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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Financial Economics

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    2 (63)
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The Purpose of This Study was to Identify the Effect of Psychological Bias on Financial Investors' Satisfaction in Tehran Stock Exchange. In this field of research, in order to collect data field method and standard questionnaire were used. The validity of questionnaire was checked by experts. In the next step, the reliability of the questionnaire was investigated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results confirm that the questionnaire has the necessary reliability. The statistical population of this research is real investors in Tehran Stock Exchange. Considering that the number of the statistical population is unlimited, the desired sample size of 384 people was randomly selected using Cochran's formula and investigated. In order to Investigate the Relationship Btween the Variables of Research, Structural Equation Modeling Technique and LISREL Software have been used. Good Fitting Indicators Such as RMSEA, GFI, and AGFI Indicate Good fit of the Model and the Usability of the Results. The Results show That the Effect of Excessive Self-confidence, Reliance on Financial Experts, Tendency to Classify Money, Tendency to Budgeting, Tendency to adapt, Social Responsibility, Reliance on Spouse and Self-control on Positive Financial Satisfaction and Meaningful.

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Financial Economics

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    2 (63)
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Selecting the appropriate accounting software has become an important issue for many organizations. In such a way that organizations have requested to use consulting services in choosing the right software package,Because the wrong choice might lead to major financial losses. Indicators affecting the selection of accounting software should be considered before preparing the software. Facing with such an important decision, accountants, managers, and professional consultants all need indicators to rank these software packages to free them from subjective decision-making. The purpose of this article is to identify and explain the main factors that the organization should consider in its decision to choose the right software. Using Delphi method, the research questionnaire has been subjected to experts' opinions. These indicators are categorized in the form of two dimensions and ten components. These two dimensions are the features of the accounting software and the characteristics of the software vendor. The results of the research show that the three components of software reliability, technology and security from the aspect of accounting software features, as well as two components of software maintenance and upgrading, and the reputation of the software vendor from the aspect of the characteristics of the software vendor have the greatest impact on choosing the right software.

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Financial Economics

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    2 (63)
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Exchange rate is one of the important economic variables that are affected by various factors. Since the exchange rate in any country is considered one of the basic indicators in determining the degree of international competition and explaining the internal situation of that country's economy, with the aim of investigating the role of economic sanctions imposed on the exchange rate in Iran, this research was carried out. According to empirical studies, several visible and invisible factors have affected the exchange rate in the country,Factors that sometimes can not all be considered in one economic model,therefore, even with conventional methods, it is not possible to comment with certainty on the extent to which some of these factors affect the exchange rate. Based on this argument, in order to use an appropriate method, in order to investigate the effect of financial and commercial sanctions imposed on Iran along with other variables affecting the exchange rate in the period after the Islamic Revolution (1978-2020) from a fuzzy approach is used. The results show that severe economic sanctions with a high and strong fuzzy coefficient have had a positive and significant effect on the exchange rate in Iran. Also, liquidity, budget deficit, balance of payments, inflation and adaptive exchange rate expectations, respectively, after the severe sanctions, have had the greatest impact on increasing the exchange rate in recent years. The fuzzy coefficients obtained for the variables of oil revenues, the degree of openness of the economy, economic growth and interest rate on account of domestic investment deposit, indicate the negative effect of these variables on the exchange rate in Iran in this period.

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TAHERI SHARAREH | Abdul Baqi Attaabadi Abdul Majid | Waziri Sarshak Majid | Arman Mohammad Hossein


Financial Economics

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (63)
  • Pages: 

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Financial markets are currently experiencing sharp volatility. The turbulent environment of financial markets, the close relationship in these markets and the significant impact it has on the country's economy, as well as the urgent need to predict future financial and economic scenarios, have led researchers to explore and analyze these inter-market relationships. Studying how the returns and volatility in one market affect other markets has always been one issue that helps investors and policymakers to make optimal decisions. Given the importance of volatility spillovers in the Iranian financial market, this study aimed to investigate the effect of the volatility in the foreign exchange, gold markets to the capital market in Iran. In this regard, in this study, the effect of volatility spillover and noise trading of gold and foreign exchange markets on volatility in capital market returns has been investigated. This descriptive study was conducted using the daily and monthly data from the foreign exchange, gold, and capital markets from 2010 to 2019 and to analyze the data, ARCH and GARCH models have been used. The results of this study showed that the abnormal volatility of the capital market in the previous day positively affects the abnormal volatility of the capital market today, indicating that if money flows in the capital market, which indicates the flow of money in the capital market from yesterday, increasing the transfer of emotions to the current capital market. In addition, the abnormal volatility in the of gold and foreign exchange markets in the previous today has a positive effect on the abnormal volatility in the capital market today. The positive effect of this effect indicates the flow of money in the foreign exchange and gold markets and its volatility spillover into the capital market. Overall, the findings of this study confirmed the positive impact of the foreign exchange and gold markets on the abnormal volatility in the capital market in the short term (daily) and long term (monthly).

