The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying internal and external barriers to ecosystem entrepreneurship in the entrepreneurial university. To achieve this goal, using the Meta-synthesis method, valid international databases in the period 2008 to 2020 and domestic in the period 1384 to 1399 were searched and 59 sources were selected for analysis. Findings in the field of external barriers to entrepreneurial ecosystem include seven basic sub-categories (traditional governance structure, dysfunctional rules and supervision, inefficient macro-finances, ineffective policy-making in higher education, weakness in society's soft capacities, lack of macro-level support and incentive mechanisms, weakness in hard capacities of society). Internal barriers to entrepreneurial ecosystem include eight primary sub-categories (inadequate governance within the university, non-entrepreneurial pedagogy, Lack of connection with industry, inadequate rules and supervision within the university, inefficient university finance, weakness in soft capacities within the university, lack of internal support and incentive mechanisms The university and the weakness in the hard capacities within the university, in addition, the findings were classified into secondary and tertiary sub-categories, and finally, based on the research findings, policy recommendations were provided for the higher education system of the country.