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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Socialization is defined as a complex process of learning and internalizing values, beliefs, knowledge and norms of a specific profession which forms a solid identity. This study aimed to review the previous publications which have examined the barriers and solution of the professional socialization of nursing through. Methods: Electronic databases of PubMed, Science Direct, Iranmedex, SID, Ovid, and Google Scholar were searched completely using appropriate keywords from 2000 to 2016, to identify the articles pertaining to the topic of interest. Twenty articles were found to be eligible and reviewed in this study. Results: The professional socialization is a complex process characterized at least by 4 determinants: learning, interaction, evolution and adaptation. Several factors could affect the professional socialization of nursing including comprehensive training programs, the opportunity to gain experience and constructive feedbacks during training and at work environments. A wide range of consequences have been related to socialization of nursing which can be influenced by personal, organizational, and situational factors and may result in both good and bad adaptation of the individuals. Conclusions: Professional socialization is a complex process needs special attentions and can have both positive and negative outcomes. The effective socialization of nursing is depended on conditions provided in the field of education and services.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Efficient strategies are required to identify and manage the occupational stresses and improve optimal experiences among health care employees, especially nurses. Thus, the present study was conducted to determine the impact of affective capital enhancement training on optimal experiences and job stress among nurses. Methods: This is a semi-experimental study consists of two groups of participants and designed at two pre-and post-test levels. The participants were 30 of 120 nurses of a governmental hospital in Isfahan city who selected based on the inclusion criteria of this study. The subjects were randomly assigned into the two cases (n= 15) and control (n= 15) groups. The cases have received affective capital enhancement training through ten sessions. Data collection was done using the optimal experience (Marsh & Jackson) and the job stress (Stanton) questionaries in both pre-test and post-test phases. Statistical analysis was performed by the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using SPSS software. Results: Based on the ANCOVA results, nurses who received affective capital enhancement training exhibited significantly increased optimal experiences (F= 6. 44, P< 0. 01) and decreased job stress (F= 57. 29, P< 0. 001). However, the pre and post test results were the same for control group. Conclusions: Given that the affective capital training could improve the optimal experiences and reduce job stresses of nurses, it is highly recommended that such trainings should be considered as potential strategies in the management of occupational stresses as well as improving commitment of employees in different workplaces, including hospitals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: There are numerous evidences indicating that pre-operative psychological state of the patients can potentially affect their outcomes. Therefore, in the present study we aimed to design an educational-therapeutic package based on cognitive-behavioral approaches to manage and reduce the psychological distresses of gastric and breast cancer patients undergoing surgery. Methods: This is a semi-experimental study with pre-test-post-test type and control group. The participants were among the cancer patients referred to the hospitals of Ardebil city in 2019 who candidated for surgery. Forty patients were selected as the study sample and were randomly divided into the two groups of case (n=20) and control (n= 20). The cases of intervention group received pre-operative education through one week prior to admission for surgery. Data was collected using the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) questionarie. The data analysis was done using covariance analysis by SPSS software. Results: Based on the results, patients who received pre-operative education had significantly less anxiety (F= 1. 712, P <0. 001) stress (F =1. 74, P <0. 005) and depression (F= 2. 012, P <0. 001). Conclusions: According to the findings, the designed educational-therapeutic package could efficiently improve the psychological state of the cancer patients undergoing surgery and potentially may enhance their post-operative outcomes. Such educational interventions could also affect the other pre-and post-operative measures including nursing, anesthesia procedures, pain control and etc. therefore, have a potential to be added to the therapeutic regimen.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Over the past years, due to the lifestyle modifications, obesity has widely been recognized as a major public health problem which affects societies worldwide. Recently, evidences have shown that early maladaptive schemas are strongly associated with eating psychopathology. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the differences in early maladaptive schemas and cognitive emotion regulation strategies between obese women and matched normal weight controls. Methods: This research is a comparative (analytical), case control study. The cases were 110 obese women selected by random sampling method among those women who referred to Farhangian clinic in Kashan city. The same number of subjects with normal weight has also been considered as controls. Data was collected by the use of standard instruments: questionnaires of early maladaptive schemas questionarie (Young, 1999), and cognitive emotion regulation strategies questionarie (Garnefski & Kraaij, 2001). The data were analyzed by t-test and SPSS 22 statistical method. Results: Based on the results, obese women experienced significantly more severe emotional deprivation, distrust/ misbehavior, and social isolation. Furthermore, adaptive and maladaptive strategies in cognitive emotion regulation were significantly different between obese and normal weight women. Conclusions: According to the results, both early maladaptive schemas and deficits in cognitive emotion regulation may potentially play roles in psychopathology of obesity. These findings suggest that applying interventions on early maladaptive schemas and adaptive emotion regulation strategies could be beneficial in obesity treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mehrgan f. | Sobhi e.

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Introduction: Improvement of the organizational trust has a special importance at workplace which can affect the attitude of the employees. Thus, the present study was conducted to examine the effect of organizational trust on the self-efficacy and professional ethics levels among nurses in public hospitals of Tehran, Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was carried out on 372 nurses of the public hospital in Tehran city, Iran. Cluster sampling method was used to sampling. Data collection was done using of 3 standard questionaries including: organizational trust (Ronald & Lawrence); professional ethics (Schwartz); and self-efficacy (Michael). The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were confirmed based on the opinions of 35 experts. Data analysis was performed by correlational and regression analyses and structural equation modeling approach using SPSSS version 22 LISREL version 8/5 software’ s, respectively. Results: The results of correlation coefficients between organizational trust and self-efficacy (r = 0. 852), organizational trust and professional ethics (r = 0. 846) and self-efficacy and professional ethics (r = 0. 861) showed a strong positive significant relationship. The results of regression analysis also indicated that both the self-efficacy and professional ethics are highly influenced by organizational trust levels. Furthermore, the beta coefficients in the structural portion of the model revealed that the paths were significant and in the expected direction (p< 0. 01). Conclusions: According to the research results, organizational trust is a potential factor strongly can affect the behavior of nurses at workplace. Based on the findings, both selfefficacy and professional ethics are influenced by organizational trust, thus improvement of workplace climate could be achieved by enhancing organizational trust and commitment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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JOKAR M. | Ardan sh. | KHALESI N.

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Introduction: Performance evaluation is an important tool to measure and manage the efficiency of activities in a local system or organization. It has been considered as a part of the strategic management of hospitals to provide optimal medical services, in the recent years. In the present study, we aimed to design a method based on the analytic network process to effectively evaluate the performance of physicians and nurses in a heart failure clinic. Methods: This is an experimental and applied research. The study population was those patients who referred to the heart failure clinic in summer 2019. The amount of the sample size in this study was determined with the used of Cochran sampling method. Data on patients’ demographics and the performance status of the studied clinic was collected using researcher made questionaries. Multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) was used to analyze data based on the analytic network process by calculating the weight and rank of the criterias with using Super Decision and Excel 2019 softwares. Results: The results of the network analysis in performance evaluation indicate that selfcare weight was 0. 32 and the weight of service quality was 0. 68. Of the patients' view, "the appearance of clinic" sub-criterion received the highest evaluation score, which is followed by the "service guarantee" and "reliability" sub-criterions. The aggregate score of the performance evaluation for the studied clinic was achieved 75. 98%. Conclusions: According to the findings, the quality of services has the highest impact on performance evaluation. Moreover, the results showed that the designed method for performance evaluation based on the analytic network process can be considered as an efficient strategy in managing of the healthcare systems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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