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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of the current research is to investigate the effect of knowledge management on technology transfer by considering the mediating variable of entrepreneurial orientation. This research is an applied research with a quantitative approach and a descriptive-survey type. The statistical population consists of two sectors, industry and university, and Zamiad Company and University of Tehran were selected as subjects of study. In this way, based on stratified random sampling method and with the help of Cochran's formula, 180 informed experts of Zamiad company were sampled, and finally 123 people were in the industry department and 111 people were determined from the faculties of Tehran University. Data were collected using the standard questionnaire of Newman et al. (knowledge management), Walter et al. (entrepreneurial orientation) and Rogers et al. (technology transfer). The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through the comments of academic experts. To calculate the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used (knowledge creation: 0. 741, knowledge maintenance: 0. 738, knowledge conversion: 0. 726, knowledge application: 0. 781, entrepreneurial orientation: 0. 853 and technology transfer: 0. 866) and all coefficients were higher than 0. 7 indicates that the used measurement tool has acceptable reliability. The structural equation model has been used to comprehensively examine the presented conceptual model. Confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL software has been used to assess the fit of the measurement models related to the research constructs,Also, Pearson's correlation test and regression using SPSS have been used to test the relationships and influence of variables. Finally, AMOS software was used to test the main hypotheses of the research. The results of the research indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management and technology transfer, and knowledge management also affects technology transfer through its influence on entrepreneurial orientation,Therefore, organizations can transfer the technology created in universities in a more appropriate way by completing the knowledge management cycle and trying to promote and institutionalize the entrepreneurial tendency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Knowledge sharing among faculty members of universities and higher education centers is very important,Because it activates them in a competitive process in order to create and produce knowledge and finally share it. The current research was conducted with the aim of investigating the role and extent of influence of various factors in knowledge sharing among university faculty members and based on the theory of planned behavior. The approach of quantitative research and its descriptive method is causal and cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population of this research included all faculty members of the Non-Governmental University of Science and Culture in the number of 103 people, and the required sample size among them was determined as 81 people based on Cochran's formula. The classification sampling method is based on the selection of university faculties as a class. In order to collect data, the questionnaires of knowledge sharing, organizational atmosphere, intention, attitude and mental norm of Bok et al. (2005), the perceived behavior control questionnaire of Al-Suyidi (2014), the trust questionnaire of Kim and Joe (2008) and the leadership questionnaire of Ridge (2005) were used. has been The method of structural equation modeling in the method of partial least squares has been used in order to analyze the data. The findings of the research have shown that from the point of view of faculty members, the significant relationship between organizational climate and knowledge sharing and also the significant relationship between intention, attitude and mental norm with knowledge sharing have been confirmed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The ability to imagine what will probably happen is one of the most important characteristics of successful companies, and it will be even more so if this company is a knowledge-based company whose basis of competition and competitive advantage is based on knowledge. Therefore, in this research, an attempt has been made to formulate possible scenarios and, as a result, appropriate strategies for these companies, by looking ahead to competitive advantage components in knowledgebased companies. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method it is survey type and exploratory level. The statistical population of this research was made up of 97 managers and experts in 46 science-based companies located in Shiraz Chemical Industries Technology Town and Science-based Fatko Holding, which according to the type and stages of the research, groups of 15 people, 7 people and 6 people were selected judiciously. Investigating the literature of the first stage, 4 main political, strategic, economic, financial, socio-cultural and technological categories were selected by reviewing the subject literature, and then 30 components were identified by re-using the subject literature and interviewing experts, and then using the opinion of a group of 15 experts. And by Delphi method, 26 competitive advantage components were finalized. In the second stage, in order to determine the mutual effects of the components, these components were included in 2 questionnaires and a group of 7 experts completed them. One of these questionnaires was developed for use in MICMAC analysis and the other for use in Scenario Wizard software. The existence of the scenario in the output of the scenario wizard software and the reliability of 95% of the MICMAC questionnaire guarantees the validity and internal consistency of these 2 questionnaires and the relevant data. The results of the scenario wizard software provided 8 acceptable (strong) scenarios, among which 3 optimistic, pessimistic and most likely scenarios were analyzed. By categorizing the advantageous components into 4 political/strategic, economic/financial, social/cultural and technological categories, the results of the three scenarios were also presented in this category. In the last stage, a 6-person group was used to formulate the necessary measures and policies, and this group finally suggested 12 measures for the optimistic scenario, 9 measures for the probable scenario, and 4 measures for the pessimistic scenario. In general, it can be said that in knowledge-based companies, the distribution of knowledge management power towards the four categories of more production, market development, project result orientation and more quality can provide a favorable scenario to achieve the maximum use of facilities and opportunities.

