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The language is a complex phenomenon that is invaluable in terms of its dimensions, on the one hand, the means of communication between people of the community and, on the other hand, is the most important social institution, and on the other hand, language is a tool for expressing thoughts and emotions. By transforming the phonetic system of the language into semantic signs, the function of the language of communication and transmission is promoted to create new opportunities for the reader and the listener. Language at this stage faces two processes of self-promotion and highlighting. The deviation from the rules of the language of the standard and the addition of rules on it (highlighting, familiarity, norms of aversion, and the rule of magnitude) leads to the creation of literary genres. Literary theories have been important steps in scientific analysis of literary forms, but any literary literature can not be read by any literary theory. Formalist linguistics seems to be among the theories that can be used to extract and analyze the principles of rich language from the text. From linguistic perspective, ghazals have a functional, personal, emotional and literary function, and the orientation of the message is usually to the speaker or to the message itself, and the literary role of the language is based on the magnitude of the increments and the norm of multiple escapes.

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Complaining is a innate part of human nature; people complaining when being dissatisfied with something. Poets also complain about their problems, but in a supreme language than the public. Complain have existed in poems of the poets since time immemorial, but in contemporary poetry, due to the social and political changes of this period, and a new Nimaiicstyle is more tangiblefor the audience of this generation. In view of the sensitivity of the subject and the time at issue, this issue needs to be distinguished from other topics of contemporary poetry. This article examines the complaint issue, which is one of the varieties of lyric literature, in the poetry of contemporary poet Malek al-ShoaraBahar. Describing and explaining them presents a written document of the poet's time with a complaining language for todayreader. What you read is a selection of Bahar complaints that includes his complaints about the age; with political situation being the most frequent topic, and this reflects the poet's personality and political insight

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“ Adjective” is among the most important dependents of any nominal group. A large of nominal group structure’ features in the past can be learnt by examining different types of adjectives and approaching to Persian interpretations. These features are particularly created by crafted translators of Quranic verses, and so far, none of the historical structures, stylistics, and cultural references have addressed its important parts. The current research is an attempt to study adjective “ typology” from 4th to 6th centuries with an approach to Persian interpretations. The question to be answered is whether it is possible to analyze and categorize adjectives from linguistic point of view? Which factors distinguish these attributes from each other? For this purpose, interpretations like Translation of Tafsir al-Tabari, An Interpretation Of The Holy Qur'an, An Interpretation Of Taj-Ul Tarajem Fi Tafsir-E Quran-Ul A’ ajem, An Interpretation Of The Last Tenth Of The Holy Quran, An Interpretation Of The Holy Qur'an (Cambridge Version), Part Of The Ancient Interpretation, Part Of The Ancient Interpretation In Persian, A Classical Persian Commentary On The Qur‘ An (Tafsī r-I Shunqushī ), Nasafi Interpretation, Rawz Al-Jinan Wa Ruh Al-Jinan, and Kashf Al-Asrar Wa Udat Al-Abrar are reviewed to approve that, in these works of art, adjectives can be identified and categorized, typologically.

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Applying new analytical views for the purpose of reviewing and critique of epic texts not only does not harm the purpose and content of such texts, but also offers new horizons and opportunities for the researchers and thinkers which help them develop their capacity for comprehending these texts. Archetypal criticism, introduced by Carl Gustav Jung, is one good example of such new approaches to reading texts. Jung recognizes the most fundamental hero(ine)’ s task as his (her) achievement of balanced mental and personality traits. In other words, according to Jung, hero(ine)’ s primary task is to comprehend both his(her) conscious and the unconscious mind, and establish a balance between them. Hero(in)es are super humans who, having done the tests and completed the journeys, could attain an eminence far from the usual people. Having completed their journeys, the hero(in)es come to self-realization and individuation. Individuation (principium individuationis) or gaining self-perception is one of most important topics in our (Persian) literature and Jung has investigated this topic extensively. We consider the steps to Individuation and self-realization in Shahnameh of Ferdowsi based upon Jung’ s ideas and viewpoints.

