In this study, the effects of two isolates from the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana Boisduval were determined in immune system of the predatory hemipteran, And rallus spinidens Fabricius(Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Four types of hemocytes were identified in the hemolymph of the adult bugincluding prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes and oenocytoids. Also, the effects of two entomopathogenic fungus isolates and latex bead were studied on the activity of phenoloxidase. The highest number of total hemocytes were found at time intervals of 12, 12, 48 and 48 hours post-in jectionby Tween80 (Control), latex bead, BB2 and AM-118, respectively. The highest number of plasmatocytes were determined 48, 48, 24 and 3 hours post-injection by Tween80 (Control), latex bead, BB2 and AM-118 but the number of granulocytes were observed after 48, 48, 12 and 12 hours, respectively. The highest number of nodules were observed 48, 48, 12 and 6 hours post-injection Tween80 (Control), latex bead, BB2 and AM-118, respectively. The highest activity of phenoloxidase were determined 6 hours post-injection by Tween80 (Control), BB2 and AM-118 and 3 hours post-injection by Tween80, respectively. To determine the gene of proPhenoloxidase, RNAs of the hemocytes were extracted and itwas amplified by a pair of degenerate forward and reverse primers followed by cDNA synthesis. Theresults revealed a product with 675 bp based on reverse sequencing which had a 66% similarity with prophenoloxidase of Anasa tristis De Geer. Results of this study demonstrate that immune responses ofthe predacious hemipteran are different regarding various isolates of B. bassiana so the isolates should beused which have the lower virulence against the predator in integrated pest management programs.