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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Objective(s): Women with physical disability face many unmet needs in receiving sexual health services. Variation in the sexual needs of these women may affect their care outcomes. This study was conducted with the aim of identifying clinical guidelines for providing sexual health services for women with physical disability. Methods: This scoping review was designed and implemented with the 5-step approach of Arksey & O'Malley. Several databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of science, Science Direct, G-I-N, NICE, AHRQ, WHO, UNFPA, Sid, Magiran) were searched to review articles and clinical guidelines in English and Persian according to the study inclusion criteria from 2006 to 2022. Results: Five clinical guidelines related to the provision of sexual health services for women with physical disability were identified from 23 screened. Using narrative synthesis of data four key themes were identified: 1) family planning services according to the severity of disability and prevention of unwanted pregnancy 2) diagnosis and treatment of genital infections and sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS 3) early detection of gender-based violence 4) counseling in the field of sexual problems Conclusion: The clinical guidelines under review indicated sexual health services were provided for women with disabilities in the form of counseling, prevention and treatment service packages. However, quality of services was not considered in the reviewed guidelines. Therefore, due to the importance of the clinical approach in the sexual counseling of women with physical disability, the need to integrate the clinical guidelines available seems necessary.

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Objective(s): With progress in medical care, the rate of premature birth has increased and the mortality rate of very low birth weight (VLBW) babies has decreased. However, there is an increased incidence of disabilities in survivors, including neurodevelopmental delay, particularly in infants born very prematurely. This study aimed to assess the neurodevelopment in such children. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study on non-randomized sample of children aged 3 to 5 years with weight less than 1500 grams or the mother's pregnancy lasted in less than 32 weeks in 2018 and born in one of the hospitals in Tehran, Iran. and alive at the study commence. They were evaluated by the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) in 5 developmental fields. Data was collected by completing a general questionnaire, the ASQ, and using the hospital records. The data were analyzed by SPSS-22 software, and statistical tests included descriptive and analytical tests such as chi-square and t-test. Results: Out of the total number of births, the data for 220 VLBW children were eligible for analysis. Of these, 12 children (5. 7%) had at least one developmental disorder in the five investigated fields including: 4. 2% of the children had neurological developmental delayed in communication, 2. 4% in gross motor, 2. 4% in fine motor, 2. 8% in problem solving, and 2. 8% in the personal-social aspects. There was no significant relationship between gender, length of pregnancy, and parents' education level with children's developmental disorders. There was a significant difference between the rehabilitation status of VLBW children and developmental delay (P<0. 001). Conclusion: The findings suggest that the VLBW children are at higher risk for neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders. It is recommended that such children undergo physical, neurological, and developmental evaluations at different ages.

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Objective(s): Injuries among children are one of the problems of childhood worldwide. The present study aimed to assess the factors related to the belief and performance of mothers in preventing injuries among children under five years of age using the health belief model (HBM). Methods: This was a descriptive study that conducted on 201 mothers with children under 5 years of age who were randomly selected from health centers in Arak, Iran in 2022-2023. Data was collected through a four-part questionnaire consisting of demographic information, items on knowledge, questions related to constructs of the HBM, and a questionnaire on previous injury records. Data were analyzed by using t-test, ANOVA, chi-square, Pearson correlation and linear regression. Results: The mean age of the mothers was 33. 84±, 7. 24 years and it was 48. 23±, 16. 48 months for children. The mean knowledge score of mothers was 40. 06±, 14. 74 (out of 100 marks). Also, the mean score for perceived benefits (80. 08±, 12. 24) and perceived barrier (64. 41±, 17. 13) had the highest and lowest scores respectively (out of 100 scores). There was a significant relationship between education and perceived sensitivity score (p=0. 002) and perceived severity (p=0. 012). Child's age, susceptibility, and perceived benefits predicted a total of 38% (R2=0. 38) of mothers' preventive behavior. Conclusion: The health behavior of mothers in preventing childhood injuries was significantly influenced by the mother's understanding of the child's vulnerability and the benefits of taking timely and effective action to reduce possible risks.