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Financial Economics

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (63)
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The Purpose of This Study Is to Investigate the Impact of Fiscal Policy On Economic Growth and to Estimate the Fiscal Multiplier During Business Cycles. For This Purpose, Quarterly Data of Iran's Economy Has Been Used During the Period 1993 To 2018. Three Methods Are Used to Estimate the Fiscal Multiplier. 1) Vector Auto-Regression Models Based On Blanchard and Perotti Method 2002, 2-Regression Based Method Introduced by Hall 2009 And 3-Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models. In The Present Study, Is Used the Second Method and Markov Switching Model, Which Is Based On Regression Specification, To Calculate the Fiscal Multiplier During Business Cycles. Therefore, By Specifying Five Different Models, Such That In Model Number 1, Direct Taxes, In Model Number 2, Indirect Taxes, In Model Number 3, Government Expenditures, In Model Number 4, Government Expenditures and Direct Taxes and In Model 5 Government Expenditures and Indirect Taxes Are Considered As Fiscal Policy Tools. The Results Showed That Direct Taxes Perform Better in Effect of Economic Growth Than Indirect Taxes. Also, Among The Three Instruments of Government Spending and Direct and Indirect Taxes, The Largest Multiplier in The Recession and Boom Period Is Related to Government Spending and Direct Taxes, Respectively. On The Other Hand, The Government's Fiscal Policy Package, Which Contains Indirect Taxes and Expenditures, Works Better in Influencing Economic Growth Than the Package, Which Contains Direct Taxes and Expenditures.

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Financial Economics

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (63)
  • Pages: 

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Determining the size of the government and its effect on the economy is one of the important issues in the field of public sector economics. This research seeks to determine the factors affecting the optimal growth rate of government expenditures. The increase in government spending has an effect on economic variables and can lead to an increase in the production and supply of public goods and services and affects the well-being of households as well as the desirability of households. The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the optimal growth of government spending in Iran's economy. The information used is for the period 1360 to 1397. In this study, the dynamic optimal control approach has been used to investigate the factors affecting the growth of government expenditures. The results of the study show that the time preference rate, the coefficient of technical progress, the elasticity of production in relation to the investment of the private and public sectors, the consumption ratio of the sector Private to public, capital stock has had a negative and inverse effect on the optimal growth of government spending in the economy. On the other hand, the ratio of public sector investment to private sector, the elasticity of substitution between time and capital depreciation rate have had a positive effect on the optimal growth rate of government spending in Iran's economy. Also, the sensitivity of the growth rate of government expenditures was estimated for different values of the mentioned variables. The calculation results show that depending on the parameters, the ratio of government expenditures to the previous period varies between 0. 91 and 1. 024 percent.

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Financial Economics

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (63)
  • Pages: 

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The readability of disclosure of financial reports in Iran is considered one of the relatively new issues that has not been addressed much and its impact on the financial and operational variables of companies as well as investors and decision makers has not been measured and evaluated. Therefore, the present study has evaluated the effectiveness of investors' judgments on the readability of the disclosure of the company's financial reports. In terms of the purpose, this research is considered one of the applied researches, and in terms of the method, the research is based on correlation analysis. To collect the data of this research, 120 active investors in the stock exchange were selected and data were collected with the help of a scenario. The results showed that when the company's financial reports have low readability of disclosure, the sensitivity of investors' evaluation judgments is affected and increases, but when the readability of disclosure is low, the psychological processing of investors will not be affected. In addition, it was found that when the company's financial reports have low disclosure readability, the intensity and efficiency of the search for external information by investors increases, but the amount of investors' reliance on external information does not change.

