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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    2 (26)
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"Linear codes in coding theory need matrices whose rows form a basis for a finite dimensional space. In this paper, after introducing some preliminaries about frames, we state the idea of using finite frames instead of basis for encoding of information and then we introduce some frames which their related linear codes are useful in finding and correcting errors in data transfer. A number of methods for producing examples of such frames are presented using some well-known frame types and we show specifically that the families of frames which have been considered in some papers can be extended. Finally, we modify the idea of encoding to facilitate the use of approximate and generalized duals for decoding of received information. Also, some algorithms for decoding of frame coefficients with erasures are proposed.

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    2 (26)
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Given the importance of signal processing in the digital domain, improving the hardware performance of the transmitter-receiver communication systems, especially in the military section, depends on the proper design of the converters that perform the signal conversion from analogue to digital and vice versa. This paper proposes a novel method to improve the modulator speed and resolution in the Sturdy Multi-Stage Noise-Shaping (S-MASH) sigma delta analogue to digital convertor (ADC). Since any stage in the modulator loop of the architecture has unity signal transfer function (Unity-STF), the modulator would be very robust to circuit non-idealities such as finite op-amp gain and coefficient mismatching. Furthermore, the signal processing timing issue in the critical paths of the proposed architecture has been relaxed due to shifting the delay of each stage of the modulator loop filter to its own feedback path. On the other hand, the proposed Unity-STF S-MASH architecture needs fewer active blocks for implementation which makes it suitable for low power, high operation speed applications i. e. communication systems. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed architecture. Since the information processing is an important category in the field of management and crisis prevention, the design would be applicable in the electronic hardware equipment related to this area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Erfani s.h. | MORTAZAVI R.

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    2 (26)
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In recent decades, in view of the widespread use of graph data in different applications, for instance in social networks, communications networks, etc. many researchers have investigated different anonymization approaches for such data. Although relational data anonymization is mature enough, graph data anonymization is a challenging and relatively new field of research. One of the most important anonymization models against identity disclosure risk in graph data addresses the number of links a node’ s neighbors have, in the graph. In this paper, an improved method is proposed that realizes this model using both edge addition and deletion to the original graph. The application of the method to a number of different real-world graphs confirms that the method can produce more useful graphs in terms of one of the most important characteristics in such data, i. e., the Average Path Length in the graph and graph structure will undergo less change.

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    2 (26)
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In all of the image steganography algorithms, the embed capacity and resistance are considered. Hence, in this paper a new method is proposed that not only has high capacity for embed, but also has high resistance against steg analysis methods. This method presents an initiative to collate the confidential secret message with a matrix called K, thus large amount of information does not need to be transferred across the channel which effects security, resistance and embed capacity. After classification and mapping, the amount of information that is needed to be sent, changes to numbers between-7 and 7. Hence, by reducing the secret bits needed to send, the changes in the cover are also reduced and the result are optimized. B y comparing PSNR and SSIM for this method with other methods in this area, we clearly see improvements in these parameters. The average of PSNR and SSIM is 44. 36 and 0. 97, respectively both of which are in the perfect range. The average of numerical value of insertion is 5. 99 bits per pixel, which provides a very high capacity for insertion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (26)
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Mismatches in time and cost are among the most important reasons for the failure of information technology projects. But it should be borne in mind that neglecting security issues, especially in projects with the nature of working with data and information, can cause irreparable damage to the project organization. Meanwhile, recognizing the factors that can threaten an IT project in cyberspace, and the impact of each of these factors on the other has great importance. In fact, the project manager can be more effective in preventing these threats by knowing the impact of the criteria. In this research, the main factors that could threaten an IT project in cyberspace are identified. At the next step, some of these threats are eliminated by Friedman test and the 6 threats which remain are more important than others, in expert’ s opinion. Then their weights are calculated by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach and eventually their effects on each other are determined by using the Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (FCM) method. The results show that, lack of appropriate encryption and authentication systems is the most effective, and cyber espionage is the most influenced of these threats.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (26)
