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In this study, we try to introduce defamiliarization and forgrounding as the best devices for analyzing and reading a poem. Apart from content it is the form and formal relation between parts of a poem which create aesthetic pleasure. Language, concepts and literatural forms are three surfaces for analyzing according to formalist devices. Nilly willy every impressive poets will apply the device like paying attention to the musicology of words and semantic syntax, chronological replacement and archaic usage of words in normative language. Shamlo also like other well -known poets has applied the making strange ways of normal language. He also has used the normal and even argo words between archaic words. Ambiguity and tension are two significant characteristics of “with eyes” in addition to them, metaphore, irony, description, analogy, similarity, images…..make this poem as a way of delaying the routine process of our automatized perception.

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Rhetorical devices make literary works attractive and endow words with pleasant rhythm. Synesthesia, one of these devices, is applied to the combination of two or more senses in a way that increases words effect through creating spiritual rhythm. The concept was firstly introduced by Charles Baudelaire (1821-1876) in the nineteenth century. He divided synesthesia into 9 combinations and suggested specific principles per combination. Analyzing diverse types of Baudelaire synesthesia in the works of two Arabic and Persian blind poets, Abul Ala Al-Maarri (937-1057) and Shoorideh-Shirazi (1857-1927), using a descriptive-analytical method, the present study aims to demonstrate the beauty in blind poets’ poems which results from deep imagination. The results indicate that both poets seek to highlight images related to sight, especially sight-touch sense, in the combination of senses so that they can hide their disability from readers’ views.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), an approach rooted in critical linguistics movement of 1970s, is a fruitful framework for analyzing journalistic discourse and crystalizing power and ideological relations behind the media. News analysis has been known as one of the most frequent trends within CDA. In this article, a new theoretical framework for news analysis, known as evaluative semantics (White, 2006), has been introduced. This framework is essentially a semantic one and influential in analyzing news from a new perspective. In this research, besides introducing the above-mentioned model, a sample news text taken from the Washington Post about Iran’s nuclear dossier has been analyzed. The main aim of this research is to study major features of this framework and to scrutinize the potential value it adds to CDA analysis of news texts. Therefore, it is recommended that evaluative semantics model (White, 2006) is competent in adding new areas of research into media analysis within CDA general approach, considering features such as affect, judgment and appreciation in news texts , and clarifying some hidden aspects of media products. The findings of this research can be both inspiring for CDA researchers and unveiling some linguistic and semantic aspects of Western media against Iran’s nuclear dossier. Considering the growing prominence of CDA in text analysis, introducing new trends such as one represented in this article can pave the way for further studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Expressionism or Constructionism is a school in literature, painting, and cinema in the early twentieth century in Germany. Expressionism in literature is the way that looks at the world through emotions which can be a sign of reaction and romantic desires of artists who lived in industrial and developing societies in the early twentieth century. Moreover, they aimed at providing a definition of capitalist society in order to challenge the various crises rejecting the traditional models in order to set the ground for human freedom.On the other hand, since expressionism has a social and cultural perspective on human life, it affects different literary issues especially linguistic and rhetorical aspects. This article attempts to briefly describe the characteristics of the Expressionist school and scrutinize the samples of poems by Persian famous female poets including Parvin Etesami, Forough Farrokhzad, Simin Behbehani, Zhaleh Esfahani, and Taherh Saffarzadeh based on this approach.

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A large part of the culture and culture of any nation, Oral Literature, or Folk Lore; this type of literature included habits, traditions, myths, stories, beliefs, rituals, The songs, traditions and proverbs are very widespread, which was mainly considered in the present era, especially after the acquaintance of Iranians with Western literature and literature. These uses in Persian prose and especially in the literary genre of fiction and novels were more than poetry. Jalal al-Ahmad is a contemporary writer and writer who has used many popular literature in his works. After Jamalzadeh and Sadiq Hedayat this al-Ahmad has used this type in the language of the story; since Al-Ahmad He lived in a mass of people and was in fact one of them; his stories and works are full of folk literature. In general, the folkloric elements used in al-Ahmad's stories can be divided into five main categories - proverbial, proverbial terms (Such as dialects), storytelling parables, popular vocabulary and syntax. This article seeks to study the position of this type of literary works in the works of Jalal al-Ahmad and presenting some of the proverbs and rulings contained in his works and explaining and explaining them the aspects of public literature or parts of it in contemporary stories, and in particular The work of Al-Ahmad, and the importance of this type of application in establishing the relationship with the reader and the general acceptability of his work.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Poem, in spite of the fact that develops individual and social aspects of child’s life, aesthetic taste, emotional and lexical richness, may result in negative effects in his linguistic performance. Deviations from ordinary standards of language, inappropriate application of words and ill-formed sentences structures cause mal-substitution of grammatical constructions in child’s lexicon. However, poets are considered not to disregard linguistic elements at the expense of acquiring musical elements. In this connection, rhetoric, and then poetics must be ranked in the first place. In order for the discourse and the situational context of the addressee aptly met, it seems necessary to choose linguistic patterns with respect to the age group of the addressees. This makes children to perceive plain language easily. The use of adult language in child poetry complicates its perception and diminishes its eloquence quality. Opacity of terms, semantic and syntactic ambiguities, and hyperboles are the major pitfalls of child poems. In the current study, it is aimed to study the type of the mentioned pitfalls. The necessity of the present research lies in applicability of its results, paying much more attention to the ways of language application in child poems and preventing losses in child’s language.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The masters of literary works use verbal and nonverbal communication to present their thoughts and ideas more effectively. Although the poets and writers use literary language for aesthetic statement, they are not inattentive to nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is a collection of nonverbal stimulants in a communicational area created by both the source and this area and has potential message values for the source and receiver. This communication contains all unconscious body movements, appearances, voice specifications and the types of place and distance. Although it is not a certain medium for transmitting a message from one person to another, but it is more explicit than the oral language.This study attempted to analyze the samples of nonverbal communication, including physical appearance, gesture and movement, face and eye behavior, area and territoriality, tactility, environment and the nature of surroundings and period in the Hasanak the vizier’s story and endeavored to show how they made Bayhaqi’s language more effective. The results of the research show that the nonverbal message of phonetic behavior used for explaining the person’s emotions like protest, sadness, modesty, failure of communication, ridicule, lack of interest, etc. has the highest frequency and the nonverbal message of tactility, due to the description of court characters using it rarely, except for violence and contention, has the lowest frequency. In spite of mentioning the eight items of nonverbal communication in different sources of research, it seems that the Bayhaqi’s descriptions and preparation of surroundings in making a text narrative can be one of the nonverbal communication items not taken into consideration before.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, we have tried to interpret a new generation of so-called friendship humors according to Grecian principles of co-operation in Persian language. Reviewing the implications of utterances and their meanings in context is one of the most important aspects of language usage. In fact, people do not always suggest explicitly what they are meant, and this can be lead to an unsuccessful mutual interacting. Grecian co-operative principles (1975) can be one of the most important factors in creating a successful Humor. This study aims to investigate the violations of Grecian co-operative principles and their role in the joke production of the kind that is just widespread in the Persian language in everyday conversations. The field research is descriptive-analytic. The data include 30 jokes, internet dialogues and messages that are randomly selected. The results showed that the consequences of violation of Grecian co-operation principles results in lying, idiom, ridicule, metaphor, hyperbole, secrecy, emphasizing the subject, insults, lack of desire to continue the discussion, ambiguity, contradiction, surprised the audience, change topic in the Persian-speaking community.

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