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The following article aims to study one of the reformative periods (1859-1862) in Nasseri's Era which is mostly neglected. Applying Rational Choice Theory I appealed to a narrative analysis of the arguments of cons by dividing the internal oppositions to three groups: clergymen, courtiers, and government officials. After analyzing the arguments of these three groups (based on John Stuart Mill's comparative method) there were common arguments among those groups who had discussed on: "endangerment of the kingdom of Nasser al-Din Shah" and "neglecting the traditions". "Incompatible of reformist performances with Islam", "a not religious reformist", "endangerment of the Imperial dynasty", "homeland security disturbance", "neglecting the opposition's position", "the concern of cultural mixing" and "The personal manner of the reformist himself" are the arguments which two groups are mentioned them. Also one of these groups refered to the arguments like "the economic performance of the reformist", "the loss of territorial integrity", "colonization of Iran", "the reformist's political dependency on Russia", and "neglecting the citizen's rights".

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For rethinking the Anthony Giddens's theory on “Reflection”, it is necessary to reconsider his general approach to social reality, and then, situating the concept of “reflection” in the context of his general approach. Thus, three-steps will be studied in the article: First, Structuration theory that is most important opposition in his social theory. Then, Giddens's notion of tradition and modernity. For Giddens, human history share in two “episodes”or “discontinuities” that is completely separated. And third one, Giddens, looks discontinuity points as specific time and place interruptions. To accomplish these three steps, First, we get a model of the process of modernity. And then, we will focus on Giddens's theory of reflection. Finally, we extract concepts essential to explore the tradition.

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Since Land reform in Iran, rural studies and rural sociology have been concentrated on rural society as economical and political phenomena, therefore mostly traditional systems of production and power were noted in researches. One issue that was not addressed in this academic discourse was rural religion. Religion as a core of culture and the main context to reproduce social integration has a key role in this society. Religion reproduce the cultural tradition and also is the main agent in legitimatizing the social changes. This paper through a meta-analysis of rural studies in social sciences investigates internal and external causes of inattention to religion in academic discourses of rural sociology (since 1960 to 2000). Urban problematic and capitalist economic as the main external causes, considered rural issues as an economic and demographic issue. On the other side, Marxism and positivism and their epistemological inattention to religion as central issue in culture caused this inattention. As a result, rural sociology has not been able to provide a relevant explanation for rural culture (and religion as its core) and its changes. Due to this systematic inattention, cultural and social issues since 1960s to 2000, in the Iranian village have continued. Finally, for efficient rural policy making we have to understand and explain rural culture religion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The construct quality of life is analytical, practical, construct and a main element in policy- making and the study of policies in public sphere as well as it has been known as an indicator in social development. The characters of the construct as dynamic, multidimensional, and has been diversity conceptions about it due to using more fields in their studies. However this attention caused to is increasing range studies and more investigation on this construct. In Iran such other countries studies of quality of life experienced new changes. For knowing trend these changes all studies published in level country in form academic dissertation, research projects and papers scientific that in their title have term quality of life collected and studied. The results this study showed although in recent years in Iran has increase non-medical studies in part quality of life but contribution in studies in compare with part medical is very little. The studies of quality of life in the medical field are more than 8 times the number of studies in the social science. Social science in compare with medicine has an approach more comprehensive of the quality of life. Studies qualities of life in field social science are doing on diversity communities and with more dimensions. These studies have more content. These characters could take more evaluate of quality of life that by using it researchers can measure the progress and development of society. Than studies about of quality of life in Iran have to more attention to social approach quality of life, that it is need to increasing study in field’s non medicine. Of course this problem in recent studies, in compare with earlier studies, has been more attention.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present article try to explain rate of acceptance and/ or resistance of khozestanis' Arabic speakers in confront with globalization values, and would reply to the question, either do the fundamental globalization values cause the preeminence of ethnic identity among the Iranian Arabic speakers? In other words, what effects does the globalization values have on the particularism among the Iranian Arabic speakers and does the particularism come to exist due to effects of the globalization values? The survey method using interviews was applied in this research and all the Arabic speakers sample in Ahwaz and were 18 to 65 years old. According to Cochran formula 560 people were selected. For reliability and validity of data, cronbach alpha was used and to analyse the data variance and regression were applied. Analysis of data indicates that in parallel of the raise of deprivation feeling of equal opportunity in socio- cultural, political, economical and national possibilities, the tendency towards ethnical identities increased as well. Equal opportunity, ethnical justice feeling, humanitarian elements, foreign Medias and education were important and effective variables in acceptance of globalization values.

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The research aims to study the related context factors with structure of power in family. The method by which this research has been done is survey and the data has been collected through the inquiry from a sample size of 600 women in shiraz through Quota-Classification. The instrument of data collection sampling is questioner. Our research is based on resource theory. Structure of power has 3 dimensions, including decision-Making areas, construction of power relations and way of power impose. The findings indicate that there isn't any significant correlation between two independent variables include age of women's marriage and local of residence. Also long of marriage is effected by decision-making areas and way of power impose. There is a significant difference between two independent variables including the difference of husband age and academic educations with decision-making areas. Also there is a meaningful relation between way of power impose and situation of job.

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Patriotism and nationalism make up the two sides of the spectrum of national attachment, but with different meanings, tendencies, and outcomes. This article, based on the current theories about national attachment, tries to study this subject from a different point of view. The main goal of this article is to explain national attachment in the context of the positive feeling of people toward their national identity and conceptualizing it in its two forms of nationalism and patriotism. The nationalistic form of national attachment shows the positive feeling of people along with judgments and non-critical and emotional points of view toward the country. On the other hand, there is the patriotic form of national attachment with the positive feeling of people without early judgments towards other groups and nationalities whiche brings with it the adoption of critical points of view and wise orientations in assessing the country.We have used the documental and analytical method and have explained the subject of discussion using valid books and documents. In addition, in order to document the subjects discussed, based on the theory that national attachment can be expressed in two forms, we have studied the theories relevant in this area in three theoretical approaches of nationalism, patriotism, and viewpoints that include both forms.

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