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Today, the irregular process of urban extension and urbanization in relation with the increasing population growth has led to harsh and unfavorable conditions in the environment. So, professional urban planners and managers have special attention to the establishment and development of cities for maintaining the ecological balance of urban and suburban areas, trying to minimize the environmental damages caused by the physical expansion of cities. It is clear that the first step for achieving this goal is to recognize correctly capabilities of natural environment for establishment and next development of city to surrounding areas. This study was done in this regard, aimed to assess favorable and unfavorable environmental opportunities for physical expansion of Sarab city. The data of selected variables including elevation, slope, lithology, distance from fault, distance from stream, soil type and ground water depth came from various library references. Research method is descriptive-analytic and we used the fuzzy multi-criteria decision making model to determine the favorable/ unfavorable areas for physical expansion of the city. In this regard, preparation, management and analysis of data are performed by geographic information system (GIS). Results of overlaying analysis by gamma fuzzy 0. 9 operator in form of final land suitability map indicated that there is a little difference in area percent between appropriate (38%) and inappropriate (42%) condition for the physical expansion of the city. Although Sarab city is encountered with impasses from the south in terms of natural environment for physical expansion, but expansion capabilities is suitable from the East, the West and particularly the North. Given natural environment conditions of the study area, special attention is necessary to surface and ground water resources in this regard.

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The deployment of every urban element in a specific spatial-physical location of the city is subject to certain principles, rules and mechanisms that, if followed, will result in the success and effectiveness of that element at the same location. Determining the proper location for the establishment of sport centers is one of the most important tasks and objectives of urban managers, which must be prepared in a systematic framework prior to implementation. In Tehran metropolitan area, lack of recreational and sports spaces and its inappropriate distribution considering the population of each region, has been a major problem for the citizens of this city. The size of the sports field in Tehran is 50 centimeters per person. Also, in the 10th district of Tehran, sport spaces and locations have not been optimized in proportion to the population allocation of space; Therefore, the organization and development of these centers seems important. The purpose of this study is to determine spatial-location organization and physical development of sport spaces in the 10th district of Tehran. The research method is a descriptive-analytic study. By studying and analyzing the literature of research in the areas of land use and location, determining the 9 criteria effective in organizing gyms through overlapping the informative overlays in Arc GIS software, identifies the best places to fit the target. The results of the research show that the sport centers in the 10th district of Tehran are not in desirable position in terms of distribution, and the distribution of these centers has been done randomly. Thus, after considering the appropriate places for the construction of sport centers and adapting them to ground facts, several places for the establishment of new sport centers for this region have been proposed. It also becomes clear that the application of multi-criteria decision-making techniques and spatial analysis of GIS can be used as an effective tool for locating sport spaces. The placement of sport spaces alongside the communication paths and their proper distance from the industrial and military uses proves properly the ability and power of the analytical model of the research.

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Promotion of new needs of urban life due to urban growth, has disrupted the old and modern parts of cities. structure of old neighborhoods around central core of the cities has been unable to respond to the needs of contemporary life and it seems necessary to adopt an efficient method before the ancient urban fabric becomes a crisis, The new urbanism movement is a new approach for interfering with old and worn urban texture. The purpose of this research is to analyze the dimensions of urban decay and presenting strategies for sustainable regeneration of Sardozak neighborhood with regard to the principles of the new urbanism approach and then determining the priority of these strategies for planning this neighborhood. The research method is descriptive-analytic. In order to analyze the data related to urban decline, the hierarchical analysis model was used to weigh indices and information layers. Using the weighted overlay model, the final map of the urban decline was produced. A combination of SWOT and network analysis (ANP) was also used for strategic planning. The results show that 75. 2% of the neighborhood is in a high and very high level of physical deprivation and 27% of the neighborhood is in high and very high socioeconomic decline. Also in the strategic planning for Sardozak neighborhood with regard to new urbanism movement, (Wo) strategies with 0. 315 weight will be the priority and after that (WT) strategies with weight 0. 292, (ST) strategies with the weight of 0. 209 and the (SO) strategies with weight 0. 182 are the next priorities.

