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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational justice and organizational commitment in the employees of physical Education Organization. According to the Morgan table, 140 persons were selected as the sample size through the simple random method. To collect information, demographic information questionnaire, organizational justice questionnaire (Neihoff & Moorman 1993) and organizational commitment questionnaire (Meyer & Allen 1990) were used. To analyze the data, the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used. The results of the t- Student test and ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference in perceiving the organizational justice and organizational commitment in regard to demogrphic variables (Gender, Job experience, Employment statue). But there was a significant difference in perceiving the organizational justice and organizational commitment in the education levels (p<0.05). Pearson’s correlation coefficent showed that there is a positive and siginficant relationship between organizational justice and organizational commitment (p<0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Biomechanical analysis of vertical jump is necessary for determining the best jumping method with high mechanical efficiency. This is clear that jumping method is significant in record and result. The purpose of this study is to compare the kinetic and kinematic parameters of two kinds of vertical jump: squat vertical jumping and jumping with contrary motion.Methods: for this reason among 16 Esfahan Zobe Ahan youth (13-17years) players, 11 volunteers having 14.64±1.28 age, 179.55±7.6, 66.58±8.7 and length of lower extremity 84.36±3.1 cm participated in research. The comparison of these two kinds of jumping was done by dynamometer. The subject performed two methods of vertical jump on faceplate, and the best result for everybody was recorded. In squat jump the subject’s knees are put in a situation while having 120 degrees and he jumped from this position with extending his knees. Meanwhile in vertical jump of the contrary movement, the subject after being stayed on faceplate and flexed his knees in good position while extending his knees immediately jumped vertically. The independent T-statistical method and Pearson correlation coefficient were used for analyzing data in the meaningful level (P≤%5).Results: A meaningful difference was observed between vertical reaction force, (p=0.03), rate (p=0.05) and height (p=0.01) in both jumping types, these three factors in vertical jumping with contrary motions were more than squat jumping, thus significant relationship is observed between rate of takeoff and height.Conclusion: as a result it can be concluded that the record of vertical jumping with contrary motion is better than squat vertical jumping.

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Field and aim: obesity is in parallel with raising the risk of a lot of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes type two and has relation with lifestyle and socioeconomic status. The aim of present study was to find the relationship between obesity with effective factors on cardiovascular health and socioeconomic status of students of Fars Science and Research. Research method: for this purpose 1025 male and female students with approximate age of 21.62±1.93 year, height 171.40±6.48 centimeter and weight 67.77±13.12 kg randomly selected among the students of Fars Science and Research. For measuring the Weight and fat percentage we have used scale, caliper and tape, and also socio-economic state’s measured by related questionnaire with acceptable reliability (r=0.75). For analysis of data, we used Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient. Findings: Results showed there is significant positive relationship (males r=0.19, p=0.000 and females r=0.14, p=0.028) between body fat percentiles and resting blood pressure. But we did not observe significant relationship between obesity and socioeconomic state (male r=0.01, p=0.63 and female r=0.091, p=0.162). Conclusion: obesity is affected more by physical activity and less from socioeconomic status. So we suggest to promote the cardiovascular health with special attention to physical activity.

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The object of this research was to study the of professional and amateur male body builders’ body dissatisfaction and mental health. For this reason, 97 body builders (46 professional and 51 unprofessional) of Tehran (age range of 21 to 34 years) were selected randomly and fulfill the General Mental Health and Body Dissatisfaction questionnaire. Results showed that from the point of sub measures of physical sign, anxiety and depression, there was not a significant difference between two groups while in the social performance dimension, performance of unprofessional body builders was significantly better (p=0.001). Body mass index mean and idealistic body mass index were not equal in two groups. The amount of dissatisfaction from weight and form of body was not equivalent in two groups and the direction of this disorder was the same in them. In general, because of body mass index mean and idealistic body mass index were different, there was dissatisfaction from body condition between both groups of professional and unprofessional body builders.

