Razav Ashour, the writer of "Thrice of Granada", is one of the most famous authors in the Arab world. His novel includes multiple main and supplementary characters, and the writer has performed the characterization of all of them accurately. The main purpose of this paper is to study the artistic creativity of the writer in developing the unique characters in the novel "Thrice of Granada". For this purpose, the library method is used through a critical and analytic approach. The results of the study generally suggest that Razav Ashour has adopted a mainly dramatic approach so as to make the character development of his novel more artistic and aesthetic. He has also been successful in applying the element of dialog with which to establish multiple voices in his novel. Ashour has created unique characters by taking advantage of every traditional and modern narration possibilities, such as physical description of characters, typecasting, defamiliarization, irony, and character differentiation. It is to be mentioned that the element of character, though being eventful, always moves along the streamline of the novel. So, "Thrice of Granada" can be considered as a character-oriented novel.