Among the thinkers that research on civilization, with two different expression, Ibn Khaldun and Doctor Sayyed Javad Tabatabai believe in decline of civilization, including Islamic civilization. Ibn Khaldun says urbanization, loss cooperation and tribal relations are factors that leads to fall of civilization. Also doctor Tabatabai says emptiness Islamic philosophy from education ancient Greek philosophy, predominance of mythological religion over Greek wisdom, promotion of mysticism and propound Arabism are causes that collapse Islamic civilization and lead to deterioration of political thought. There are a lot of internal contradictions that Ibn Khaldun considered as principles and this case is our main criticism to this thinker. Also lack of knowledge from foundations civilization of Islam and Islamic philosophy, confusing between true religion with mythological religions and belief in the superiority of Greek thought, are our important criticism to refusal theory. In this article we are opposed to opinion of these thinkers and we prove that reconstruction of new Islamic civilization is possible.