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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: The present study aimed to predict life satisfaction based on Islamic lifestyle, patience, and tolerance of failure among women in Babolsar, Mazandaran province, Iran. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study utilized an applied research method. The statistical population included all women in Babolsar, and 350 cases were selected by convenience sampling method. The required data were then collected using online surveys through the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al., 1985), Islamic Lifestyle Questionnaire by Kaviani (2010), as well as Harrington's Failure Tolerance and Evans's (1980) Patience scales. Stepwise regression analysis in SPSS software (version 24) was used for statistical analysis. Results: The results of the data analysis showed that the Islamic lifestyle and the ability to tolerate failure could predict life satisfaction among women (P<0. 01). The results of multiple regression analysis also indicate that Islamic lifestyle and ability to tolerate failure predict 28% of life satisfaction (P<0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results, the necessity of strengthening the Islamic lifestyle by leading life based on Islamic teachings in various institutions and cultivating positive and constructive character traits, such as patience and tolerance of failure, can be noticed by everyone. Therefore, it seems necessary to strengthen and design programs for educating families based on Islamic culture.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Adjustment and behavioral problems are prevalent complications among students. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of stories in the Quran in adjustment and behavioral problems among primary school students. Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted with a pretest-posttest and control group design. The statistical population included all female students in the third grade of primary school in Khondab, Iran. The samples were selected using the cluster convenience sampling method, and they were then randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Initially, the Adjustment Inventory for School Students and Rutter Children’, s Behavior Questionnaire for Completion by Teachers were administered as a pretest. Subsequently, the experimental group participated in an 8-session program to listen to the stories of the Quran,however, the control group remained on the waiting list. After the completion of the intervention, the two groups completed the questionnaires as a posttest. Results: The results of MANCOVA showed that the linear combination of dependent variables (adjustment and behavioral problems) were significantly different in the two groups, indicating the effectiveness of these stories in increasing the adjustment and improving the behavioral problems of students. Conclusion: This program can be an effective treatment for promoting the health of students, thereby increasing their adjustment and decreasing their behavioral problems in the context of the country's formal education.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Preventive behavior is the best way to control COVID-19 disease. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the relationship between spiritual health and religious beliefs with the preventive behavior of COVID-19, based on the health belief model. Materials and Methods: The present study is a descriptive crosssectional study performed on 400 citizens of Shiraz, Iran, who were selected through available sampling. For data collection, questionnaires of demographic variables, health belief model, Ellison’, s spiritual well-being scale, and God lucus of health control scale were used. The collected data was analyzed in SPSS software (version 22) using descriptive and analytical statistical tests. Results: The mean age of participants was 36. 95 ±,10. 52 years. Around 61% of the participants were women and 27% of them had university education. Correlation coefficient test showed a significant correlation between COVID-19 preventing behaviors and the structures of health belief model, spiritual well-being, and God's place in health control (P<0. 0 یلع5). The constructs of perceived benefits, spiritual health (existential and religious), God's place in health control, perceived sensitivity, and selfefficacy were the strongest predictors of behavior (P<0. 05). In regression analysis, the studied variables predicted 64. 6% of the variance of COVID19 preventive behaviors. Conclusion: The results of this study showed the relationship between spiritual health and religious beliefs with COVID-19 preventive behaviors, based on the health belief model. It should be mentioned that in carrying out an educational intervention to prevent the COVID-19 disease using the health belief model, spiritual health, and religious beliefs of people should be considered.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: The present study aimed to predict resilience based on hope and mediation of gratitude in female heads of households (in Bam) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted by survey method. The statistical population included all female heads of households covered by the welfare of Bam, Iran. Based on Westlan's formula, 390 women were selected using the available sampling method. The instruments used to collect data included Connor and Davison's standard resilience questionnaire (2003), Goodarzi's Iranian-Islamic thanksgiving (2014), and Miller's hope (1988). Data were analyzed in SPSS and Amoss software packages. Results: The results of the research pointed out that the female heads of households in Bam had high gratitude and hope. Moreover, there was a direct and significant relationship between hope and resilience, as well as gratitude and resilience (P<0. 