Exercise is known as one of the most powerful agents for stimulating the endocrine system. Hormonal responses to exercise depend on many factors such as exercise type, intensity, time, training conditions and the most important of all; gender of athletes. Based on the importance of the effects of exercise, especially endurance exercise on sex hormones and reproductive system in female athletes, this study measures serum progesterone in luteal phase of female athlete after eight weeks endurance training. In this study among interested athletes who had experienced at least three years in exercise and participation in competitions, 15 persons were selected. The range of normal serum levels of progesterone in the luteal phase was considered between 2.5-25 ng/ml. First, initial sampling was done of all the athletes that were in the normal range, 3.82 ng/ml, and then according to training schedule, these athletes began for eight weeks and three days each week endurance exercise. At the end of eight weeks, measuring serum levels of progesterone in the luteal phase for the blood samples was obtained. Also, after a month of endurance exercise, third measure serum progesterone in the luteal phase was performed. Research data analysis was used with Kalmogrov- Smirnov and correlated t-test in level of p£0.05 in the SPSS-15 software. The results indicate that between the first measurement and after eight weeks of endurance training there was significant differences in the level of p£0.05, the range was 1.32ng/ml. It means there was reduction in the serum progesterone level after eight weeks. As well as between the third measurements that was performed after a month of endurance exercise serum levels of progesterone, that the range was 3.28ng/ml, with initial measurement of serum levels of progesterone, there was no significant difference. It means, after a month the serum levels of progesterone were close to its baseline. So we conclude that, endurance exercise reduces serum levels of progesterone in luteal phase of female athletes, but after a month it returns to its original level. Thus the results of this research can raise awareness for educators and is useful that how intensity in endurance exercise training, particularly regarding its impact on the hormonal system of female athletes.