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Different schools and scholars have emphasized the importance of peace and the necessity to realize it as the essential and fundamental necessity in human life. Muslim scholars such as Farabi in the Muslim world and Kant and his followers in contemporary the West, have focused on this issue in their own way. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to study and explain "sustainable peace" in Abu Nasr Farabi and Kant' s attitude in a comparative manner. The main question of the research is that: Which of the Kant and Farabi's theories of peace, according to their worldviews, are capable of explaining the nature of peace and realizing it in a stable and steady state. In a comparative study, the findings of the research show that both theories are considered to be "human" and both put forward a moral attitude towards the realization of peace; but Farabi, with a comprehensive and virtuous look, observes and explains human and society, and the needs of both, such as peace and calmness. In addition, the foundations of peace in al-Farabi's political philosophy, in compared to the Kant's sustained foundations of peace, due to divine-humanity and innateness, as one of the sources of human identity and human security, has the potential to be more feasible and more realistic.

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“The political” is one of main concepts in theoretical and operational politics. One of complex and problematic concepts that understanding the theoretical meaning and adaptation in eternal things is hard. If we don’t have method and conceptual frame everything or nothing can be “the political”. Structure of power can qualify the aspects of the political approximately but is not comprehensive for instance society or people is not prominent or hidden components of power did not pay attention to them. According to this subject it seems can have comprehensive frame with attention to some concepts like politics, political power, sovereignty and types of power in format of three dominations: society, state and power.

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This article has attempted to answer this question that: How political philosophy has been undergoing transformation and evolution in terms of its themes and contents from the beginning of its formation until now. This article has shown that Political philosophy passing through truth-oriented, virtue-oriented ethics and eudaimonism which formed within the framework of the hierarchical cosmos/god based attitude and the foundations corresponing with it, consisting of the deductive epistemology and the elitistic anthropology at the pre-modern paradigm, at one hand resulted in one type of diachronic and historical ideas based upon concepts of the right, history and freedom in the humanistic modern paradigm and also resulted in the formation of the group of the critical currents and ones’ which demanding revival of the classic pre-modern political philosophy And eventually political philosophy is transformed to the narrative at the framework of the anti-essentialist, anti-rationalist and anti subject-oriented post-modern paradigm. This article by taking advantage of the paradigmic approach, has presented typology of the political philosophy at the three pre-modern, modern and post-modern paradigm and meantime, has shown the evolution and transformation of themes of the political philosophy.

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Indicators of political culture are the requirements of policy and strategic planning in the cultural policies of countries. Therefore, the inventing and explaining the cultural-political indicators in the Islamic Republic of Iran system can provide the necessity for macro and micro policy in the country. Methodology in this research is the combination of (quantitative - qualitative). The population consisted of 54 professors and political pundits of Political science departments of public and Azad universities in Tehran and Alborz. In this research, sampling method was done purposefully and quite improbable. The data collection instruments have been formed of researcher made questionnaire with propositions derived from a literature review and Delphi interviews of experts. Questionnaire validity is confirmed as face and content, and its reliability was emphasized by experts through Cronbach' s alpha. Data analysis was conducted through descriptive and inferential statistics and Q factor analysis. The findings of the research showed that the statements of "reproduction of religious-political foundations" and "extremes and extremism" Most Effective and "agency Political elites" and "permanent satisfaction of existing conditions" The least explanatory In the wisdom of the political culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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In his multiple writings, Aramesh Doostdar asserts that religious culture is in contrast with thinking. In his view, religious insight of believers is full of evidences and certainties. In addition, sense of duty against God, captures the mind of believers so their thought is not free. Doostdar thinks that western human has progressed because he has released his thought from the chain of religion so he could overcome the nature and the problems of life. Eastern human's effort for development is bootless unless he learn the way of thinking from western human. Thus to rise of progress, effect of religious culture must disappears from the mind of eastern human like western human did. This article views this argument with a critical perspective and elucidates its violation according to historical facts. Study of effect of eastern philosophy and science on western thought and review of some western scientists opinion about importance of Islamic sciences and its impact on formation of the new world, is some of the critics on Doostdar's view.

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Imam Khomeini is founder of Islamic revolution and from influential leaders in whole of history of humanity and specially Islam. Imam Khomeni's views always are leading and directing light of humanity and Muslims. Imam in different social, legal political and cultural domains has ideas and new and unique ideas. Idealization and enunciation around Islamic government, forming Islamic system and government and people mutual rights by him is from the main roots of forming and continuing Islamic movement of current centuries in Iran and other Islamic governments. Critical discourse analysis deals with not only linguistic properties, but with social and cultural relations, investigating underlying layers of text and reveals hidden points of the text. The aim of this research is studying Imam Khomeini's statements from the critical discourse analysis of Fairclough. The statistical population is one of speech of Imam that was selected from Imam’s speech in Sahife and this selection was purposefully within sources related to this study. Findings of this research show that in legal and political view of Imam, the relation between government and people and rights and responsibilities of these two are mutual and reciprocal.

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The first serious encounter between Iran and the Western world occurred during the Qajar period, and this is the period in which both sides of the encounter experienced specific circumstances. On the one hand, Iran was in the aftermath of the collapse of the Safavid government, which had long been confronted by Qajar statesmen, and on the other hand, the post-Renaissance postwar developmentists sought to expand their economic and cultural domination in the east. Territories like Iran. The turning point of these developmental stances in Iran's attention to Iran-Russia wars will eventually end in Iran's defeat in these wars and will have implications for Iran. In this regard, the role of this generation of Iranian elites who transcended the West from their immediate perspective, their implications and actions, are unreliable, which, in terms of liberalism, democracy, The constitution, parliamentarism, and even astonishment in the context of the West, were first noticed by the same people and their travel logs to Iran. In this research, the travelogue of Mir Abdollatif Shushtari has been chosen that can be considered as an appropriate study tool for revising the attitudes of first-generation intellectuals.

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