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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Earthquake is of natural hazards which its occurrence mostly causes great damages .. Geographical distribution of earthquakes in Iran indicates that 66 percent of the land of Iran is faced with earth quake risk, which 90 percent of the population lives in these areas. However, the cities of Iran are seriously vulnerable against earthquakes with 5.5 and 6 Richter. Lorestan province forms part of Zagros Mountains and in general 50.83 percent of Iran's earthquake has happened in this mountains. Hence Lorestan has faced with destructive earthquake with a high mortality. This part of Iran has been classified as the areas with strong earthquakes. Also recording a great number of earthquake Epicentesr during the last century and happening destructive earthquakes in the province, indicates that faults are active in this area. One of the most destructive earthquake occurred in Iran around a hundred years ago in 1287 Hijri-at Solar Silakhor Doroud area This province with a population density of 62 persons per square kilometer has about 2.65 percent of the population that is considered as populated area. The objectives of the present study includes the spatial distribution pattern of the province's cities and population and study the spatial distribution of the cities and urban population of Lorestan province regarding the earthquake risk. In this paper, for the study of spatial pattern of major cities of the province, "gravity or specifying separation point "has been used, the results indicate that the major urban centers of the province have almost been scattered as organic. On the other hand the frequency of water main faults at the margins of faults is the main factor for locating cities and villages in this province. Therefore majority of the residential areas have been located at the faults area and are faced with great damages and are vulnerable.Based on the results obtained from zoning maps indicate that about six percent of the province population are located at very high risk zone, 23 percent of the population in high risk area and 56 percent are located in the middle zone.

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Butler’s life cycle model of tourism destination considers different procedures in destination transition. Tourism destinations based on their position in the life-cycle, have characteristics that need to be consider in the strategic planning. Besides Butler’s theory, Doxey’s Irridex Model, by presenting different procedures, has defined particular behavioral and attitude reactions for destinations. Authors of this article, through demonstrating a combined and hybrid matrix, provide the possibility of reviewing the physical, social and cultural environment of destinations and on the other hand, through combining these tools make it possible to anticipate behaviors and attitudes of local community against the probable changes and tourism growth trend and also the possibility of development strategic fileds of tourism development of tourism destinations.To do this end, four specific steps have been taken. 1) Recognition of the current status 2) analysis 3) ynthesize and combination 4) presenting strategic fields and their prioritizing. The findings of the studies showed that the priority and combination of strategic fields at each stage is different, so that the under study area of Mesr-Farahzad-Mohamad Abad e Koure Gaz, Ashin-Rig e Jen-Jandagh And Abu Zaid Abad-Band e Rig, with respect to the specifications and their conformity with models characteristics are placed at the beginning of Growth Stage, Exploration and participation (based on destination life cycle model) and apathy, euphoria (Doxey’s Irridex Model) respectively, so in appropriate with their conditions, the required strategic field has been defined.

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Introduction: Today tourism as general and sustainable tourism as particular, in rural and urban tourist areas have become one of the most important topics in scientific and academic meetings of the world. Evaluating the present status and progress toward sustainable tourism, especially in rural areas, has made the rural development in economic, social-cultural, institutional and environmental respects.However, achieving the sustainability in different aspects reqires the gauges, indices and accurate universal tourism patterns for evaluationg and defining tourism sustainability status. therefore optimum use of indicators in the field of rural tourism development can have an important role in the diversification of employment, reduction of income differences between rural and urban, reduction of migration and development of infrastructures and increase the satisfaction of the local residents and their life level. In this study, the main question is Whether what are the criteria for sustainable tourism in rural areas of the organization, in terms of economic, social-cultural, environmental-physical and institutional stability that led to the development of tourism in the rural environment?Methodology: the method of this study is descriptive - analytical and of surveying type and a questionnaire was prepared for taking the opinion and views of two groups of rural and authorities families. The statistical society of Saman district is 23 villages that 8 villages with 2848 households with respect to their potentials, attractions and geographical situation and , 150 households (about 5 percent of the total households in each village provided that the number of samples is not less than 15) and 20 people of the authorities were selected as the sample of local statistical society.In this study, after filling the questionnaire and assessment of structural validity by analysis method and KMO test and finally the questionare’s perpetuity by cronbach's alpha test, 124 indices by Delphi method in the form of four main hyphothesis were selected and by statistical correlation, Kendall b, c, gamma, Spearman in the statistical package SPSS and EXCEL software were tested.Finding and Results: According to research findings, from total of 42 indicators of economic, social-cultural, environmental and the institutional framework of sustainable tourism in rural areas, 8 indicators from people’s view and 15 indicators from the authorities view were confirmed . However, the analysis of two views showed convergence (consistency) in 25 indicators and Divergence (anisotropy) in 17 indicators.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban spaces was eco-friendly before Industrial Revolution; however, after the revolution, urban spaces was influenced by industry so life style has been changed that makes more people to go to suburban areas to be get in touch with nature. To address this issue, city managers attempt to consider green spaces and public parks in their planning outside of cities. Mellat Park of Zahedan is a good example of these types of parks. This paper examined the current visual aspects of Mellat Park based on residents’ preferences using a classification model quality (Q-Sort). According to this model, there are three different zoning in parks: 1. Designed areas, 2. Playgrounds or Recreational zone, 3. Green spaces. In two different times, 495 photos were taken from different three areas. Then the photos were categorized based on the objectives of the study and a total of 24 images for all areas (8 for each) were selected. The respondents ranked the photos with these 5 scales: (very nice picture, nice, ordinary, ugly and too ugly).The results show that 50% of the visitors who are 15-24 years old, prefer green spaces, while 46% of those who are 25-49 years prefer to use “designed spaces”. Finally 36% of visitors who are above 50 years prefer to use playgrounds or recreational zones.