001). In addition to the direct effect, hope also affected resilience indirectly through gratitude (P<0. 001). Conclusion: As evidenced by the results of the research, it can be stated that gratitude to God and hope will enhance people's resilience in the face of problems.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of spiritual therapy based on positive thinking in depression and fatigue among women with Beta thalassemia major in Khorramabad, Iran. Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted using a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population of this study included all women with Beta thalassemia major referred to Shahid Madani Hospital, Khorramabad, Iran, in 2021. The participants were willing to participate in this study, and they were selected (n=40) using the convenience sampling method and then randomly assigned to the experimental (n=20) and the control groups (n=20). The experimental group received 12 sessions of 90-minute spiritual therapy intervention based on positive thinking (through challenging negative thoughts, the psychological effects of communication and prayer with God, as well as patience and spiritual thinking). In the present research, the spiritual therapy based on positive thinking was based on the spiritual therapy of Vaziri and Kashani, as well as positive thinking by Seligman, Rashid, and Parks. Lane et al. ’, s Mood States Questionnaire (2007) was used to collect the required data in this study. Results: Multivariate and univariate analysis of covariance was used to analyze statistical data and test research hypotheses. The results of this study showed that spiritual therapy based on positive thinking improved depression and fatigue in women with Beta thalassemia major in the experimental group (P<0. 001). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, spiritual therapy based on positive thinking is effective in reducing depression and fatigue in patients with thalassemia major. Therefore, it is recommended that counselors and therapists use this therapy based on positive thinking to reduce depression and fatigue.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Health-promoting behaviors form an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. The present study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the 16-item version of the Religious Health Promoting Behavior Inventory (RHPBI-16) in the student population. Materials and Methods: The factorial structure of the RHPBI-16 scale was investigated through exploratory factor analysis. Convergent and discriminant validity were also calculated. The statistical population consisted of all students of Tehran universities, among whom 300 people who were available to the researchers participated in the research voluntarily. The participants completed the RHPBI-16, Attachment to God Scale, Mental Health Inventory, as well as Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale. Results: The convergent and diagnostic validity of the RHPBI-16 scale was tested by examining the relationship between the average score of the participants in this scale and their attachment to God, psychological wellbeing, psychological distress, depression, anxiety, and stress. The findings revealed a significant positive correlation between the participants’,RHPBI16 scores and their attachment to God and psychological well-being. On the other hand, there was a significant negative correlation between participants’,RHPBI-16 scores and their psychological distress, depression, anxiety, and stress. The internal consistency of the RHPBI-16 scale was calculated and confirmed by Cronbach’, s alpha coefficient. The test-retest reliability of the RHPBI-16 scale was calculated and confirmed by readministering it with an interval of two weeks. The results of exploratory factor analysis confirmed two factors of religiosity and religious health behaviors for the RHPBI-16 scale. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, the RHPBI-16 scale has favorable psychometric properties for measuring this construct in Iranian samples.

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Religion and Health

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Nature is the world of material, movement, and contradiction. The nature of such a world is accompanied by health and illness. From the superficial view, disease only carries evil and destruction,however, from the monotheistic worldview, there is no absolute evil in existence, and in every apparently unpleasant matter, some wisdom and benefits are hidden, and disease is no exception. In the traditions of the holy innocents (pbuth), the wisdom of illness has been discussed. Examining all traditions requires several studies,this research was based on a descriptive and analytical method in order to briefly examine the wisdom of illness in humans from the perspective of some hadiths. The findings of the research indicated that, firstly, the patient's suffering and helplessness caused his soul to be refined. Secondly, in the high stages of faith, illness causes the servant to be close to God. Thirdly, God's precise system is based on punishment and reward,among other wisdoms of disease is punishment of criminals and rewards to believers. Fourthly, sometimes disease causes death. This wisdom of disease is in line with divine laws and traditions governing the material world. Fifthly, illness includes divine forgiveness. In his prayer, Imam Sajjad (a. s. ) praises God for the illness that involves God's forgiveness. Sixth, illness causes the heart of a sinful servant to pay attention to God and makes it possible for faith to pass from the tongue to the heart.

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