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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The need to rely on knowledge-based economics and the strong link between research centers, universities, and industries are not hidden from anyone today. Research centers and universities in Iran are mainly the origins of the development of a wide range of advanced technologies But unfortunately, these technologies are rarely commercialized. On the other hand, in many industries, mature technologies or out-of-class technologies are generally used for production, which leads to reduced productivity and competitiveness. Technology spillover from research institutions to industries can cover this imbalance. In this regard supporting the transfer of advanced technologies like space technologies to other industry sectors can be very impactful in the country's development, Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize the factors affecting the transfer and development of space technology in Iran. In this research, the factors affecting the transfer and development of space technology are identified using literature and interviews with experts,and then Interpretive structural modeling (ISM). The results of this study show that the factors of "inter-organizational communication", "lack of structure", "technology death valley", "knowledge management", "knowledge-base of technologies", "lack of information spread", "interdisciplinary view", " "Defense-related capabilities" and "brain drain" have the most guidance and influence amongst the other factors.

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The findings of knowledge, science and the power of exploitation of outer space are the result of the realization and development of new products in the field of space. Three levels of industry, enterprise and process affect NPD. This research focuses on enterprise level and 7 steps of SSM methodology. First, the problematic situation was identified by interviewing experts and reviewing articles. The status of the problem was explained by drawing a structural and communication spatial ecosystem and a CATWOE checklist at the enterprise level. 42 factors influencing NPD were counted in the research background. The evaluation of the level of realization of the strategic goals of the space sphere by these factors was done by SAW method. As a result, 14 factors affecting the NPD of the firm were identified as drivers. The effect of factors on each other was assessed through the interaction matrix and structural analysis was performed. 7 effective structural factors of the country's spatial field were determined for the NPD at the enterprise level and should be considered by the agents of this field. Finally, prioritization and suggestions for improvement in the use of factors are presented based on the relationships between the factors.

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keykha Ahmad | EZATI MITRA

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The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying internal and external barriers to ecosystem entrepreneurship in the entrepreneurial university. To achieve this goal, using the Meta-synthesis method, valid international databases in the period 2008 to 2020 and domestic in the period 1384 to 1399 were searched and 59 sources were selected for analysis. Findings in the field of external barriers to entrepreneurial ecosystem include seven basic sub-categories (traditional governance structure, dysfunctional rules and supervision, inefficient macro-finances, ineffective policy-making in higher education, weakness in society's soft capacities, lack of macro-level support and incentive mechanisms, weakness in hard capacities of society). Internal barriers to entrepreneurial ecosystem include eight primary sub-categories (inadequate governance within the university, non-entrepreneurial pedagogy, Lack of connection with industry, inadequate rules and supervision within the university, inefficient university finance, weakness in soft capacities within the university, lack of internal support and incentive mechanisms The university and the weakness in the hard capacities within the university, in addition, the findings were classified into secondary and tertiary sub-categories, and finally, based on the research findings, policy recommendations were provided for the higher education system of the country.

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According to studies, the driving forces of emerging technology-based business ecosystem are the precise explanation of the types of actors' roles and how they relate to each other. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to identify the actors, their classification factors, and how they relate to business ecosystem. The type of research was applied –, research and the method of its implementation was survey. The method of sampling is non-random and purposeful. In this article, the research strategy has been a case study, the analysis unit of business ecosystem was actors and data collection tools had been selected questionnaires and in-depth interviews and the study of credible scientific documents. Systematic review has been used to extract the framework for analyzing the network of search engine actors. After extracting the initial framework, the components of the framework were approved using the opinion of experts in this field. The value-flow network based on four value streams including information, services, financial and intangible. The findings: 1)provide a framework for entering the ecosystem analysis based on stakeholder analysis, 2)identify the actors of ecosystems in four layers, and 3)map the value network between the actors and the four value streams. The framework can be a model for identifying stablishing value communication for other similar items such as IOT, big data and cloud computing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Shafaei Reza | Ebrahimi Sarvolya Mohammad Hasan | PEYMANI MOSLEM

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Information asymmetry between business owners and investors is a common problem in all investments, but this problem becomes more apparent in equity crowdfunding because potential investors in equity crowdfunding are generally non-professional investors and do not have enough time and experience to scrutinize the investment plan. Therefore, based on the received signals, they decide on the quality of the designs and ultimately their participation / non-participation. The purpose of this study is to comprehensively identify these signals and their sources and also to measure their effectiveness. This is a mixed research in which, qualitative data were gathered through semi structured interviews and analyzed with thematic analyze method. Quantitative part of the research forms the main part of it and contains a descriptive survey which its data were analyzed by second order confirmatory factor analysis. Based on the results, three sources of signals, respectively including: ECF platform, third parties and business owners and are involved in motivating investors to participate, and for each source, four effective signals were identified.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to improve productivity, competitiveness and support the financing of the private sector, this study seeks to select appropriate strategies of venture capital and private equity funds as one of the new financial institutions in financing private companies with a significant amount of resources under management in Iran. In this research, focusing on the various stages of the life cycle of these funds, including four stages of fundraising, investing, managing and monitoring and exit, various strategies of private equity funds including venture capital funds, growth equity funds, leverage buyout funds and distressed funds have been examined. In this regard, by studying the background of the research as well as available samples, first, the common strategies at each stage of the life cycle of these funds are defined and the questions of the questionnaire are designed using the Delphi method and finally considered by the experts in the form of a structured questionnaire. After analyzing the data through statistical tests, appropriate strategies with the ruling conditions of this fledgling financial institution in the country during the four stages of the life cycle, including fundraising, investing, managing and monitoring and exit explained.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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