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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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1. INTRODUCTIONTourism is considered as a social event by many researchers, because the tourism activity occurs between two different groups of people of which one is the local and the other one is the visitor. Tourism as a social event makes a relationship between communities that have different social characteristics and creates the mutual relationship between the different cultures, traditions and behaviors. As a result, it may cause changes in social structures, modes of behavior and life style. Hence it can be said that tourism as a social and cultural activity, is a potential of change, but. Since the direction of this change is not clear, it would cause difficulties for tourism management. Unbalanced and uncoordinated social changes with society can cause chaos and confusion and heavy blows for the society. Therefore, it is necessary to review them. The aim of this research is the assessment of the host communities’ perceptions of tourisms role on social changes of Ziarat village. In the present article, we have tried to answer the following fundamental questions: What is tourism's role in social changes of Ziarat village from the perspective of the villagers? What are the affective variables on perceptions and attitudes of the villagers about tourism's role in social change in Ziarat village?

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1- INTRODUCTIONIran is one of the vulnerable countries about earthquake issue in the world which is placed in earthquake- belt prone of Himalaya Alp. So it is necessary to identify and evaluate dangerous areas because it can prevent of human and financial losses, when environmental crisis occurs. We did a lot of efforts to decrease and minimum results of earthquake and confident to buildings safety, but slums areas that shaped illegal and spontaneous, control and safety issues don't have legal placed and these areas always have natural, social and economical crisis. Uncontrolled growth of Mashhad city during this decade caused to made narrow streets, locations and small population nuclear inform of illegal and spontaneous in suburbs. There are a lot of out comes in illegal constructions such as non-observance of safety principles in constructions, incorrect usage of structural elements and responsible organization have no control in these areas. The most important purpose of this study is to identify effective factors on vulnerability rate of slum against earthquake. This study is based on physical and vulnerable model in form of internal factors (age of building, kind of building materials, granulation of parts, kind of possession) and external factors (topography, close to fault line, kind of texture, passageways, population density in hectare, household density in residential unit, person density in residential unit) Vulnerable areas identify and finally present for decrease the rate vulnerability procedures caused by earthquake.

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1. INTRODUCTIONMonitoring the evolution of tourism life cycle in Iran is relatively new; and despite of the fact that this approach can be a useful framework for understanding the relationships among the activities of tourism destinations, limited methods and approaches are introduced. Therefore, this research introduces a new approach to monitoring and evaluating tourism activities in tourism rural destinations from Tourism Life Cycle point of views.

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    4 (12)
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1. INTRODUCTIONlack of control on wastes and inattention to qualitative and quantitative condition of all productive waste, collecting method, transportation and their correct and hygiene removal result in special problems, threatening the health and environment. in any rural and urban centers, study on waste condition is differently Done because of various factors including waste management manner, type of the services presented by medical hygiene centers, admission numbers, cultural and economic condition of The society, etc. wastes and their distribution in the environment Is one of the most Important problems of Human society and Its extent is increasingly increasing with regarding to rubbish production rate.

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    4 (12)
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1. INTRODUCTIONThe pattern has been the same for the planning and management of agriculture in rural areas, which is applied to various forms of state failure and inefficiency of the agricultural development programs. Because this planning and management have not been designed based on needs, talents, and abilities of the rural areas, but based on consensus over the potential and actual needs and abilities. Accordingly, knowledge of the distribution and degree of development of agriculture in this area could be a prerequisite for agricultural and rural development projects and programs to be considered. In this regard, one of the ways that can be useful in planning and managing the development of agriculture is the classification of rural areas according to conventional indicators of agricultural development. Results obtained from the survey studies, showed that due to changes in development, regardless of its natural resources, these regions are among the deprived areas and to achieve the appropriate level of development requires government intervention and planning. Hence, in order to reduce the problems of development, intervention and orientation of the agricultural structure will be an important factor. In this regard, the aim of the present study is to determine the level of agricultural development (Farming Subsector) in rural areas in Dashtroom village in Boyerahmad county to improve rural development planning.