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Historic textures are the manifestation of the lives of past generations, identity, and capital of cities and countries. Growth and progressive development of cities have created social, functional, environmental and physical problems in these textures. The problems need to change in management approach of city development and using approaches such as reconstruction, infill development in order to the revitalization and breathe new life into historical textures. The purpose of this research is to identify intervention arenas in urban historic textures, according to infill development approach. In terms of purpose, the research is an applied as well as in terms of method descriptive-analytic. Physical criteria include land use type, quality building, and old building, building structures, and ownership, number of floors and parcels area. Educational criteria, employment, and population density are as the index social and access to green spaces, health, and commercial and educational land use as an index access. Layers have been normalized by using fuzzy functions membership in the ArcGIS environment. The weighting of criteria has determined with Analytic Hierarchy process method (AHP) and by in multiplying weight in the layers that the final map of intervention arenas in historical texture has been achieved at five class. Results show the first priority 10%, the second priority 17%, the third priority 38%, the fourth priority 25% and the fifth priority 10% have owned the area of the historic texture of Yazd. Planners have to find the methods to identify intervention arenas with consideration of frontage historical building in order to improve social and physical conditions of textures and increase the presence of tourists.

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Achieving survivability and improving the quality of life in rural areas depends on the implementation of development programs that focus on indigenous and environmental abilities to turn rural environments into an attractive and desirable environment for the sake of rural excellence. the present study examines the effects of creating borderline markets as economic entities established to exploit the potential of trade in borderline regions on improving the level of livability potentials of rural border areas of Khavemyrabad and Dezli districts. This descriptive-analytic study compares the situation of livability of rural areas in two periods before and after the establishment of borderline markets. By collecting information from documentary and field documents based on interviews, observing and distributing questionnaires among 260 households in sample rural villages and the analysis of these data by inferential statistics (T-test, path analysis, Friedman reticulation, independent t-test), concluded that the established borderline markets have improved the level of livability of the studied villages. In addition, among the quadruple dimensions of livability (economic, social, physical and environmental), the economic dimension has had the greatest impact on increasing the livability space of the villages. Also, the index of improving the status of rural housing, the value of rural lands and increasing rural incomes along with the physical dimension of rural livelihoods, have the most impact and improve the situation, following the establishment of borderline markets and local people's activities.

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In the present age, the main factor in the crises of human societies is rooted in social inequalities and the lack of social justice. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to study and analyze the factors that improve the sense of social justice of villagers in Ardebil. This research is, from a developmental point of view, descriptive and analytical in nature, as well as an analytical one. The statistical population of this study consists of all the villagers who live in rural areas of Ardabil city over 15 years old (N = 85053), of which 383 were selected using the Cochran formula as statistical sample. In this research, the method of data collection in order to answer the research questions has been documented (secondary data) and survey (primary data) and the tool used in the survey method of the questionnaire and interview. The face validity of the questionnaire has been confirmed by a panel of experts. The study was conducted in a similar area of statistical society with 30 questionnaires. The obtained data and the use of Cronbach's alpha specific formula were analyzed using SPSS software. The reliability of different sections of the research questionnaire was 0. 73-0. 85. Finally, a factor analysis model was used to analyze the data. The results of this model showed that the most important factors in improving the sense of social justice from the viewpoint of villagers in the studied area were seven components (income redistribution and strengthening of supportive system, ease of access to resources and facilities, and Rural psychosocial support, social development and spatial justice and infrastructure strengthening), the amount of variance and cumulative variance explained by these four factors is 72. 73. Finally, based on the results of the research, applied proposals are presented.

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Evaluating the lands’ proportionality is a basis for urban planning in cities, mostly regarding the proper use of lands and it guides the urban usages in a way that prevents the incorrect and incompatible adjacency and allows the right proportionality of lands to develop. The current paper used the descriptive-analysis attitude to evaluate the lands’ proportionality of healthcare centers in the 1st and 8th districts of Ahvaz city. In order to reach the aim explained above and to analyze the collected data, the ArcGIS software and the CF function was used. At the end, the spatial distribution of lands and the proportionality percentages of each chosen healthcare user were defined. The results showed that the most incompatibility first belonged to the industrial usages with the amount of 16. 17%, the local usages with 8. 17% and the fire station centers with the amount of 7. 53%, and the least incompatibility belonged to the main streets with the amount of 0. 71%. Finally, out of all the case study area, 41. 09% were the incompatible, 18. 66% were the neutral and 13. 02% were recognized as the compatible lands. Based on the researches and studies, in the case study areas, the lands proportionality and adjacency of the chosen usages, were not applied properly according to the healthcare usages.

