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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this article the role of knowledge-based or technological SMEs (TSMEs) on international sanctions effects in the area of high technology electronic products and equipment is studied, with a focus on learning and growth perspective, the preparation and coordination of the foundational factors in the knowledge-based companies as preparation and coordination in the human resources, information and technology resources and organizational, customer and market resources, were evaluated. Research direction was within the companies, and the views of stakeholders, owners, managers and researchers working in the companies. Over 220 questionnaires distributed electronically among 60 companies as a statistical sample and answers were collected, and it was sufficient enough. The results of data analysis, strongly confirmed hypothesis proposed about the impact of knowledge based SMEs on international sanctions effects over the country in the field of high technology electronic products with preparation and coordination these triple factors in both absorption and production of knowledge and technology from the point of view of increasing the quality and quantity of outputs and reduce the cost for the consumers. The main advantages in the field of electronics are that had very good.popular luck, and is considered the most technical and important field. In addition, small businesses in this field, even in high-tech, do not require long-term and/or large scale investment. Small or large self-concept caused by lack or failure of proper evaluation and coordination of these three dimensions about corporate and projects are the main causes of project failure or lack of action to admit a high technological electronic project. However the potential in all aspects of the industry in Iran is available, but it is not properly managed. Finally, suggestions for improvement in terms of being close to the ideal situation and for future researches are provided.

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The present study empirically has explored the relationship between media and social capital, through a survey among young people in Shiraz city. 600 young people from the city of Shiraz were determined as sample by stratified cluster sampling method. Social capital was evaluated based on three components of generalized social trust, institutional trust and the impression of increase in crime. Based on research results, solidarity of the inner mass media, with social trust and positive and meaningful institutional trust with the imagination of increase of crime in society has been negative. In contrast, the correlation of foreign mass media has been positive with negative abstract trust and generalized trust with the imagination of crime increasing in the community. Personal media’s correlation with none of the dimensions of social capital the media was not significant and virtual media only with generalized trust has negative correlation and significant.

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Regarding the complexity of culture and full dependence of this subject on theoretical basis, in the referred research, firstly Islamic philosophical, anthropological and sociological fundamentals as well as current cultural indices are exhausted and by using the systematic method as well as analyzing the viewpoints of experts, a comprehensive model is planned which consist of three general sections of "cultural affairs", "cultural activities" and "cultural facilities" as well as three levels of development (transnational), macro and micro. Due to expansion of the model, in this paper after explanation the introductions and necessary fundamentals, we only represented the cultural affairs as the mean section of culture and introduced appropriate appurtenances for development and macro levels of society and also micro level for measuring cultural characters about three prominent elements of individuals, families and organizations. Finally concerning the special circumstances of the national media, we have discussed about applying this model in national media.

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The present study deals with impact of economic development resulted from industrial growth in Pars Special Economic Zone on material and immaterial native’s lifestyle in Asaluyeh. The method is quantitative and information was collected by distributing questionnaires among natives (including 21 villages and 2 cities) in 195 samples. Research findings showed that the rapid expansion of industry and industrial development in the area have been characterized with double impact. Infrastructure and infrastructure facilities have been improved than before but not caused changes in cultural attitudes and livelihood methods. The disappearance of local agriculture and fishing and natives tendency to service compromised traditional jobs in local community, in this study, the 4 indicators for development of the local economy, 1 for (connection roads), accounted for the greatest impact on the region and lifestyle. At the same time, increased household income, education level is due to higher economic growth but not influenced life quality and traditional values still exist in society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban tourism development has positive and negative economic, social, cultural and environmental effects. Therefore, sustainable urban tourism requires systematic attention to the technical, cultural, political, economic, historical, and ecological environmental aspects. The present research is of an analytical-descriptive view and is categorized as an applied research project. The sampling has been done from the population of all the tourists destined to Bojnourd. Applying the Morgan table, a sample 386 people using a simple random sampling method were selected and interviewed. In addition, statistical tests such as the Spearman correlation test-t-test were used to evaluate the hypothesis. The results indicated that the poor urban management. The results indicate that the poor urban management, lack of integrity in the management of stable operation of attractions, lack of facilities, lack of access to information, lack of cooperation and coordination with various municipal agencies in maintaining the city hygiene and the problems related to planning and sustainable development of the tourism sector has not only distanced itself from sustainable development, but also is following a negative trend.

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This paper seeks to identify the types of risks and mitigation strategies to deal with them and tries to find out how to manage risk by residents as ordinary actors of deteriorated areas. 622 households in 37 districts of Tehran's neighborhoods who live in deteriorated fabric areas were selected as a sample and the data were collected with field survey method by using questionnaire. Results showed that manmade risks have been appeared discriminatory in deteriorated areas. It also showed that, less educated, older and low-income residents have fewer opportunities for risk identification and if the risks detected by them, they have not ability to manage them. From the perspective of residents, the main risks are; own risk, less identity risk and not access to modern services. The respondents provided three methods to overcome to these problems. In fact by living in the same districts, the management of residents remains in acceptance level. Residents duration, age, level of education and income are important factors in determining resolution and management of risk by residents.

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The development of national integrity as one of the most significant aspects of social solidarity has been the main concern of the independent countries. The most dominant outcome would be national security establishment which is in deep relation with public interactions as well as people-government relation. The internal and external developments have become transformative in a way that the necessity and urgency for achieving the integrative elements and items is undeniable. Therefore, recognition and reconstruction of dynamic and sustainable centric components of "national cohesion" are an academic necessity and require research. In this regards, one of the affecting factors the Iranian national integrity, religious attitudes and insights of the public. This paper attempts to communicate and analyze the theoretical concept among the national integrity and religiosity of Mashhad citizens. This study by dividing the religiosity into two categories, internal and external, and by the means of survey methods, presented that the augmentation of internal religiosity had a positive impact on the national solidarity of the citizens. The external religiosity had no meaningful interaction with the national solidarity.

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The main target of this paper is to verify the level of the so-called internet addiction amongst the high school girls in Kerman. Total number of high school girl students in this city is 1307, amongst whom 205 were selected by systematic random sampling method. This research was conducted with social survey method, the research technique was questionnaire, and Pearson Correlation Test was used to test the theories. Based on the research outcomes, 67.7 percent showed high level and 4.4 percent a low level of internet addiction. the research findings demonstrates a meaningful correlation between internet addiction and variables of depression, sensation seeking, identity crisis, dependency on family, family involvement, parental control, social isolation, and lack of sticking to moral values. No relation was found between internet addiction and variables of introversion, economic social status, age and educational status. Results produced by multivariable regression showed that variables including lack of sticking to moral values, depression, social and economic status, social isolation and dependency on family can predict addiction to the internet.

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In this article, recognizing its impact on the health, social, religious and Islamic Azad University is to develop an analytical model. Using the Keyes view of Gluck and Stark studied factors influencing. The present study is asking whether a self-made model to explain the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable fit. The analysis of the subject has been discussed. Research method of this research is survey method and questionnaire, designed in keeping with five options and Likert scale, has been applied as measurement instrument. Content validity of measurement instrument, regarding Content Validity Ratio, for social Actualization is 0.85 and Kaiser Meyer Olkin is 0.92. The samples under study are 1000 students of Islamic Azad University of Roudehen branch which through classified methods based on the volume and universities are selected. Lisrel software is used for modeling. Structural equation model results indicate the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Given the parameters of the model can be argued that the proposed model is superior fit. The results suggest that religious faith on effective social cohesion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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