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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This paper seeks to identify challenges and provide skills training in the country are coping with it. The study population consisted of officials, experts, professionals and faculty members engaged in administrative and scientific activities related to skill training. The sample consists of a 18-member group of officials and experts related to the field of skill training in the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and other important institutions of higher education, (Vocational University and University of Applied Sciences), Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Education, which targeted were selected for this study. The data gathered through focus groups were conducted. In this study, voice recordings and manuscripts to gather data and record discussions with focus groups needed data is collected. Three of the most important challenges for skills training in the country are: Lack of development model of higher education and the lack of skills training in the higher education system; Non-performance professional qualification system in the country and the lack of necessary skills in training graduates. Three of the most important skills training strategies in the country include: Formulate general policies skills training, the option to increase 50 percent in the sixth program development skills training, and convergence of the policies and decisions related to skills training with the establishment of "National Council of skill".

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این مقاله با در نظر گرفتن اهمیت فرهنگ عمومی، درصدد است الگوی نظام مند جامعی را برای اصلاح و ارتقای فرهنگ عمومی کشور بر اساس نظریات و دیدگاه های مقام معظم رهبری ارائه دهد. در این پژوهش با بهره گیری از روش داده بنیاد انجام و تلاش شده الگوی نظام مند فرهنگ عمومی برای اصلاح و ارتقای آن در کشور استخراج شود. با مطالعه بیانات مقام معظم رهبری و استخراج بیش از 500 مفهوم، در کدگذاری انتخابی این مفاهیم طبقه بندی شد و 34 کد محوری استخراج شد که هر کدام ذیل مقوله های الگوی نظام مند (شرایط علی، شرایط زمینه ای، راهبردها، شرایط مداخله گر و پیامدها) جای گرفت و تشریح و تبیین شد. مشخص شد که برای اصلاح فرهنگی، باید همه جانبه و کل نگر بود و همه جنبه های بنیادی و نظری مثل تبیین نظریه فرهنگ عمومی و طراحی الگوهای رفتاری از منابع دینی و مباحث اجرایی و راهبردی مثل شبکه سازی فرهنگی، توزیع مناسب فرهنگی و... مدنظر قرار گیرند.

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The aim of this study is to identify opportunities and barriers for Afghans to benefit from educational services and the impact of current policies on both Afghan immigrants and the host society. The data is gathered through in-depth interviews with 116 Afghan nationals residing in Tehran. The results show that although legal immigrants face no official restriction but issues like affordability, local negative reactions and mandatory deportation after graduation are considered as barriers. Unauthorized immigrants may not register in public school and only a limited number of them are studying in Afghan private schools. Based on the consequences current policies, this paper offers some suggestion to improve the condition of Afghan immigrants in Iran.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of social values on the lifestyle of young people in Yasouj. The conceptual framework based on research about value shift Inglehart, material and metaphysical values and lifestyles is Bourdieu and Giddens. In this survey, the statistical population were youth Yasouj Through Cochran formula, 384 of them were selected by multistage cluster sampling method and a questionnaire made by the researchers in this study face and content validity of the judgment elite and review of the literature as well as its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha completed. The results showed that social values influence on the lifestyle of young people and no matter how young post materialism increase, their lifestyle is more modern and they go more towards modernity. Youth due to exposure in the conditions of globalization with different styles of face and the lifestyle of people in today's society is more modern the ethnic identity of individuals is reduced therefore; special attention should be paid to strengthening social values. It is recommended to promote social values and characters through elite model among the policy makers and planners considered cultural. It also promotes social values through mass media; particularly television as the national media can offer strategies to strengthen social values with a focus on ethnicity is native culture.

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The present study is aimed at investigating the relationship of social capital and lifestyle (traditional and modern lifestyles) with the tendency to childbearing among students of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in the academic year 2014-2015. The sample size consisted of 384 participants selected via the stratified random sampling. The data were collected via a researcher-made questionnaire. Findings of the present study indicate that there is a reverse and significant correlation between the degree of using foreign media (the Internet, virtual social networks and satellite networks) and the tendency towards childbearing, but there no significant correlation was observed between the sue of domestic media and the tendency towards childbearing. In addition, a positive and significant correlation of social capital (social trust, social participation and social cohesion) and the tradition lifestyle with the tendency towards childbearing was observed. But the correlation between the modern lifestyle and tendency towards childbearing was a reverse and significant one. Moreover, from among demographic variables (age, gender, educational level, employment status and ethnicity), only the correlation between employment status and ethnicity with the tendency towards childbearing was significant.

