This article shows that the second Pahlavi has moved to hard authoritarianism since 1960's. It is generally argued that the second Pahlavi appealed to violent repressive apparatus to establish this hard authoritarianism. The increase of the number of army and security forces during this decade manifested this situation. While it is accepted by scholars, this article indicated that the regime also has used the attenuated and concealed repress in this process. The article, precisely, emphasizes on populist and corporatist tools that regime by them has imposed its attenuated and concealed repress. By restoring to these tools, firstly, regime deal to the penetration crisis of central government in the periphery. Secondly, the regime sought to weaken the upper classes, such as landowners, industrial bourgeois and commercial bourgeoisie to facilitate its control on them. Thirdly, through the granting financial concessions to the peasants and the working class, regime attempted to buy their political silence and consent. Finally, the regime manipulated the structure of union by which the independent unions were abolished and substituted by the government dependent unions. By doing so, the second Pahlavi regime converted civil society into space which this regime established its heg̉emony plan. However the 1979 revolution showed that regime’s social engineering by deepening participation crisis Yielded opposite results.