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Background: Myocardial infarction is the irreversible cell death of a part of cardiac muscle as a result of a cut in blood flow. Atrial and ventricular natriuretic peptides (ANP & BNP) are strong indicators of myocardial infarction. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of six weeks intensive periodic training on the NT-pro BNP, BNP and ANP in rats after myocardial infarction. Methods: Twelve Wistar male rats of 10 weeks old and mean weight 250-300gr were allocated in two groups with six rats in each group of experimental (60 minutes interval running on a treadmill, each cycle including four minutes of running with an intensity of 80-95% VO2max and two minutes of active recovery with a 45-50% VO2max intensity, three days a week for six weeks) and control group (without any precedent of training). Real-time PCR was used to assess the expression of NT-pro BNP, BNP and ANP genes after inducing MI (by blocking left coronary artery by surgery). Data were analyzed using independent t-test and SPSS 18 (α ≤ 0. 05). Findings: The findings showed that there was significant decrease in the NT-pro BNP (p=0. 001) and asignificant decrease in BNP and ANP respectively (P=0. 067 and P≤ 0. 475) after six weeks of intensive periodic training group compared to the control group. Conclusion: In general, adaptation to intensive periodictraining was able to control and moderate the secretion of NT-proBNP and reduce BNP and ANP hormone secretion.

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Introduction and Objectives: Considering the necessity of establishing a time standard and determining the workload of the activities of health workers, in order to improve the efficiency and make the optimum use of all available resources and an effective control of the activities, the present study aims to determine the timing and performance measurement of the health workers of health homes in 2019. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in Zahedan, Iran in 2018. The sample size was calculated using Morgan Table. A total of 20 health homes were calculated. Data were collected through a demographic questionnaire, a standard checklist, and direct observation with a stopwatch. . Data were analyzed using SPSS v19 software and descriptive statistics such as mean and frequency were used to describe the data. . Results: Based on the results, most health care workers were male (11 persons, 55%) having working experience of between 5 and 10 years (8 persons, 40%), and the population covered from 15 of them (75%) was between 1000 and 1500 persons. Also, the average duration of the activity of each health care worker during the 22 days of the month was about 142 hours. There was no significant difference between self-reported health care providers and timed activities. The integration of plans for the development of health system, the long distance from the Rural Health center, the population of over 1500, and the dispersion of the villages of Qamar were the factors increasing the activity time of the health care providers. Conclusion: The integration of plans for the development of health system has contributed to the increased working time of the health care workers. The attention of the organization's management to the size and working time of the staff/personnel makes the employees ensure that their activities are effective in achieving the goals of the organization, and by receiving positive feedback from management, they carry out their duties with more motivation. Finally, eliminating unnecessary activities and advancing the level of technology will reduce the total number of health homes and, in turn, increase the productivity of manpower.

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Background: Considering the life quality and short-temperedness of breast cancer patients, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between self-compassion and spiritual health with quality of life and mood in women with breast cancer in Shiraz. Methods: The statistical population of the study was women with breast cancer who referred to health centers in Shiraz. The sample of the study, selected by available method, included 270 women who had undergone surgery and chemotherapy and referred to Motahari Clinic in Shiraz for post-operative follow up. In order to measure the variables of the research, the quality of life questionnaire (World Health Organization, 1996), the mood profiling questionnaire (McNeir and Dappleman, 1971), the self-compassion scale (Rees et al., 2011) and the spiritual health scale (Polotzin and Ellison, 1982) were used. Reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha method. In order to analyze the data, simultaneous regression analysis method was used. Results: The findings indicated that self-compassion and spiritual health were a positive and significant predictor of quality of life and that they were negative and significant regarding the mood of women with breast cancer. In addition, the results indicated that self-compassion dimensions are also a positive and significant predictor of quality of life and that they are a negative and significant predictor of mood. However, from the two dimensions of spiritual health (religious health and existential health), only religious dimension was a predictor of quality of life and mood. Conclusion: Paying attention to self-compassion and spirituality that predicted mood and quality of lifeand their subscales is important in reaserch and therapeutic programs.