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Objective(s): The rate of road accidents in Iran is 20 times higher than the world average and in recent years the rate of disability caused by car accidents in the country has doubled compared to European countries. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics and outcomes of hospitalized patients due to traffic accidents based on the data of Urmia trauma registry. Methods: The present study was conducted on all patients admitted for trauma caused by traffic accidents to a teaching hospital in Urmia, Iran, from 2017 to 2022. Data were analyzed using logistic regression. Results: A total of 2086 patients were studied, of which 1966 (94. 25%) recovered and 120 (5. 75%) died. The mean age (standard deviation) of the recovered people was 34. 50 (18. 44) and for the dead people it was 34. 3 (18. 92) years (p>0. 05). The logistic regression results showed that there was a significant relationship between the chance of death with gender (OR for men =1. 714, P=0. 030), low educational level (OR=2. 153, P=0. 002), being single (OR=1. 894, P=0. 014) and noncompliance with safety rules including, having driving license (OR=17. 270, P=0. 008), alcohol consumption (OR=10. 338, P<0. 001), drugs abuse (OR=5. 556, P=0. 032), and not using seat belts for car drivers (OR=3. 466, P=0. 017) and helmet use for motorcyclists (OR=5. 532, P=0. 040). Conclusions: The findings suggest there is need to implement appropriate interventions for those who are at higher risk of death due car or motorcycle accidents.

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Objective (s): Family care is not a new phenomenon and family members have always served as the most important source of support for the elderly throughout human life. Caring for the elderly is a tedious task with varied consequences. This study aimed to determine the conflicts situation of elderly-caring couples. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on a sample of women caring for an elderly in Larestan, Iran. The data were collected in person at participants’,home by using Strauss’, s standard questionnaire of couple’, s conflict and analyzed by SPSS 26 software Results: In all 377 women participated in the study. The majority of respondents’,age ranged from 30-50 years (67%), had secondary education (80%) and were housewives (87%). The analysis of the data showed that the four dimensions of verbal aggression, psychological conflict, physical conflict, and sexual coercion 70% total variance observed indicating the severity of the couples ‘, conflicts. The inferential results revealed a significant difference between couples’,conflicts with religion, and place of living, but not employment and elderly gender. Conclusion: Various factors seem to affect severity of couples’,conflicts. However, conflicts could be reduced by increasing couples’,skills.

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Objectiv(s): This study aimed to explore the experiences of health care providers working in health centers during the Covid-19 disease using a phenomenological method. Methods: A qualitative study using phenomenological method was conducted on a sample of health care staff in Hamedan, Iran. Inclusion criteria were physicians and health care providers involved with individuals with or suspected of having corona virus disease. Exclusion criteria were concealment of information in the interviewee or his / her unwillingness to participate in the research. The sampling method was purpose full and continued until data saturation (30 people). In-depth and semistructured interviews were used to collect information. The average interview time was 40-60 minutes. Data were analyzed using the Colaizzi method. Results: The findings indicated 4 main themes, 9 categories and 59 sub-categories. The main themes included negative emotions, positive emotions, self-efficacy, and health system problems. Sub-themes included psychological responses, lack of good outlook, unappreciative system, altruism, voluntary work, social self-efficacy, individual self-efficacy, violations of instructions, and equipment supply problems. Conclusion: The present study showed that health service providers experienced inappropriate mental, emotional and occupational conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results obtained from this study can be used to formulate support and strategies for emerging epidemics.

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Objective (s): Due to its unpredictable and unfortunate circumstances, the coronavirus has caused stress among people and disrupted their lives. The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Brief Version of the COVID-19 Stress Scales (CSS-B) in Iran. Methods: This was a methodological study. The original questionnaire was translated using the backward-forward method. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and the face validity was achieved by the qualitative method through interviews with ten people. Then, the construct validity of the Brief Corona Stress Scale was conducted through the known group comparison. Convergent validity was assessed by correlation between the brief version (CSS-B) and the 36-item COVID Stress Scales (CSS). The reliability of the scale was calculated by internal consistency analysis. Results: In all, 415 people participated in the study. The mean age of patients was 35. 55 (SD = 12. 24) years. The known group comparison showed that the average total score of the Corona stress scale among females significantly was higher than that of men (P=0. 038) as hypothesized. Convergent validity showed a significant correlation between the Persian version of the CSSB and the CSS (r=0981). Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the dimensions and the whole questionnaire was acceptable ranging from 0. 82 to 0. 96. Conclusion: The findings showed appropriate validity and reliability for the Persian version of the Brief Version of the COVID-19 Stress Scale. It is suggested that the future studies need to assess the structural validity (expletory and confirmatory factor analysis) of the CSS-B with a bigger sample size.

