The aim of this research is to examine the relationship of hardiness and achievement motivation with perception of success in Iranian and Iraqi students, participating in intercollegiate matches in Kermanshah. The research methodology was descriptive-correlation and the population comprising 225 people that 144 (84 Iranian student, 60 Iraqi student) of the population were selected through stratified random sampling in proportion to the volume. The measurement instruments of this research were questionnaire of H.S (Kobassa, 1979), Achievement Motivation (Hermance, 1970) and Perception of Success questionnaire (Tresure & Roberts, 1998). To confirm the reliability of the questionnaires, the Cronbach's alpha was used, to this end, a total of 30 questionnaires were distributed among the students. After collecting the questionnaires and analyzing them, Cronbach's alpha coefficient for H.S, A.M and Perception of Success were equal to 0.86, 0.75 and 0.78 respectively. To analyze the data, the descriptive statistics and to test the hypothesis Pierson correlation coefficient and multiple regressions were employed. The results showed that there were significant relationship between hardiness and perception of success (P<0.001) and between Achievement Motivation and perception of success (P<0.001). Results of regression analysis showed that hardiness explained 50% and achievement motivation explained 43% of variance under variable student’s perception of success. Finally we can say, hard people can control their environment and challenge with the changes in the environment and consider these as success factors and societies without motivation, in spite of good facilities and conditions, have low chance to progress.