Financial corruption, which creates a class divide and reduces public trust, is one of the problems that various factors have an impact on. In this research, some of the most important organizational processes, including the recruitment process of employees, lack of prevention of financial corruption, lack of attention to organizational culture, and the weakness of supervisory authorities, have been taken into consideration And the aim is to identify the basis of financial corruption And as a result, she prevented it from happening. The question that can be raised is how organizational processes can lead to financial corruption.? In response to the mentioned question, it was said in a descriptive and analytical way If their requirements are not paid attention to in organizational processes, the creation of financial corruption in executive organizations will be facilitated. In order to eliminate corrupt organizational procedures, it is necessary to pay attention to some points, including: The principle of equal opportunities and consolidation of employment laws in a special law with minimal exceptions, Using legal capacities such as the law on promoting administrative health and combating corruption to prevent financial corruption by eliminating its shortcomings in the field of supporting corruption reporters, Promotion of organizational culture by paying attention to codes of conduct And finally, solving the defects of the selection regulatory bodies and administrative violations In the field of monitoring the selection of all employees on a periodic basis and redesigning the institution of administrative violations and its definition under the presidential legal vice.