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Objectiv(s): Considering the high growth of the candy and chocolate industry and its role in public’, s health, innovations need to focus on health, safety and food hygiene. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of presenting a cognitive model of innovation components in confectionery and chocolate products. Methods: A study was conducted by combining two approaches of soft systems methodology and fuzzy cognitive mapping in seven stages. These included providing an enriched image, analysis of CATWOE and root definitions, identifying the components affecting innovations and presenting a conceptual model using cognitive mapping. Finally we compared the conceptual model with the real world. Results: The findings of the study showed that sweet and chocolate companies have not been able to make a significant contribution to innovations of the products as well as the process in the entire value chain and creating added value of health, and they are suffering from severe deficiencies. The most important problems identified were: the lack of skill in discovering opportunities and creating new methods for exploitation in the center of the innovation process, the inability of the Food and Drug and Standard Organizations to motivate the production of beneficial and health-oriented products, and the control and supervision of healthy raw materials and its formulation to create a competitive advantage, the lack of high correlation between the companies performance in the market and development of products with greater interaction with customers in terms of design, customization, quality and food safety and hygiene. Therefore, the use of health-oriented and organic raw materials, paying attention to proper diet, production of extra-profitable products, use of health-oriented packaging, new technologies for the production of health-oriented products, nutrition and health experts in the development of new products, and government support for the producers of health-oriented products are the main components of innovation success in the food industry. Conclusion: The study finding suggest that stakeholders in the value chain of sweets and chocolates companies should grow and develop their activities in health innovations ecosystems.

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Objective(s): Health literacy is the capacity of people to acquire, process and understand basic health information and services needed for health decisions. Considering the importance of health literacy, especially in people with underlying and chronic diseases, this study aimed to investigate the health literacy and related factors in hypertensive patients. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted on a sample of hypertensive patients aged 18-65 years attending comprehensive urban health centers in Zanjan, Iran, in 2022. The sampling method was a two-stage cluster with systematic random sampling in each cluster. In order to collect data, the demographic information form and the Health Literacy Instrument for Adults (HELIA) was used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: In all 277 patients entered into the study. The mean age of participants was 55. 23 ±,6. 75. Most participants (59. 6%) were women and married (94. 4%), housewives (52%), and 49. 5% had inadequate and problematic health literacy score. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean score of health literacy among educated people and illiterate people (p<0. 001). Also, there was a statistically significant difference between the mean score of health literacy among people who had sufficient income and those who had insufficient income (p=0. 017). People who were regularly under the supervision of a physician had higher health literacy(p=0. 033). Conclusion: Considering the undesirable condition of health literacy in hypertensive patients, it is suggested to implement interventions to improve health literacy among this population.

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Dear Editor, Prevention and care of non-communicable diseases is one of the most important components of primary health care, which plays an essential role in maintaining and improving people's health. Despite the success of the IRAPEN program in Iran, this program still face challenges such as lack of coordination between departments, lack of adaptation of the network system to the needs of patients, lack of an integrated information system, and instability of financial resources. For effective care and followup, and for a coherent and comprehensive response, multi-sector participation and an integrated approach should be on the agenda of the primary health care system.

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Dear Editor, Sample size calculation is one of the most important steps in developing a plan for research projects/dissertations. The sample size affects the power of the study and also has economic implications for a research project. If the sample size would be less than the required level, the tests used to analyze the research data will not have adequate power. Also, if the sample size would be too many, it will cause a waste of resources. In this regard, it is suggested that researchers report the "correlation coefficient between the data before and after the intervention" in addition to the mean and standard deviation in a pre-and postintervention study with a quantitative dependent variable so that other researchers can refer to it and calculate the sample size of their study correctly.

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