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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Obesity is a major health problem due to its association with multiple cardiovascular risk factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between blood pressure and three anthropometric indexes for obesity: waist to hip ratio (WHR), body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BF%) and their components.The data was obtained from a cross-sectional design for 15 athlete and 15 non-athlete healthy men (aged between 20 and 25). Data analysis showed no significant relationship between the three anthropometric indexes and their components to blood pressure in athletes and non-athletes. The results showed that the levels of physical fitness did not affect the relationship between resting blood pressure and fat distribution in young men.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the performance of administrators in Tehran women sport associations and its relationship to effectiveness from the viewpoints of staff, coaches, referees and athletes. Research method was descriptive and correlational.270 subjects were selected out of all administrators of Tehran sport associations and subgroup members: staff, coaches, referees and athletes. Study tools were performance and effectiveness questionnaires which their validities and reliabilities were confirmed (r=0.89 and r=0.94). To analyze the findings, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The findings of this study showed that in the index of facilities and equipment, some associations specially the disabled, the blind and the deaf associations performed better when compared to other associations, but this difference was not significant. In the indexes of humanresources, education, research and the budget, the performance of social sport associations was higher than the other associations, but no significant difference was considered among associations.There was a significant relationship between the performance of administrators of sport associations and their effectiveness from the viewpoints of samples. There was a significant difference among the effectiveness of the administrators of various sport associations from the viewpoints of subjects and the highest effectiveness related to Gymnastic Association and the lowest effectiveness related to Automobile Driving Association. There was a significant difference in the effectiveness of the administrators of various sport associations (individual, social and so on). The associations of individual sport fields were more effective. A significant difference was observed in the effectiveness of the administrators of women sport associations from the viewpoints of subjects. There was a negative and significant relationship only between the level of performance and education of the administrators and no significant relationship was observed between the level of performance and effectiveness with individual characteristics of the administrators. Generally, the results of the study revealed a significant relationship between performance and effectiveness of the administrators of women sport associations in Tehran from the viewpoints of staff, coaches, referees and athletes.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a six week concurrent and circuit training on aerobic and anaerobic power in adolescent male soccer players. Twenty four soccer players (mean age 13.85±0.52 years and mean weight 51.96±8.22 kg) were randomly assigned to two training groups: 1- Concurrent training (n=12) group performed two training programs: resistance training that involved 3 sets of exercises in the first four weeks and 2 sets of exercises in the last two weeks (%65 to %75 one RM, 8 rep) and endurance training that included 3 repetitions run in the first four weeks and 2 repetitions run in the last two weeks (10 min., %65 to %75 maximal HR). They performed training programs with an interval between two sessions, and in the last two weeks they performed both trainings in one session. 2- Circuit training group (n=12) carried out the training in 10 stations (%70 to %80 maximal HR). All subjects were evaluated before and after the training period using Rast test (anaerobic power) and 1-mile test (aerobic power). For analyzing the data, we used t-test dependent and independent samples. Results of this study showed that aerobic power of the players in both groups after six weeks significantly increased. But the anaerobic power in both groups had no significant increase. Also, there was a significant difference between the effects of both circuit and concurrent training on aerobic power while there was no significant difference between the two mentioned training effects on anaerobic power. Therefore, it is expected that both circuit and concurrent trainings have a great influence on aerobic power of adolescent male soccer players.