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Maintaining a competitive advantage in conditions of uncertainty in the environment of preservation and promotion is one of the most basic concerns in public and non-governmental sector organizations, which factors such as the demographic composition of the workforce, organizational leaders' greater emphasis on human capital issues, the crisis of employee participation, the challenge of adapting organizations to changes in the environment And. . it has been effective in the emergence of this concern in organizational leaders and has required them to rely on organizational knowledge management methods for success in the work environment and maintaining and managing knowledge workers. Based on this, developing a model of obstacles and facilitators of organizational knowledge sharing has become one of the priority needs of public and non-governmental sector organizations, and the current research has emerged as a way to present this model. In this research, Sandelowski and Barroso's metacombination method has been used to extract the pattern of inhibitors and facilitators of knowledge sharing, and since the analysis and final report of the findings of the selected studies can provide a comprehensive picture, the metacombination of studies has been considered,As a result, 263 sources were selected through a comprehensive search of sources through international websites, and 65 relevant sources were selected based on the entry and exit criteria. Following the findings of the studies based on data analysis and open coding, 65 codes were extracted, and after the final analysis and summary, the results were obtained in the form of 43 sub-concepts, 10 concepts and 2 categories. Quality monitoring was achieved through the comprehensiveness of the number of sources, the use of international reliable sources, identification in different time frames, the use of identifying researchers, detailed presentation of findings, and the approval of organizational knowledge management experts. The findings showed that the barriers and facilitators of knowledge sharing include individual (14 codes), technical (9 codes), organizational (11 codes), cultural (6 codes) and geographical (3 codes) factors. As a result, the identified factors were used in the design of an exploitable model to strengthen knowledge sharing in the mentioned organizations.

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In this study, the information security knowledge sharing model is presented from the integration of the theories of planned behavior, motivation, triandis and behavior change stages in an organization by combining the statistical method of structural equation modeling and agent-based modeling and simulation,Also, in this study, structural equation modeling has been used to build models as inputs for factor-based modeling and to improve and improve their reliability and validity. in other words,In this study, structural equation modeling has been applied for factor-based modeling. The data collection method is a questionnaire made by the researcher and collected by simple random sampling method. After testing the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, data was collected from 217 participants. Using SmartPLS3. 2. 6 and Anylogic software, hypothesis testing and simulation based on statistical results are analyzed in order to analyze the change of behavior over time. The findings have shown that the factors of the theory of planned behavior, including attitude, mental norms, perceived behavioral control and motivation theory, which include internal and external motivational factors, and the Triandis model, in order to facilitate the conditions, have positive effects on the stages of behavior change from It includes the stages of pre-reflection, reflection, preparation, action, maintenance and termination. In addition, the change in information security knowledge sharing behavior in the organization increases over time until reaching the end stage. The innovation of this study is factor-based modeling in order to test hypotheses over time along with the statistical method of structural equation modeling. In addition, the behavior change model has also been applied to analyze the behavior change stages of information security knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing plays an important role in the field of information security,Because it has a positive effect on the awareness of employees' information security.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Considering the importance of knowledge management and the investigation offactors related to the phenomenon of knowledge concealment, the present research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of employees' perception ofexclusion on knowledge concealment with the moderating role of job stress and job independence. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive andcorrelational in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of the research was considered to be the employees of the General Administration ofSouth Khorasan Customs. 150 people were working in this general office in 2022, and according to Morgan's table, 108 of them were selected by simple random sampling. To collect data, standard questionnaires of knowledge concealment, perceived rejection, job stress, and job independence were used, and the validityand reliability of these tools were checked through face validity and constructvalidity (convergent and divergent validity) and calculation of Cronbach's alphacoefficient and composite reliability ( CR) were confirmed. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods and structural equation modeling using SPSS15 andSmart PLS3 statistical software. The findings of the research showed that the perception of employee rejection causes knowledge concealment, and themoderating role of job autonomy was confirmed in the effect of these two variables on each other, but job stress did not have a moderating role in the effect of employee rejection perception on knowledge concealment. According to the results of this research, it can be stated that in order to prevent the phenomenon of knowledge hiding in the organization, managers should behave in such a way thatthe employees do not feel left out and considering that the variable of job independence in this Communication had a moderating role and reduces the concealment of knowledge, so it is suggested to increase the independence andautonomy of employees in the design or redesign of organizational jobs in caseswhere other conditions are also available.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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