The Qurā n confirms Jewish monotheism (2/ 62), but also notes some their falsifications. For example, “ The Jews say: Allah's hand is fettered” (5: 64), is the famous one, according that Jews have said: “ God’ s hand is fettered” . Is that an Irony or refers to special event; there are different opinions among the Qurā n commentators. Most of them consider, the term is allusion to niggardliness, but whether it’ s said in the Torah or some their denominations have said something like, there is no clear answers. Zein al ʾ ā bedin ibn Muhammad, A Shiite scholar in Qā jā r aria (1810), in an unknown treatise said: “ The verse refers to phylactery, that according to Talmud, God also in the prayer time puts it on” (phylactery is equivalent of Hebrew word Tefillin/ ת פ י ל י ן ). This claim, however, is more plausible in the first time, but as we will see, is far from the context. In this article most important Opinions will examine, and after all we suggest the new hypothesis, which in the light of other related verses, on the one hand, and some evidences in the Torah on the other, claims that the verse has been criticized the Jewish doctrine of election.