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The purpose of this research was to study the organizational commitment (OC) and job involvement (JI) of volunteers in physical education faculties of universities in Tehran. A total of 102 volunteer students from universities in Tehran were requested to complete questionnaires. Also Meyer and Allen's (1997) organizational commitment scales and Lodahl and Kejner’s (2001) job involvement scales were used for assessing OC and JI of volunteers, Which its validity was checked and confirmed by expert university panel. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to test reliability of the questionnaire. The coefficient was estimated at 0.81 for OC and 0.80 for JI. Since the purpose of this study was to measure organization commitment and job involvement to volunteer who works in associations some wording of their items was also adapted. Result indicates that significant relationships were found between JI and all three dimensions affective (r=0.559), normative (r=0.432), and continuance (r=0.641) of OC (p<0.01) Furthermore there was significant differences between sex and OC (p<0.05). The men's' mean score of OC was 70.16. Result showed that the score of OC in male was a little more than female, but there is no significant difference between OC score and JI (p<0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Exercise is known as one of the most powerful agents for stimulating the endocrine system. Hormonal responses to exercise depend on many factors such as exercise type, intensity, time, training conditions and the most important of all; gender of athletes. Based on the importance of the effects of exercise, especially endurance exercise on sex hormones and reproductive system in female athletes, this study measures serum progesterone in luteal phase of female athlete after eight weeks endurance training. In this study among interested athletes who had experienced at least three years in exercise and participation in competitions, 15 persons were selected. The range of normal serum levels of progesterone in the luteal phase was considered between 2.5-25 ng/ml. First, initial sampling was done of all the athletes that were in the normal range, 3.82 ng/ml, and then according to training schedule, these athletes began for eight weeks and three days each week endurance exercise. At the end of eight weeks, measuring serum levels of progesterone in the luteal phase for the blood samples was obtained. Also, after a month of endurance exercise, third measure serum progesterone in the luteal phase was performed. Research data analysis was used with Kalmogrov- Smirnov and correlated t-test in level of p£0.05 in the SPSS-15 software. The results indicate that between the first measurement and after eight weeks of endurance training there was significant differences in the level of p£0.05, the range was 1.32ng/ml. It means there was reduction in the serum progesterone level after eight weeks. As well as between the third measurements that was performed after a month of endurance exercise serum levels of progesterone, that the range was 3.28ng/ml, with initial measurement of serum levels of progesterone, there was no significant difference. It means, after a month the serum levels of progesterone were close to its baseline. So we conclude that, endurance exercise reduces serum levels of progesterone in luteal phase of female athletes, but after a month it returns to its original level. Thus the results of this research can raise awareness for educators and is useful that how intensity in endurance exercise training, particularly regarding its impact on the hormonal system of female athletes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was Investigation of the prevalence and causes of injury in elite athletes and its comparison in individual and group sports in South Khorasan Province.Method: For this purpose 181 elite athletes were chosen and completed related questionnaires. By using descriptive statistics data were collected to determine the relationship between variables. Data analysis was down by using "Chi Square".Results: Data analysis showed that among 181 elite athletes, 91.7 percent had injuries. In a group sports, upper limb with 49.9 and in individual sports, lower limb with 44.4 percent had the highest rate of injury. 59.2 Percent of injury in group sports and 61.3 percent in individual sports were muscle-tendinous type. Muscle soreness was the most common injury in group sports with 29.1 percent and in individual sports with 42.2 percent. Most frequent cause of injury in group sports was lack physical fitness with 34.4 and in individual sport opponent player with 40.3 percent.Conclusion: As far as time, cause, location and nature of injury concerns, there was a significant difference between individual and group sports, but in the type of injury no significant was found. Lack of warm-up exercises, physical fitness, previous injury, psychological problems, failure to follow safety rules, lack of sports facilities, absence of coach, lack of motivation and too much desire to win are among the factors that had different effects on individual and group sports, but lack of familiarity with the principles of warm-up had the same effect on injures in either group.

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The aim of this research is to explain the cognitive and psychomotor development of the moral behavior and the related components on champion sport. The method is descriptive and comparative. The statistic society were the physical education organization personnel and the Olympic committee stuff in Tehran with BA (N=227). And the sample included 102 persons according to cuhen table. The instrument was a questionnaire with 31 questions that have shaped through Delphee method. The validity has been confirmed and reliability analyzed with kronbach alpha (r=0.91). Data is analyzed through Fridman and U-Manwittny tests. Results showed that the psychomotor domin is significantly effective on athlete’s moral behavior in comparison to cognitive domin. Meanwhile, the most important factors in cognitive and psychomotor development are familiarizing the champions with the good result of moral behavior, advertizing through mass media, having a psychologist in teams, or selecting the players properly.

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