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    4 (12)
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1. INTRODUCTIONHealth is a concept whose fundamental attention is on keeping capitals (human, natural, social, and economic) for inter-generational justice. Paying attention to the health dimensions (ecologic, social, and economic) of Rurals is one of the fundamental basis of sustainable development. Health in rural and nomadic regions is a complicated phenomenon and is the pre-requisite of rural sustainable development, and its realization requires a healthy environment and appropriate social, economic, cultural, and environmental grounds. Identifying the nature and dimensions of health, and factors affecting it on the one hand, and doing measures for enhancing it in rural regions on the other hand, have significant necessity and can have important roles in the sustainability in these regions. Now, after three decades of the experience of nomad settlement, the present study is to answer this general question that “how is the state of rurals of nomad settlement in terms of enjoying health indicators in four healthcare, sociocultural, economic, and environmental-physical dimensions?” The present study is an effort to present and evaluat health levels in nomadic rurals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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1- INTRODUCTIONone of the problems that is important in the waste management is the topic of waste rural landfill site selection and Latex resulting from that in rural areas. The Latex can be because groundwater pollution the contamination vulnerability and groundwater protection assessment has proved to be an effective tool for the delineation of protection zones in area affected by groundwater contamination. So the main objective of this study is waste rural landfill site selection, this study also deals with examining the application of DRASTIC model to determine Potential aquifer pollution in rural areas and zoning maps of vulnerable areas.

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    4 (12)
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1- INTRODUCTIONParticipatory development (PD) seeks to engage local populations in development projects. It has taken a variety of forms since it emerged in the 1970s. Local ‘ownership’ is essential to sustain capacity but depends on wide-spread participation. A lot of studies related to participation topics have been conducted recently. But a few of them consider participation between all of stakeholders or beneficiaries of development. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop a participatory model for public, private, beneficiary, and association sectors for achieving a sustainable agricultural development in the Central District of Boyer-Ahmad County.

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    4 (12)
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1. INTRODUCTIONThe phenomenon of land consolidation has been the concern of economists, geographers, soil scientists, anthropologists, and politician in the last decades. It has achieved little success for agricultural development in Iran. Most of Iranian land consolidation schemes ignore to meet sustainability criteria as a critical phase in the planning process. Therefore, they have caused many environmental impacts on rural environment. While these new approaches have definitely improved the land structure and productivity, they have remained limited by un-sustainability of farming system. The entire project focuses on physical dimension and ignores environmental dimension. Thus, its sustainability is not important for the stakeholders. It is worth mentioning that, many studies have investigated the economic and sociological issues of land consolidation projects and used various measurements and criteria to assess its impact but there is little work to focus its effect on sustainability of farming system. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of land consolidation projects on agricultural sustainability in the Haraz plain of Mazandaran province.

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    4 (12)
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1. INTRODUCTIONBehavioral approaches in agricultural studies are approaches which 1. Sseek to understand behavior of farmers, 2. emphasize on psychological constructions such as attitudes, values and goals, and collect data related to the land, economic situation etc., and 3. enjoy quantitative methods. In general, such approaches are considered as a combination of motivational factors and structural features of economy which reflect motivational priorities. Before considering the importance of participatory approaches, a farmer was regarded as a limiting factor in development process but when the importance of these approaches was recognized in the agricultural section, the participatory role of local people turned twice as much in fundamental decision making.

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    4 (12)
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1. INTRODUCTIONKhorasan’s rural housing, like other regions of Iran, is consistent with the environmental, cultural, social and economic conditions. However, unfortunately, despite good efforts made by the relevant agencies to assist physical and spatial developments, there have been confusion and misdirection about implementing the needs, facts, and traditions of rural lifestyles.

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    4 (12)
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1. INTRODUCTIONToday, sustainability of rural and urban settlements and their population in developing world is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. However, today due to development of urbanization, the rural areas have undergone many changes. These changes have been concurrent with the developing process of urbanization and unorganized expansion of cities on the one hand, and the decreasing significance of rural settlements on the other hand. Therefore, considering the importance of an appropriate new model of living and in line with the sustainability of rural settlements, this paper aims to investigate the capabilities of creating an urban village in the villages of Jagharq, in rural district of Torghabeh, Binalood County. Accordingly, the main research questions are: What are the opportunities in - creating an urban village in the villages of the study area? What are the weaknesses and threats constituted by villages in creating a model of an urban village?

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    4 (12)
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1. INTRODUCTIONIn intellectual paradigms and new rural approaches, it is important to use knowledge and information and subsequently the exchange and transfer tools and technologies. Various functions of development can be evaluated easily in a close synergy relationship with information technology and communication functions (Mohammad Gholi Nia et al., 2009). Some researchers have explained the necessity and importance of ITC according to its provided services and functions in rural areas. They have counted some items such as social development, an increase in villagers’ decision-making potency, local and rural markets development, mitigation of natural disasters’ effects, environmental protection, enriching the rural poor people, improving life quality, etc. as the important functions of ITC (Molaei Hashtchin, 2012). According to the importance and role of ITC in rural development, the author of this paper aims to investigate the prioritization of the establishment of this type of service center in the villages of Forg Distinct of Darab County using multi index method in addition to analysis of the transmittance of ITC center in the mentioned villages such that finally the results of this study can affect positively on the development process of the villages of the studied area.

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