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Financial Economics

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (63)
  • Pages: 

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Taxes are a fundamental aspect of modern life. The funds that governments get from taxes are used to provide essential services and public goods. Therefore, people's willingness to pay taxes plays an important role in the economic and social well-being of any country. The approach of this research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, which presents its model in the qualitative part based on grounded theory, and structural equation modeling (SEM) is used in the quantitative part. The statistical population of this research was conducted in the qualitative section, including 12 experts and elites of the country's tax affairs organization and university elites with high experience, who were selected by the snowball method, and interviews were used to collect the required data. In the quantitative part, the statistical population was selected based on the recommendations of using confirmatory models of 270 managers and financial experts. After the implementation, the textual data were analyzed using three successive stages of open, central and selective coding, and finally the research paradigm model was developed. The results show that the pattern of tax sentiment is based on the central category of virtual space, democracy and advertising, which is formed under the influence of causal conditions. This process begins with causal conditions and leads to the formation of a central category that helps to strengthen tax morale by using strategies, and its consequence is the improvement of economic indicators, the improvement of social indicators and the fight against money laundering. The lack of tax justice, flexibility and complexity of tax laws are also among the conditions interfering with the model of tax morale, and creating a culture and establishing tax justice are among the strategies to strengthen tax morale.

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Financial Economics

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  • Issue: 

    2 (63)
  • Pages: 

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While it is economically well established that the financial sector is interrelated, empirical estimates of the growth of these textual results are generally presented. On the other hand, it will be different for several time series assessments at different levels of economic growth and in terms of time requirements, so it seems that estimating linear models to examine macro-relationships is challenging. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the development and size of the financial sector in the Iranian economy with economic growth in the years 1350-1399 using the non-linear regression method of Astana. The results show that there are three different regimes for the effect of changes in financial sector size and financial development on economic growth. In economic growth rates, only financial differences affect economic growth. This effect in the second regime, ie between the economic growth rates of 0 to 8. 6%, is weak but positive and significant, and in the economic growth rate above 8%, both financial size and financial development have a positive and significant effect on economic growth.

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Financial Economics

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (63)
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In the present study, in the first stage, the central bank's policy intervention index and foreign exchange market pressure were calculated, and then, using gentle transfer regression (STR), the effect of central bank intervention on the profitability of the country's commercial banks was investigated. According to the model results,In 24 of the 30 years surveyed, the country's economy has faced increasing pressure from the foreign exchange market. In other words, between 1370 and 1399, the central bank's intervention activities eliminated an average of 24% of the foreign exchange market pressure. Also, the results of STR model estimation show the positive effect of economic growth rate variable on bank profitability and the negative effects of central bank intervention, stock return rate, credit risk, inflation rate and interest rate on the profitability of commercial banks. The negative coefficient of the central bank intervention index can indicate that the central bank, in the face of increasing positive deviations in the exchange rate, is pursuing a decline in the growth of its foreign reserves. In other words, with a further increase in the supply of foreign exchange in the market, its value decreases and the exchange rate return to its long-term path. On the other hand, if there is a negative deviation in the exchange rate of the central bank, by increasing the volume of foreign reserves and reducing the supply in the foreign exchange market, it can increase this rate and approach its long-term path, which is in line with existing theories. This is the context.

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Financial Economics

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    2 (63)
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The importance of the bank's role in the current era is clear and one of its roles is financial intermediation between savers and investors. This role can be very important in helping to convert capital. In other words, the main task of banks is to equip and allocate money, subsidiaries and alternative securities, which is done by accepting deposits and giving loans. Islam is not against the idea of banking and banking, as long as it is not against books, traditions and values, but Islam is opposed to usurious banking based on interest rates. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Islamic financial instruments (Sukuk) on economic growth in Iran. This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive data and information collection. The time domain of the research is in the period of 1370 to 1399. Method 1 of 7 In this research, an attempt has been made to identify the effects of Islamic bonds (sukuk) on economic growth by theoretically explaining and designing a model and using the methods of DSGE stochastic dynamic equilibrium model, so that the empirical effect of this relationship is analyzed. Be located. And it was shown that Islamic financial instruments (sukuk) affect Iran's economic growth.