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Today the importance of developing agriculture in terms of providing food security as a substructure of rural development is a serious issue for economic planners. This matter largely depends on environmental powers such as soil water resources and consumption efficiency in arid and semi-arid areas. Watershed plans by supplying water and protecting soil play a special role in development of agricultural sector in countries (like Iran) facing water shortage and soil erosion. This research is prepared to study the economic effects of watershed projects in Iran, Fars province where one of the greatest dams, Salman Farsi has been implemented. This research is based on descriptive-analytic method. In this study 584 households are selected from villages with more than 20 households in each village that affected by Salman Farsi project and lives in Qir&karzin County. The study is based on probability sampling, in the step of completing the questionnaire and choosing the space sample; the simple random sample is determined by 95 Kokaran formula with the list of beneficial people and at the end 120 questionnaire are completed (for more accuracy). For analytical statistics SPSS software, non-parametric-binomial tests and Wilcoxon test have been used. In order to truly accounting total revenue of beneficiaries in the base year (1387), their annual income has been converted to the year 2015 on the basis of central bank from inflation rate and then compared. The results show that in the study area the effect of implementation of Salman Farsi dam on economic indicators are positive. It is also found that changes in "area of bagh-galamestan, orbit of water circulation, agricultural products, the number of workers outside the household, the numbers of household labor, the number of small livestock, the number of gardens, and the last the number of proprietary or leased machines in implant, grow and harvest steps" are positive and significant after building the dam.

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In recent years the balanced relationship between human and nature has been disrupted by rapid urban development and unbridled and destructive actions by the overexploitation of urban resources, resulting in fragile and volatile urban environments. So the present study was conducted to investigate the urban ecological sustainability of Region 1, Tabriz metropolis with 59 sustainability components in four environmental, social, economic, and physical groups using the Structural Equation (SIM) and Fuzzy Multivariate Analysis, and weighted linear combination (WLC) in GIS environment. The present research is applied, from the perspective of nature, and descriptive-empirical, from that of method. A researcher-made questionnaire were used to gather required data. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire (0. 93) was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha. A sample of 382 residents of Region 1 in Tabriz metropolitan was randomly selected. Using Linear regression test in the SPSS software, latent indicators were ranked and using factor loadings test in the LISREL software, observed indicators were ranked and summarized according to the importance and effectiveness levels. The fuzzy logic model in the form of GIS was used to prepare the map of influencing indicators. The results of the data analysis indicate that all parts of the Region1 of Tabriz metropolitan area have are not sustainable, so that the northern, middle, and southern and southeastern neighborhoods are at low, middle, and high levels of sustainability, respectively. Therefore, the influencing factors at these irregular levels of sustainability in Region 1 were prioritized. Accordingly, environmental, social, economic, and physical indicators with respectively 46. 2%, 30. 1%, 19. 7%, and 4%, play role, in order of priority, in this unbalanced sustainability. Hence, strengthening the influencing indicators based on their priorities was emphasized by offering a number of recommendations.

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Since, tourism is essentially a place-based phenomenon, it is assumed that the place identity influences the attitude and support for tourism development. This study aims to examine the influence of place identity on residents' attitudes toward tourism impacts and support of tourism development in Tourism Region of Kamardugh. A self-administered questionnaire was designed to measure Kamardugh residents' place identity as well as their attitudes and support for tourism development. The study population consisted of residents of Kamardugh tourism region which 220 individuals were selected according to Krejcie and Morgan tables. The Random sampling technique was employed to collect data. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by expert. The reliability of the main scales of the questionnaires was examined by Cronbach Alpha coefficients, which ranged from 0. 72 to 0. 85. The present study finds a positive significant relationship between support of tourism development with distinctiveness, self-esteem, self-efficacy, attitude toward positive impacts of tourism. Variable of attitude toward negative impacts of tourism had significant negative relationship with support for tourism. Regression showed that self-efficacy, self-esteem and continuity are significant predictors of attitude toward positive impacts of tourism. These variables predicted 58% of the variance in attitude toward positive impacts. Distinctiveness, continuity and self-esteem have significant effect on attitude toward negative impacts of tourism. These variables predicted only 0. 07 % of the attitudes toward negative impacts. Moreover, the Regression showed that place-based distinctiveness, self-esteem and attitudes toward negative and positive impacts of tourism affect residents’ support for tourism. These variables, explained 56% of the changes in the amount of support for tourism development.

