The present research seeks to explain the theory of political Islam from the perspective of Imam Khomeini. The main question of this research is that the fundamentals of the political Islam theory of the ideologue of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, as compared to other rival views, differ? The purpose of this paper is to provide a scientific and sound explanation of the principles of Imam Khomeini's political Islam theory in the first step and in the further development of new schools of thought in the Islamic world with numerous forms and presenting new definitions of political Islam such as Salafism, Takfirism, Secular and also abnormality and ambiguity in the theorizing of political Islam, the necessity of processing the correct narrative of political Islam is felt with the successful and effective model of Imam Khomeini. The article argues that the foundations of political Islam of Imam Khomeini have elements such as Theocentricism, Rationalism, with regarding Ejtihad, happiness and the linkage of Religion and Politics. While in the theory of Salafi Islam, absolutism, dogmatism, Anti-Rationalism, monopolism, and a superficial level of Religion understanding are observed. Secular Islam is also known for its fundamental principles, such as the relativism of knowledge, religion, revelation, science of science, the world of the axis, and the separation of religion from politics. Imam Khomeini's political attraction in the field of foundations has led to the spread of political discourse of the Islamic political revolution of the Islamic world. This is despite the fact that rival ideas have so far failed to operate their own theory.