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Financial Economics

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    2 (63)
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With the transition from the traditional economy and increasing competition in new dimensions, the customer has become the main pillar and the center of all organizational activities. From a competitive perspective, the survival and continuity of organizations depend on identifying and attracting new customers and maintaining existing ones. Moreover, acquiring new customers costs five times more than retaining existing ones. This means that instead of differentiating products, organizations should identify their customers and shift their focus from increasing market share to increasing customer share. According to the 20/80 rule, 20% of customers contribute to 80% of the organization's sales. This indicates the necessity of maintaining long-term profitable relationships with customers to maximize profits. This research aims to measure the quality of customer relationship management for developing digital marketing strategies at Shahr Bank. The statistical population of this study included all experts and senior managers of Shahr's Bank headquarters and stakeholders. Using Cochran's formula, 125 individuals were selected as the statistical sample. Sampling was done as a random cluster. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. The results of the study showed that the infrastructure variables, organizational environment, customer orientation, human resources, relationship management, service quality, management and planning, strategic management, marketing, and performance in Shahr Bank are in a desirable state. The use of up-to-date technologies and the implementation of an appropriate organizational structure for managing customer relationships were identified as reasons for this desirability.

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Financial Economics

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  • Issue: 

    2 (63)
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Today, Diverse and ever-changing factors have led banks to devote special efforts and attention to identifying customer needs and offering services that are compatible with their requirements. These challenges have led banks to identify various aspects of the product life cycle. In this study, by presenting the Product Lifecycle Management Model, the damages and strategies required to develop banking services at Parsian Bank were identified. In order to identify in this study, the main and sub-themes related to damages and strategies in the life cycle of banking products, the methodology of thematic analysis was used, which was applied for data collection, library study and survey methods as follows: Initially, thematic literature on the life cycle model of products and services was collected through library study, and after identifying the definitions of the life cycle, the main and secondary topics of the life cycle were identified using tools for interviewing managers and officials of reputable branches of Parsian Bank in Tehran. The results were then classified into four stages of introduction, growth, maturity and decline, and the research results led to the identification of damages in four stages of introduction (2 themes), growth (3 themes), maturity (3 themes) and decline (4 themes). ) And the required life cycle strategies were introduced in four stages: Introduction (2 themes), growth (2 themes), maturity (2 themes) and of decline banking products (2 themes).

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Mozafarnia Mehdi | Fallah Shams Lialestani Mir Feiz | ZOMORODIAN GHOLAMREZA


Financial Economics

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    2 (63)
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The increasing integration of financial markets and recent financial crises has created a new wave of researchers' attention to the issue of spillover and contagion in financial markets, to be able to better choose risk hedging instruments whit predicting market trends. Policymakers and market participants are also increasingly paying attention to the spillover effects and how they behave during different periods of economic boom and busts. Therefore, the present study aims to estimate the spillover effects between foreign exchange and stock markets in the Iranian economy and seeks to study how the spillover between these two markets behaves in the business cycles of the Iranian economy. For this purpose, by studying the daily data of 1389-1399 in which the Iranian economy is facing two periods of economic boom and two periods of economic recession, the daily spillover of foreign exchange and stock markets has been estimated and analyzed based on dynamic spillover econometric approach of Diebold and Yilmaz (2012). According to the results, in general, the spillover effect between two markets exists, but the spillover rate from the foreign exchange market to the stock market is higher than the spillover from the stock market to the foreign exchange market. Also, the spillover and, of course, the dependence of the two markets during the recession was time-varying and is more severe than during the boom. These results have important implications for policymakers and market participants and show that it is necessary to consider the relationship between the foreign exchange market and stock market according to the state of the business cycle of the economy in investment policies and decisions. Also, it is not optimal to adopt a fixed and predetermined approach, both for macro policies and for investment strategies, in these markets.

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Khatami Seyed Keivan | KHODAEI VALAHZAGHARD MOHAMMAD | Abdollahi Keivani Seyed Mohammad


Financial Economics

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    2 (63)
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The present study aims to systematically review the effect of cryptocurrencies on stock market using meta-analysis. In this regard, the researcher evaluated the studies conducted during 2011-2020. The results of the present study, which were conducted using meta-analysis method and statistically combined the results of studies on the effect of cryptocurrencies on the stock market, indicated that the discovered effect size is significant for most studies. Since the measurement error of the homogeneity test is less than 0. 05, the studies are homogeneous and confirm the fixed effects model. In addition, the effect size of the fixed effects model was evaluated based on Rosenthal table. The measurement error of the fixed effects model was less than 0. 05, confirming the research hypothesis. Therefore, cryptocurrencies affect the stock market.

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