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With the continuation of droughts and the reduction of environmental resources in rural areas, employment capacity in the agricultural sector has decreased. In this regard, one of the most important strategies is the establishment of rural industries, with particular attention to capacities such as the production of drought resistant products due to the emergence of the leading challenge. For this purpose, the aim of this study was to determine the proper location of industrial area, to locate the industrial zone of barberry and jujube products. The study area is rural areas of Birjand County. This research was conducted in year 2016 as a library, questionnaire and field study. Data analysis has been done using DEMETL and ANP techniques. For this purpose, a paired questionnaire was distributed among 15 experts, and using the Arcmap software, the information layers were extracted from the satellite DEM layer (Image TM, May 2012) and the climatic layer (2011-2011) in South Khorasan Province, and finally, the optimal industrial area was obtained. Access to water resources by a factor of (0. 4529), suitable slope (0. 4239), access to human resources (0. 3125), faults (0. 2250), the distance from the watercourse (0. 1495) and access to the main thoroughfares (0. 1119) industrial Area has the most weight in determining the optimal location. The services (0. 0347) and access to urban centers and offices (0. 0476) are the least important. Birjand county an area of 1043 Km2 of total area, only 7 Km2 it is appropriate to establish rural industrial area.

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In order to develop sustainability, as centers of human life and activity, cities have to accept a structure and a function affected by natural systems. In this regard, urban green spaces as key components of cities play a prominent role in their development in such a way that lack of them may cause severe damage to urban life. The present paper aims to localize neighborhood parks in district three of Kerman through a sustainable development approach. Methodologically speaking, it is an applied research with a descriptive-analytical method. Firstly, layers of localization were captured in GIS through a distance-based interpolation method and were given weight by AHP. Secondly, using reclassification in GIS, each layer was classified into several classes and each class was given weight according to its importance and its map was provided. Then to obtain the final map indicating the proper place to create neighborhood parks, weights were applied according to the importance and effectiveness of each layer. Lastly, the final map was created by overlaying weighted layers through fuzzy overlay. The results of prioritization of indices reveal that arid lands with local priority of 0. 474 and distance from residential areas with local priority of 0. 129 have the main priority in localization of neighborhood parks. Furthermore, according to the existing standards and surveys, the best suitable sites to create neighborhood parks belong to the northern, northeastern and center the area three kerman city. Accordingly, urban planners must devote serious attention to localization of neighborhood parks in a principled way in district three to reach sustainable development goals.

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Beside the improvement plans and climate change increasing during the last years and its effects on Azarshahr plain aquifer system, reveals the necessity of precise and applicable study about the aquifer situation. For this aim, Using the Artificial Intelligence, simulation and prediction of rainfall and run-off time series was done and expanded overall the plain by Empirical Bayesian Kriging(EBK), the forecasted total water budget of the plain and the other data were imported into the plain Aquifer dynamic system, in WEAP software. The response of the aquifer against the stresses was evaluated during the reference period from 2013 to 2021, applying the population growth and agricultural water demand increasing. The plain aquifer dynamic system, showed the reservoir capacity losing about 7% at the end of stress period (2021) in consequence of 2 and 1% increasing of population and agricultural water demand respectively. Present study shows the high performance of artificial intelligence and system dynamic conjugation in system response to the future climate changes and it can be useful for the water resources management and prediction of future vital actions.

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Geotourism is responsible, geoconservative and scientific approach about interesting geological and geomorphological landforms and phenomena that follow geotourism development for economic and social development of native communi/ty. The city of Tabas with having a long history of geological history and contains a diverse collection of geotouristic phenomena that the desert and desert landforms are more prominent than other complications. Since many of the geotourism assets of this city are not exhaustively reviewed and even some geomorphous remains unknown, Therefore, in order to exploit and apply the principles of this desert and desert capital of this city, it is necessary to identify and evaluate the geomorphous cultures of the arid regions of the city which are the symbol of geotourism, and to make a geotouristic planning based on this assessment. In this research, which is descriptive-analytic, geomorphocytes were evaluated through the method of estimating geotourism of Mr. Borosi and colleagues. At first, the values of this method were evaluated by experts and then 24 geomorphosites of desert and desert areas were evaluated through library and field baccalaureate studies. Finally, the results were combined with the evaluation of the criteria and in this way, the final value of each geomorphocyte was determined. The results show that the three geomorphous Rigshotoran, the "rocky outcrops" of Doranjal mountains and the "old calmrud low height mountains" have the best conditions for the development of geotourism. The results of the assessment, by separating and integrating the scientific, conservation and tourism values that have been taken with the conservation approach, show that most of the geomorphous cultures of this region are "relatively favorable" for the development of geotourism. Also, the results of the research show that only geomorphosite "camelite" in the current conditions can be optimally provided as a tourist product ready for tourists, and other geomorphic cultures need to strength tourism indicators before they are offered to the tourism market, and in some of them, Protective and scientific indicators need to be promoted.

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