Since plant quality could affect biological performance of natural enemies (bottom-up effects), compatibility of parasitoid wasp, Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko with susceptible ("Infinity") and resistant ("Goldy") tomato cultivars to Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) was evaluated in laboratory conditions with 25±1oC, relative humidity of 65±5 % and a light period of 16 h. Data analysis was performed using Age-Stage Two Sex Life Table theory. The value for total immature stages of T. brassicae on the cultivar "Infinity" was 12.80±0.06 (days), which was significantly different from the recorded value of this parameter on "Goldy" (12.31±0.07 days). The mean number of parasitized eggs of T. absoluta by this parasitoid wasp on the cultivars "Infinity" and "Goldy" was not significantly different and the obtained values for this parameter on the above-mentioned cultivars were 36.28±2.67 and 39.30±2.65 (eggs/female), respectively. Immature mortality of this parasitoid wasp was not significantly different on the cultivars "Infinity" and "Goldy" (65.97±3.95 and 64.00±4.05 (%), respectively). Furthermore, the values for net reproductive rate (R0), intrinsic rate of increase (r) and finite rate of increase (l) of parasitoid wasp T. brassicae on the cultivar "Infinity" was 7.31±1.33 (offspring/individual), 0.139±0.013 (day-1) and 1.150±0.015 (day-1), which was not significantly different from those obtained on the cultivar "Goldy" (8.36±1.47 [offspring/individual], 0.154±0.013 [day-1] and 1.167±0.015 [day-1], respectively). Furthermore, the cultivars "Infinity" and "Goldy" had significant effects on the mean generation time (T) of T. brassicae and the recorded value for this parameter on the above-mentioned cultivars was 14.26±0.08 and 13.76±0.09 (days), respectively. Regarding the results obtained in the present study, partially resistance of cultivar "Goldy" had a relative compatibility with parasitoid wasp T. brassicae and therefore, these two control procedures could be combined together for integrated management of T. absoluta.