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Today, the presence of methods and tools for large-scale modeling of different types of epidemic phenomena is a serious and critical requirement. Understanding these phenomena and discovering strategic solutions in various situations is also very important. Regarding the large number of agents and their complicated behaviors and lack of theoretical and analytical solutions, the need for simulation systems is so clear. In this paper, we introduce a software system for simulation of epidemic phenomena, especially malware propagation in computer networks. This software system is able to simulate a large number of agents with different propagation models and parameters and show the graphical and statistical results dynamically. Distributed architecture, using real-world data, ability to use different kinds of epidemic models and dynamic visualization of simulation results, are some of the innovations of the proposed method. By performing different simulations, the relationships between infection density and simulation parameters such as the propagation model, the infection probability and the probability of vulnerability, were investigated over time. Additionally, the correctness of the simulation results is confirmed by comparing them to the results obtained from analytical methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (26)
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Impossible differential attack is one of the strongest methods of cryptanalysis on block ciphers. In block ciphers based on SPN (substitution permutation network), the only layer that resists the difference is the nonlinear layer. Obviously, paying attention to the features of nonlinear layer is important for the sake of preventing statistical attacks, such as the differential attack. Therefore, this layers’ features regarding attack tolerance should be carefully investigated. The existence of such a nonlinear layer with the required features and applying it in the entire length of the block can lead to more resistance against differential attacks. Over the past few years, a new set of block ciphers based on SPN has been introduced, in which the nonlinear layer is applied only to a particular part of the state. In this paper, a general framework for finding the characteristics of the impossible difference in this type of new block cipher is presented. Contrary to the previous miss-in-the-middle methods, which are used to find the impossible differences, the method presented in this article is independent of the feature of linear layer of the algorithm and allows the attacker to systematically find the effective impossible differential even in cryptographic algorithms with highly complex linear layer. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method, the family of LowMC ciphers that use bitwise linear layer are examined in this paper and based on this framework some impossible differential characteristics are proposed for some versions of reduced LowMCs. This proposed impossible differential characteristics can be easily applied in key-recovery attacks based on the framework presented in this paper. As an example, we show that based on the impossible difference characteristic obtained for 63 rounds of the LowMC (128, 128, 2, 128), a key-recovery attack is applied to the 64-round of this algorithm. In proposed attack, the complexity of memory is 289, the complexity of the time is 2123. 7, and the complexity of the data is equal to 2123. 1 of the chosen plain text.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (26)
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Three-dimensional angular measurements are used in a large number of applications, such as positioning systems, robotics, motion analysis, control analysis, and so on. The sensors used for this purpose are the accelerometer and the gyroscope. The angle measurement in the accelerometer sensor is based on the vector component of the gravitational acceleration on the sensor axes and the trigonometric relations. For this reason, only a quasi-static limit can be obtained from the almost precise angle. In dynamic mode, angle measurement using this sensor is accompanied by large errors, due to the effect of other accelerations, in addition to gravity acceleration. The angle can also be obtained by integrating the gyroscope output, but in practice due to the problem of gyroscope drift, the measurement angle is far from the actual value, with increasing error over time. In this paper, we have been able to cover the weaknesses of each of these sensors using a combination of accelerometer and gyroscope features by an adaptive Kalman filter. The proposed adaptive filter is able to adjust itself to the static and dynamic conditions, so that it can combine the output information of the sensors properly. To evaluate the proposed structure, dynamic and static experiments were conducted on an IMU based on MEMS technology. The results show that compared to ordinary Kalman filter, the RMS error of angle measurement in the proposed scheme has an improvement of 34% in the static mode and 34. 3% and 29. 8% in dynamic modes of pitch and roll, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (26)
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Many high maneuvering target tracking approaches, such as augmented state method, are based on target motion and radar modeling in the Cartesian coordinates., The projected radar observation errors along the Cartesian coordinates are continuously increasing in the target tracking problem in noisy operation environments especially in the high maneuvering situations that the target is moving away from radar location. Whereas, in various simulations that are performed in many papers, these observation errors are considered to have constant covariance values along the Cartesian coordinates. The real radar observation vector including target range and bearing is generally stated in Polar coordinates, and the nonlinearity of the radar observations in the Polar coordinates makes it necessary to implement the nonlinear estimation approaches such as unscented Kalman filter (UKF) or extended Kalman filter (EKF). In this paper, high maneuvering target tracking is performed using the augmented state idea in the Polar coordinates based on UKF. The new proposed method also overcomes the late convergence of estimation and prevents filter divergence using the adaptive covariance matrix approach. The simulation results obtained by the proposed method for both medium and high maneuvering scenarios show more than 90 percent improvement compared with the UKF and EKF algorithms.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (26)