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Introduction: Scientific journals can be considered as a symbol of the scientific life of every scientific domain including medical sciences. Considering the current situation of the country, paying special attention to economic issues, especially the resistive economy among medical journals, indicates direct or indirect interest of the academia in such subjects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the publication of articles regarding resistive economy among medical journals. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted for five years (2012-2016). Thetitles, abstracts, and keywords of all Persian articles of the journals of all universities of medical sciences were reviewed in terms of using words such as economy, Islamic economy, and resistive economy. The data were collected by means of a tailor-made data collection sheet including data on the titles of the journals, the number of the journals, articles and article numbers, the presence of the keywords ‘ economy’ , ‘ resisitive economy’ , and ‘ Islamic economy’ . The data were analyzed with Excel Software using descriptive statistics like means. Results: The outcome extracted from 34265 articles from 148 journals published by 49 medical universities suggested that 224 scientific works (0. 6% of all the articles) have been published on economy. Also, one article was on Islamic economy and two on resistive economy. Journals of Schools of Welfare and Rehabilitation had the highest frequency of related articles (32 articles) Conclusion: Althoughresearch findings suggest that there have been articles on economic issues published in journals of medical sciences the rate of such topics is limited. Therefore, applying measures for those who research into medical sciences to pay more attention to this national requirement, and publishing more articles are recommended.

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Background: The purpose of the current study is the investigation of the properties of Form C psychometrics from the Multi-dimensional Scale of the Locus of Health Control in Iranian community. Methods: In order to study the psychometric properties of Form C from the ultidimensional Scale of the Locus of of Health Control, about 375 employees of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (160 males and 215 females) with a mean age of 38/13 ± 8/5 (range of 21-78 years old) were randomly selected using stratified sampling method. All the participants responded to Lutsen Internal-External Control (IPC) questionnaire as well as Form C of the Multi-dimensional Scale of the Locus of Health. About 5% of the participants had high school education and 67% had university education among which 65% were married. Results: Regarding instrument reliability, the results of this study show that the Multidimensional Scale of the Locus of Health Control (Form C) has a good reliability, since the alpha coefficient calculated in this study was 0/849 and in the subscale scales 0/63 to 0/79. In terms of instrumental validity, formal validity, coincidence, and structural validity were used. The results showed that the validity of the translated Persian version was very similar to the original form and results in western societies. Conclusion: According to the findings of this review, this form of scale is good for measuring the health control source in the adult population.

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Introduction:Multiple sclerosis is one of the most important disabling neurological diseases in adults,particularly in youths in which the myelin sheaths in central nervous system (CNS) are destroyed.The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive,behavioral management based on mindfulness and acceptance and commitment therapy on psychological well,being in multiple sclerosis patients.Method:The research method was semi,experimental and the research design was three groups with pre,test,post,test,and follow,up.The statistical population of the study consisted of all women with MS in Sari in 2016,and the sample consisted of 45 individuals who were randomly assigned to three groups of 15.In the implementation of the research,the control group did not receive any intervention,while the other two groups were the experimental ones,one of which received cognitive,behavioral management stress based on mindfulness and the other group received acceptance and commitment treatment for 8 sessions.To assess psychological well,being,Ryff and Keyes (1995) psychological well,being questionnaires were used.The research data were analyzed using ANOVA with repeated measures analysis via SPSS,24 software.Results:The results showed that both cognitive,behavioral management based on mindfulness and acceptance and commitment therapy have led to an increase in the total score of psychological well,being and its six components (p<0.001).The results of Bonferroni's post hoc test for the comparison of couples in groups showed that cognitive,behavioral management stress based on mindfulness rather than the one based on acceptance and commitment has had a greater impact on both post,test and follow,up on the total score of psychological well,being and autonomy components,environmental mastery,purposeful life,and personal growth (p<0.001).Conclusion:The results emphasize the effectiveness of cognitive,behavioral management based on mindfulness on psychological well,being in women with multiple sclerosis.This approach can be used forthe cognitive,behavioral management based on mindfulness as an effective treatment to improve the psychological well,being of women with MS.