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One of the important features of the poetry of Khorasani style poets is the use of vocabulary and scientific terminology and their utilization for theatricalization. Khorasani style poets began to use various sciences such as astronomy, medicine, botany, zoology and mineralogy. In this article, the vocabulary, terminology, similes, metaphors, and themes made with some of the Crimean-like craters (Diamond, Piroozheh, Zar, Zomar, Oghigh, Lal, and Ruby) are reviewed and the scientific and literary issues raised about This Crimean ruin is analyzed in the vaults of Rudaki Samarghandi, Ferdowsi Tusi, Farrokhi Sistani, Eleanori, Manouchehri Damghani, Fakhroudin Asad Gorgani, Asadi Tusi and Naser Khosrow Ghobadi, and with the ancient scientific books of ancient mineralogy, including military jewelery, the oldest jewel The letter is in Persian in 592 AH. Ah After Al-Jamir Abourihā n Exterior, Jame Al-ulum (Sattani), the oldest encyclopedia in which the science of al-Jawahr is scientifically independent, is written by Abu al-Jawahir and Al-Nefais al-Ta'ayeb, written by Abolqasem Abdullah Kashani, and by the name of the Ilkhani script and other works. Has been adapted.

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The novel Keller is written by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi. This novel contains historical, social and epic themes. One of the most commonly used ways of expressing the material of the novel is the use of clothing and its relationships. The present article seeks out what the role of clothing is in indirect and secret expression of the themes of the novel Keller and what functions can be considered for it. To answer the research question, it has been examined in a descriptive and analytical way based on the librarian's methodology. In the first article, a brief introduction of the ethnic folk clothing and local Sabzevar has been pointed out; then the clothing and its relation in the khorasan from the perspective of the rhetorical and narrative elements have been examined. In the end, it is concluded that Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, draw up the various functions of clothing and its relations with the social foundation, has plotted the history of the past and the historical events of the past in various social and individual situations using the abilities of language and rhetorical arts and the elements of fiction.

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Attitudes of various religions and schools of beauty, plays a decisive role in form of their artworks and contents. In eastern civilizations, in most times for the long time, the art has been accompanied with an artistic view, faith-spiritual or mythological and its purpose was to draw more people into absolute beauty. Examining aspects of cultural and ritual art approach in the East and with the study of ideas, different perspectives and worldviews, we can define an acceptable offer of art and we can take a look at the holy and religious art that is result of the east civilization, with a mythological-literal view. In this paper that is done using a library and analytical-descriptive method, we tried to show that the true art, truth of the beauty and the creator of the beauty and perfection of the creator and the philosophy, in addition to introducing the magnificent original art.

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Bahar is one of the pioneers of stylistics in Iran in the introduction of the book itself in the particular way of understanding and expression of thoughts by combining words and choosing their words and interpreting them. Shamsia, in general, considers stylistics as self-evident and believes that it is difficult to define its comprehensive and comprehensive definition. Reza Reisi The owner of the novel is a documentary “ Nakhl & Neyi” Like many writers of war and resistance literature Like many writers of war and resistance literature, it has a particular style, especially from the point of view of language and art In terms of language, the use of short, clear sentences, vocabulary and slang terms, broken verbs, and the presence of southern weather in the story can be pointed out. His intellectual layers like that Realism, reliance on the historical citation of war in Khorramshahr, the expression of human relations the emphasis is on the principle of realism. This research Following is a descriptive analytical method a stylistic look to the story “ Nakhl & Neyi” . The method approach of this story is a layered approach which has been studied in three linguistic, intellectual and literary layers the main question of the research is which lighter layer and which features in each layer reveal with a higher frequency? It is clear that by addressing these features, readers can familiarize themselves with the way of thinking and the type of author's view of the war.

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