Zoloali Khansari is a renowned poet of the end of 10th and the beginning of 11th centuries who was skillful in composing different forms of poems specially, 'qasida' (ode), 'ghazal' (lyric) and 'mathnawi'. He is famous because of his mathnawis which is known to biographers as 'haft Ganj' (seven treasures). His longest and. most important poem is 'the Mathnawiof Mahmoud and Ayaz'. Khasari's love to his' home-land, Khansar, is dearly found in his poems. It is certain that in composing 'mathnawis' he has followed Nezami Ganjawi and Mulla-i- Rum. Sometimes, he has even derived the themes and concepts from them.Zolali was attributed to the court of Shah Abbas of Safavid dynasty and is one of the followers of Mirmohammad Bagher Damad.He is an innouative, creative and well versed poet who has a special style in expressing his ideas and there are rare words and new expressions in his vocabulary. Beautiful images, similes and metaphors abound in his speech and give special beauty to his poetry. 'The Mathnawi of Mahmoad and Ayaz' is his most important and longest mathnawi that tries to relate spiritual and mystic points, in the form of an amazing love story.