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Although information system security has been developed extensively, industrial control systems (ICS) security is a newly developed concept and is still unknown to some organizations. Increasing the access to ICS and the related networks, has increased the challenges their security is facing. On the other hand, to those organizations which are aware of the importance of this issue, the roadmap is vague. In this article, we prioritize the obstacles to implementation of ICS security management, using the interpretive structural modeling (ISM). Mobarakeh Steel Company is studied as a case here. The identified barriers, are investigated by expert staff in the form of pair wise comparison matrices, and the results are prioritized. Also, by using Matriced’ Impacts Croise’ s Multiplication Applique´ e a UN Classement (MICMAC) analysis method, the barriers effectiveness and dependencies are obtained. Analyzing the results indicates the "unawareness and lack of knowledge of staff" as the most fundamental obstacle, and "non-native plans" and "lack of the security supervisor in the organization" as the elements that should be considered while the organization is dealing with cyber security. At the end, the correlation relation between the obstacles’ significance level and their dependencies is studied using Spearman correlation coefficient method, revealing strong inverse relation between those two elements. This shows that less dependent obstacles have effects which are stronger and in the more fundamental level.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Both Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and Long-Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) technologies have been designed to provide fourth-generation telecommunications and high-speed broadband Internet access, although it was LTE-A that ultimately supported the requirements for the fourth generation of telecommunication systems, and is accepted as the 4G. The specifications for 4G networks were released over the years by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The main objective for the 4G network is providing IP-based capabilities such as high network speed, high network capacity, and voice and data support through unifying the existing mobile networks and creating a central and global IP-based network. Due to the unique features of the LTE networks, there exist new challenges in designing their network mechanisms, which have consequently resulted in network security vulnerabilities. This article is the result of years of research on LTE network and its security and vulnerability analysis, as well as the feasibility of localizing the network security based on the standard platform. In this article, initially an overview of the LTE/SEA system structure is provided, and the sectors involved with network security are outlined. Then, the authentication process, protocols setup, and key agreement between different sectors of the network are described and analyzed specifically for LTE networks. Afterwards, considering the significance of specific key management in this type of network, its advantages and disadvantages are examined. Furthermore, security pathology of this network is described with a comprehensive outlook and finally, the feasibility of LTE network localization based on the standard platform is investigated. The localization results presented as a table at the end of the article are obtained through 3GPP standards analysis, investigation of all common protocols for different sectors of the network, and the feasibility study of localization capacity while maintaining compliance with the standard. This table is crucial in terms of network security, and demonstrates the localization capacities within the network structure accurately.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (26)
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The potential battle scene against the Islamic Republic of Iran (I. R. I) is network-centric operation with Effect Based approach. One of the I. R. I capabilities in this complex battle scene is the capabilities of the cyber-electronics. One of the major challenges of planning cyber-electronic operations for confrontation in such a battle scene in the military decision-making process, is comparing and selecting courses of actions (COAs). The multiplicity, interdependencies, direct and indirect effects of the network centric operation criteria have made comparison and selection of COAs, a complex problem. In this paper, the decision model for choosing an operational solution with consideration of the complexity of the problem is presented based on hybrid methods DANP and TOPSIS. The proposed model consists of three steps. In the first step, valid data produced by selected experts is used as data input. In the second step, data processing involves calculating an influential criteria network (which models the influence of criteria) and finding the influential weights of DANP (DEMATEL-based ANP) considering the relationships between them. The third stage of evaluation and selection is based on the level of similarity to the ideal solution (TOPSIS). In order to evaluate the proposed model, the real scenario of network centric operation of the US Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) from March 21 to 22, 2003 was evaluated. In this operation, the interactions between the 5th Corps command posts (180 posts) were identified as the most important criteria. The quality of force networking based on FBCB2 / BFT systems, and mission effectiveness were determined respectively as the most effective and the most influenced criteria on the battlefield. In the second step, the relative weights of the criteria were determined assigning the highest weights to agility and effectiveness and the lowest weight to the quality of information. Among the cyber-electronics solutions offered by the experts, the L-satellite Jamming and the injection of electronic malicious code, were the effective ways to confront the 5th US Army Corps mission to capture Talil air base. The selected expert commanders declared the results of this case study as valid and satisfactory.

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