: Cool temperature dialysate has been recommended to improve hypotension during dialysis. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the effect of lowering the dialysate temperature on intradialytic hypotension (IDH) and some interventions in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD).Material and Methods: This randomized controlled trial with a cross over design was conducted on 50 patients divided into two equal groups. Each group was dialyzed for two periods of 12 HD sessions, once with standard temperature (37°C) and in the next period with cool dialysate (35.5°C). Blood pressure and the related interventions were noted during each dialysis. The Data was analyzed using Chi-square, McNemar, Independent and Paired T Tests.Results: Overall, the frequency of hypotension in routine method was 18% and in cool dialysis was 5%. It means that hypotention in cool dialysis is significantly less than that of routin method (P<0.004). Furthermore, the mean of hypotension related interventions in both groups was also significant (P<0.001).Conclusion: Owing to the effect of cool dialysate temperature on stabilizing hemodynamic parameters, we recommend using this method during hemodialysis in hypotensive patients.

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Background and Objective: Role Strain refers to the felt difficulty in fulfilling expectations, complying with the role obligations and balancing the various dimensions of roles. Role strain is a subjective state of distress experienced. The aim of this study was to explain nursing teachers’ perception of role strain.Material and Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in 2013, based on conventional content analysis. Using purposeful sampling, 21 nursing teachers were selected from schools of Nursing and Midwifery of the country. The data was collected through Semi-structured, in-depth interviews, and analyzed via content analysis using Granhiem and Landman (2004). The rigor and confirmability of the data were used by Guba and Lincoln criteria.Results: The data was summarized in sixteen subcategories and five main categories. Nursing teachers’ perception about role strain was placed in following categories: Duty interference, Work Overload, Clinical teaching problems, Educational system problems and Students’ problems.Conclusion: Given the work-related requirements and role obligations, we recommend that managers and health policy makers be careful about some protective strategies to reduce the role strain.

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View 944

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Background and Objective: Subjective well-being, a field of positive psychology, attempts to assess the cognitive and emotional lives. Given the fact that nursing and midwifery students are exposed to stress in clinical settings, we aimed to assess subjective well-being to promote educational programs. Material and Methods: This across-sectional study was conducted on 104 nursing and Midwifery students selected via simple random sampling, 2013. The instruments, filled out by students, were a demographic checklist and Kyeez subjective well-being questionnaire consisting of three domains of emotional, social and psychological. We used mean and standard deviation for data description and T-test and ANOVA for analysis.Results: The mean score of subjective well-being was 203.20 in nursing and 210.21 in midwifery students. In nursing students, the Mean score in emotional, psychological and social domain was 44.05, 93.40 and 65.74, respectively, and it was 45.72, 94.78 and 69.55, respectively in midwifery students. Gender was the only variable associated significantly with subjective well-being of nursing students (P>0.05).Conclusion: Given the high score of subjective well-being and that of its domains, we recommend applying some educational programs with the consideration of emotional, psychological and social aspect of students.

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View 835

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Background and Objective: The assessment of Patient satisfaction with the care given by nursing students in clinical setting can be helpful in the development of a scientific and practical training. Thus, we aimed to determine patient satisfaction with the care given by students in clinical setting.Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted, in 2010, on 1560 inpatients in four hospitals of three provinces (Markazi, Lorestan and Charmahal Bakhtiari) via a questionnaire consisting of two parts of demographic characteristics with 15 questions and patient satisfaction with 30 questions. Given the range of 30-150, the score of more than 90 was considered having satisfaction. The data was analyzed by Mann-Whitney test and Pearson, using SPSS software.Results: Results showed that 73.2 were satisfied and 26.8 percent were dissatisfied. The satisfaction level was not the same in different health centers in that the satisfaction in lorestan province was higher than that of Chahar Mahal, Bakhtiari province and Markazi province (P=0.001).Conclusion: The resuls show that the patients are satisfied the care given by nursing students, but 26.8% of the patients are not satisfied with.

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Background and Objective: Diabetes may lead to several chronic complications but less was studied about anxiety disorders. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the association between anxiety disorders and the quality of life (QOL) in diabetic type two (DMT2) patients.Material and Methods: This descriptive- analytic study was conducted on 330 DMT2 patients referring to panje Azar hospital in Gorgan, Iran. The Data was collected via systematic sampling in six months using demographic checklist, Beck Anxiety Inventory & WHO QOL-BREF questionnaire, and analyzed by Chi square test and Pearson correlation coefficient (P£0.05).Results: The participants were both males (35.45%) and females (64.54%). The overall quality of life was reported unsatisfactory in 37.3%, satisfactory in 55.5% and highly favorable in 5.5 % of the participants. There was an inverse correlation between QOL and anxiety disorders (P£0.001), and the only variable having significant correlation with QOL was previous coexisting disorders (P£0.005).Conclusion: Anxiety disorders in DMT2 patients can have negative effect on quality of life. Hence, early diagnosis, treatment and prevention may result in improving quality of life.

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Background and Objective: Depression and preeclampsia have an effect on both mother and fetus. Hence, we aimed to assess depression during pregnancy and preeclampsia in third trimester of pregnancy. Material and Methods: This cohort Study was conducted on 966 pregnant women, who were multigravida and 18-35 years, referring to three prenatal care centers. Using convenience sampling, the data was collected by Patient Health Questionaire-9 and analyzed by chi square, Mann-Whitney, Logistic Regression.Results: Of 966, 70.1% were depressed and 29.9% were not depressed. The relationship between depression and preeclampsia was significant (P=0.017, adgusted OR=2.99). In 9.32 percent of preeclamptic patients, 91.68 suffered from mild depression; in 8.33 percent of them, 91.67% from moderate depression and in 33.33 percent of the preeclamptic patients, 66.67 % suffered from moderate-severe depression.Conclusion: Given that dpression may lead to preeclampsia and the intensity of depression is related to preeclampsia, early recognition and treatment of depressed women can be helpful in the management of preeclampsia.

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Background and Objective: Patient handling is a dynamic process in that the consideration of its principles is a paramount importance to safety of both patients and personnel. Hence, we aimed to evaluate EMS staff’s knowledge and practice about the principles and equipment used for patient handling in Isfahan EMS centres.Material and Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was conducted, via census method, on 80 EMS staff. The instruments were a demographic checklist and a questionnaire to assess the knowledge and practice of EMS staff about the principles and equipment for patient handling.Results: Based on the results, 82.5% had an adequate knowledge and 76.25% appropriate level of practice. The mean of knowledge was 17.79±3.14 and that of practice was 19.275±3052. All variables were not significantly associated with both knowledge and practice (P>0.05).Conclusion: Regardless of adequate level of knowledge and practice in the majority of EMS personnel, we recommend holding some in-service training.

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ground and Objective: Stress, an undeniable fact of human life, is one of the most leading causes of diseases. This phenomenon results in low output students and learning difficulties. Hence, we aimed to identify sources of stress among students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences.Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 528 students selected by stratified sampling in fall 2012. The data was collected via a two part questionnaire including demographic part and Student Stress part, and analyzed by descriptive statistics and Chi-square.Results: The highest stressors were related to interpersonal factors (64.4%), and among this, copping with new responsibilities (69.8%) was the most one. No significant association between sources of stress and socio demographic variables was found.Conclusion: According to multiple stressors in students’ life and education, we recommend consulting services and communication skills training be presented to reduce the damaging effects of stress.

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