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This study is focused on geo-tourism which has a special place in the market part of sustainable tourism and has defined by National Geographic as a type of “tourism which sustains or enhances the geographical characteristic including the culture, aesthetics, Geo heritage, and the well-being of its residents. One of the natural attractions of Lorestan Province is beautiful Pole-dokhtar wetlands which is defined as a geomorphologic touristy place. This area is placed at geographical coordinates of east longitudinal of 47o,43ꞌ, and 33o,47' northern latitude, and at height 680 m from sea level. Pralong method is used in order to evaluate and ranking features which exist in geomorphosite of Pole-dokhtar wetlands. In this study, besides a complete analysis of this place according to scientific, economic, aesthetic and cultural values, a relationship between geo tourism capabilities with each other was created. After the explanation of the purposes of evaluation methods and identification of the features of Pole-dokhtar wetlands, the results of this study showed that Scientific and aesthetic value of this location in comparison with other criteria are in the first and second place. While the economic value and the efficiency value of this place received the lowest rate. The existence of such a situation Indicate lack of identification of this place, Lack of coordination between planners, Poor management of related organizations and inadequate knowledge in the field of geotourism that led to the Lack of economic development.

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Social justice, along with the management of human interactions with their environment and available resources, has been indicated as the main concerns in the development process to achieve sustainable development in its transcendent meaning. comprehensiveness and balance for having sustainable development and Awareness of dispersion trend of these indicators is an issue which is necessary today in developing countries and consequently in our country, due to the existing imbalances between the areas for achieving balanced development as the recognized characteristics of sustainable development.In the present study which is performed by "-descriptive analysis" method, it is tried to show a sustained feature in development trend through evaluating about 40 indicators of minor development indicators for evaluating its stability in the form of overall indicators of cultural, social, economical, health, communication and public urban facilities in townships of Kermanshah province.In this regard, the two objectives of awareness of distribution condition of the selected development indicators according to statistical data of the cities of Kermanshah Province, using fuzzy AHP model and the effect of selected indicators of sustainable development models using regression analysis in (SPSS) software have been analyzed. Obtained results showed that, firstly the distribution condition of economical indicators among the selected economic indicators in the cities of the province has an imbalanced condition and secondly, a deep relationship exists between the selected indicators for Assessment of sustainable development in the province and sustainable development of the province.

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High mountains, green and deep valleys, the most famous shelters, over flowing rivers, beautiful waterfalls, pleasant climate, appropriate condition for climbing, the basins of the southern slop of Tochal such as Darband, Darakeh, Kolak chal, Tochal have caused them to be one of the urban and megalopolis recreative attractions of Tehran which have high potentials for geo tourism.The purpose of this study is to investigate the appropriate zones for geotourism development in this area. To carry out the study, required information layers including maps of slope, vegetation cover, isothermal, isohyetal, lithology, hydrology, human and geomorphologic landscapes were prepared. Then by combining and over lapping information layers in GIS environment using AHP models, appropriate zones for geo tourism in the basins of the southern slop Tochal were specified. The results of the study are as follows: 15 percent of the total zone is placed at extremely appropriate zone, 10 Percent quite appropriate, 35 percent appropriate and 40 percent at inappropriate zone, which due to the proximity of this area with Tehran metropolis could be considered by planners.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The study of relationship between various soil parameters and satellite data is an effective step in the identification and separation of desert facies. To do so, this study aim to study two-variable regression methods based on different relationships between the various soil components data and ASTER satellite data in order to detect Abarkoo playa facies. To achieve this purpose, at first, 30 topsoil samples were collected from the study area and analyzed in laboratory. Various pedological components (Anion, Cations, Soil moisture, Texture and PH) were also measured.After performing the necessary processing on the satellite images, the value of pixels in each band were extracted by overlaying ground points over satellite image. In the next step, the correlation between satellite data and laboratory values were evaluated by using various two-variable regression methods. The accuracy of the models was assessed using Relative Error, Root Mean Square Error, and Correlation Coefficient of Efficiency. Results indicated that the minimum correlation coefficient is 45%, the maximum relative error of estimation and confirmed are respectively 247.4 and 2489.7 percent, root mean square error is low and the minimum Coefficient of Efficiency is 19 percent. Furthermore, the results of this study showed that there is no significant relationship between PH and soil moisture and satellite data in the study area.

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