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Introduction: Pregnancy in caesarean scar site is a rare event. Considering the increasing number of recent caesareans and, as a result, the increasing prevalence of this type of pregnancy, early diagnosis can prevent harmful consequences. Doppler ultrasound is the best method for the early diagnosis of this type of pregnancy. MRI is used in cases where sonography cannot be of any help. An ideal treatment modality for this type of pregnancy has not been devised yet. Case report: Herein we describe a case of caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy that in spite of having a steady decrease in BhCG titer after treatmentshe came with unstable hemodynamic state and emergency laparotomy and hysterectomy was done for her. She is a 32 y/o lady with the history of two previous cesarean sections who had missed menstrual period and spotting. The patient had stable vital signs upon arrival. No abnormalities were observed while being examined. A lesion with massive blood flow was seen in transvaginal sonography. MRI was done to confirm the diagnosis and a heterogeneous structure with prominent abnormal vasculature was seen in the lower segment of the anterior part of the uterus. The patient was given methotrexate and leucovorin for 8 days. BhCG titer was normal and, having had stable condition, the patient was discharged 8 days later. Four days later, the patient referred with massive vaginal bleeding and she went under emergency laparotomy and, considering her situation, hysterectomy was performed.

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Background: The importance of the role of nursing managersin the effectiveness of patient care and improvement of the nursing care quality is undeniable. In this regard, existence of identical criteria and instructions in nursing care management is crucial. Therefore, the present study was conducted to present a model for selection, recruitment, and training nursing managers. Method: This descriptive-comparative study was carried out in 2017. The study population included common and available models in selecting, training, and employing nursing managers in the UK, the USA, Canada, Turkey, Australia, and Iran. The keywords used were nursing manager, recruitment, selection, and training. Information was collected through online databases, library resources, and other electronic or paper journals. To verify the suggested model, a 50-item questionnaire based on selection, recruitment, and training nursing managers was developed in the second stage of the study. The data analysis method was content analysis. In the second stage, SPSS 21 and Z Test were used for statistical analysis of the findings and for each question, respectively. Results: The findings of the study are presented in three sections including selection, training, and recruitment of nursing managers. In the final model, 30 factors were identified as factors influencing the selection, training, and recruitment of nursing managers. Academic qualifications, professional qualifications of individuals, individual characteristics, human skills of qualified people, management skills of qualified individuals, and ethical qualifications of qualified individuals are among the characteristics that were approved in the present study to select a nursing manager. To train the nursing managers, we can use curricula and hold training courses and congresses in the health sector. In order to employ nursing managers, it is important to pay attention to the role of managers in strategic plans. Conclusion: The need for paying attention to appropriate administrative structures, effective teaching methods, human resources, laws and regulations, and assessment considering the principles of nursing should be taken into consideration in selecting, training, and recruiting nursing managers.

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Background: Biopharmaceutical is either protein or nucleic acid based drug that is approved for therapeutic, diagnostic, or disease prevention applications. Methods: This study was conducted by a careful bibliography and search through original pharmaceutical company websites such as Web of Sciences, Springer, Scopus, Pubmed, and Google scholar. Results: The annual pharmaceutical company reporting season started a few months ago and brought exciting full-year events. The global market value was estimated US$780 billion in 2016, representing an accelerating trend with more than 4. 9% growth for the industry. Johnson & Johnson was the first ranked company both globally and in the US with a market around $72 billion in 2016. Despite the growing challenges posed to the pharmaceutical companies, they are estimated to grow at an average rate of 6. 3% per year, reaching $1. 3 trillion by 2022. In 2016, biopharmaceutical products represented sales of $197 billion appropriated 24% of the global market. Antibodies alone had sales of $82 billion, near to half of the biopharmaceutical market. Conclusion: Results from the health care world represent that the biopharmaceutical industries are spectacularly occupying the pharmaceutical market and they are expected to continue to grow up to 30% of global drug market in 2022. Oncology agents are recognized as the largest market value all around the world with a predicted annual growth of 12. 5%, reaching approximately $190 billion in 2022. Therefore, it is not surprising to recognize Roche as the top ranking biopharmaceutical pipeline with innovative oncology projects in the industry. Roche is expected to be the best biopharmaceutical selling company, competing Novartis for the first spot in 2022.

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