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Statistics and research results indicate that the population is declining in Iran. This is a different reason. The variation in fertility is important. This has an effect on the economic, social, demographic and political and many consequences. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting fertility that as social interaction among women. This study is based on survey data in the sample of 300 married women in Tehran. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between "individualism, body management, intimacy between couples, gender equality, positive attitude to the child, the child's negative attitude, community involvement, social support, reproductive politics, government, media consumption" with three levels of fertility (behavior, ideals and aspirations of fertility).

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Education is the most important determinant of timing of marriage and first birth. Women’s access to education was associated with a delay in family formation and childbearing. The basic question paper is how education affects women's fertility time. The data for this study were collected with qualitative approach using in-depth interviews with 25 married female students in Tehran in 1393. There are a number of reasons why female students tend to postpone childbearing. The findings show that the long years for educational activities, difficulty of combining student and mother roles, and economic and financial issues at the beginning of marriage lead to childbearing postponement. Increasing the level of education can improve the knowledge of women on effective contraception. In addition to postponement is associated with the fact that highly educated women have more likely decision-making power regarding childbearing timing, birth interval and number of children.

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The aim of this article is that, first, what changes have occurred in the pattern of internal migration in Iran; secondly, what is the impact of this migration on rural communities and, finally, What are the future prospects in Iran's internal migration patterns. The method of this study, secondary analysis of data from population and housing censuses, sample surveys and other findings related to the topic under study. The results indicate that several changes in the pattern of Iran's internal migration occurred: First, reduce rural-urban migration and the subsequent increase in immigration from urban to urban; second, the decline in migration from the urban to the rural and from rural to rural and the It also reduced the total amount of immigration to the rural. Therefore these changes show that internal migration patterns are changing in Iran and immigration and attracting migrates from the rural areas has been reduced and has been oriented towards the cities. This indicates that the rural young people who are prone to migration are declining. Given that a large percentage of urban-rural immigrants are middle-aged people, the result is that the proportion of elderly population in rural areas has increased as well as the active population and employed in agriculture has decreased. The results of this study show that the pattern of internal migration in Iran is changing to the urban hierarchy as well as emigration. So the future prospects for Immigration Studies in Iran, including considering the migration from city to city, and its challenges and positive points.

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Fertility as a social action occurs in the socio-cultural context. Cultural and Institutional arrangements shape the values and norms of childbearing. Iranian fertility rate has experienced a dramatic decline in recent decades, and now is below-replacement level. Fertility transition in Iran is related to socio-cultural, economic and political changes. Using micro-census data and survey, the results of article show culture and cultural values, as the basis of human behaviors, plays an important role in shaping fertility behavior. Culture provide the rules of interpretation and meaning construction, that people depending on them, and in coping with socio-economic conditions, regulate their reproductive behaviors. The article concluded that the interaction of cultural and institutional/ structural forces leads to below- replacement level of fertility in Iran. Thus, increasing fertility to above replacement level, is multidimensional and complex policy-making process. It involves adopting and implement of sustainable family-friendly policies related to childbearing desirability, childbearing feasibility, and abilities to parenting.

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Family is one of them which has lost some of its functions and has transformed to dysfunctional family. Dysfunctional family means families which cannot meet its members needs, borders of members are unclear and so co-working and support does not occur. The aim of this study is exploring effecting factors on family dysfunction. These factors include: family structure, type of socialization, individualism and family incongruence. The method was survey and data was gathered by researcher designed questionnaire. Parents were interviewed for this reason. Population of study was all Paveh city families. Sample size was estimated 258 people by Cochran formula. Sampling method was multi-stage clustering. Results show that the more is the gap between two generations in family, the more is family incongruence and then dysfunction. Family inconvenience expectations and lack of differentiation among parents’ roles have significant and inverse relation with family incongruence. Both two types of socialization (lax and strict) have negative effect on family and increases individualism and incongruence.

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