In this article the role of knowledge-based or technological SMEs (TSMEs) on international sanctions effects in the area of high technology electronic products and equipment is studied, with a focus on learning and growth perspective, the preparation and coordination of the foundational factors in the knowledge-based companies as preparation and coordination in the human resources, information and technology resources and organizational, customer and market resources, were evaluated. Research direction was within the companies, and the views of stakeholders, owners, managers and researchers working in the companies. Over 220 questionnaires distributed electronically among 60 companies as a statistical sample and answers were collected, and it was sufficient enough. The results of data analysis, strongly confirmed hypothesis proposed about the impact of knowledge based SMEs on international sanctions effects over the country in the field of high technology electronic products with preparation and coordination these triple factors in both absorption and production of knowledge and technology from the point of view of increasing the quality and quantity of outputs and reduce the cost for the consumers. The main advantages in the field of electronics are that had very good.popular luck, and is considered the most technical and important field. In addition, small businesses in this field, even in high-tech, do not require long-term and/or large scale investment. Small or large self-concept caused by lack or failure of proper evaluation and coordination of these three dimensions about corporate and projects are the main causes of project failure or lack of action to admit a high technological electronic project. However the potential in all aspects of the industry in Iran is available, but it is not properly managed. Finally, suggestions for improvement in terms of being close to the ideal situation and for future researches are provided.