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The purpose of this study was to survey the physical fitness of the female taekwondo athletes of national team in 2007. The study was descriptive and the population comprised 20 athletes who were invited to the national team camping in 2007. The measured factors were divided into two parts including anthropometric (height, foot length, body mass index, body fat percentage, thigh length) and biometric factors (agility, speed, dynamic and static balance, leg explosive power and flexibility). Results showed the physical fitness of elite taekwondo females (physical fitness profile) which can be used as a criterion to identify strength and weakness points of athletes and as a result to help coaches to provide suitable conditions in the future.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of the present study was to study the effect of 4-week hydrotherapy on some selected parameters related to kyphosis in kyphotic girls.After kyphotic girls at Azad University had been sampled and diagnosed, 10 subjects were selected. All subjects participated in the program: 12 sessions, three times a week and each session nearly half an hour. The dependent variables were back muscles power, spine flexibility, chest expansion, shoulder abduction movement extension. The dependent variables were measured by a dynamometer, goniometer, and the strip meter before and after the exercises. Dependent t-test was used to compare the dependent variables between pretest and posttest after hydrotherapy (a=0.05).The results showed a significant difference in the effect of hydrotherapy on back muscles power (p<0.05), shoulder abduction movement (p<0.05), spine flexibility and the chest expansion before and after the exercise (p<0.05).The findings showed that hydrotherapy increased all dependent variables.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to compare the ventilatory equivalent responses during follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle in athlete women (age: 22±3 years old, weight: 52.31±2.44 kg, height: 165±4.50 cm; they reported a normal menstrual cycle and did not use oral contraceptives). The active group included 10 basketball players who volunteered to participate in the study. All participants signed a written consent and filled medical/menstrual history form. The luteal phase was determined by the level of progesterone, prolactin, FSH and LH hormones in blood samples.An incremental graded exercise test (GXT) was conducted on a treadmill. The pulmonary gas analyzer (K4B2) was applied to measure the minute ventilation (VE), ventilatory equivalents (VE/ VO2, VE/VCO2) in two phases. T-test was performed to detect baseline differences across menstrual phases. The results indicated no significant differences (p>0.05) in maximal VE across the menstrual cycle of active females. The ventilatory equivalents (VE/VO2 and VE/VCO2) showed no significant differences (p>0.05) across the menstrual cycle of active females. In conclusion, these results suggested that menstrual cycle hormones did not affect ventilatory responses at maximal exercise. Additionally, there were no differences in maximal exercise test variables between the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle of active females.

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The purpose of this research was to study the economic, social and motivational conditions of Esteghlal-Pirouzi spectators. This research was a case study and 375 male spectators randomly participated who had completed a researcher-made questionnaire before the game started. Results showed that the mean age of subjects was 19.6, 40.1% of spectators had a diploma and 33.2% had under-diploma education. The mean income of spectators’ families was 2,400,000 Rials.77% were jobless and 46% were considered as sport tourism population as they traveled more than 80 kilometers to watch the game.82% recognized their motivation as supporting their favorite team and loving that team. The official figures show that more than half of spectators’ families live under poverty line and 72% enjoyed a lower social class.

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The aim of this study was to study the effect of a mobilization and strength program together with the dynamic splint to prevent repeat dislocation of shoulder in professional athletes.18 athletes who suffered from repeat dislocation of anterior shoulder (traumatic reason) were investigated in a mobilization and strength program together with the dynamic splint of shoulder. Mean period of injuries was 5 years and mean age of subjects was 25 years old. Characteristics of subjects were investigated using sport medicine reports, conditions of injuries and examination to check the number of dislocations, range of motion in shoulder joint, pain and ability to return to sports activities. Constant shoulder score (CSS) and T- test (P<0.05) were used to investigate the results.After the training protocol, instability was observed in three subjects.The mean decrease of range of motion in shoulder joint in abduction and external rotation of arm was 36o (24-62) when compared to the healthy shoulder.5 subjects had a slight shoulder pain at the end of their daily activities. 2 subjects who were regularly active in wrestling and volleyball before dislocation could not continue their fields after they had used dynamic splint. Totally, 15 subjects (%75.8) gained excellent or good CSS scores. The program had a significant effect on the reduction of repeat dislocation of anterior shoulder (t=7.261, P<0.0322). In radiology reports, injuries experience of them were seen in 3 cases of premature arthritis were observed in those subjects who enjoyed a limited external rotation.The training protocol was successful in decreasing repeat dislocation of anterior shoulder after surgery. The rate of dislocation was low after this mobilization and strength program together with dynamic splint but as the dynamic splint limits the external rotation in shoulder joint, this program must be used in professionals so that splints can be used less at the final levels of athletes’ preparation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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