DEAR EDITOR, In the research "Role of Aaraze Nafsani in Health and Illness" (1), the topic of psychological symptoms in Iranian medical texts and the opinions of sages such asIbn Sina, Razi, Ahwazi and Jurjani have been considered. Despite the efforts of respected authors, Razi's opinions regarding self-health or ethical medicine have not been explained, which is discussed in this article. Razi's attention (865-925 A. D) to medical signs of ethics or self-health is evident in most of his works, the peak of this accuracy can be found in the book of Spiritual Medicine. In the first chapter of this book, Razi refers to the dignity of reason in the sense of its rulership over one's desires, tendencies, behaviors, and decisions, health is the rulership of reason over man and mood is the threat of damage to the dignity of reason and as a result the illness of the soul. Therefore, health depends on being under the command of reason, restraining it from whim and opposing it. What is meant by intellect here is practical intellect, the wisdom of evaluating good and bad deeds and does and doesn't In Razi's works, no evidence defines happiness beyond the health of the soul (2, 3). In Razi's theory of health, emotion plays the role of a disease-causing agent, just as the human body is in a conflict between the factors that threaten the health of the body and its sustaining force, the continuous conflict between emotion and reason also determines the health or illness of the soul (2). He considers greed for food and overeating to be the cause of indigestion and insomnia, malnutrition, darkening of the face, and grumpiness as the effects of envy. He also considers drunkenness and drunkenness to be the biggest scourge of the mind and the constant companion of high spirits and considers it the cause of the gradual weakening of the speaking ego and the rush of people towards unmeasured and counterintuitive actions. He expressed the qualities such as love, envy, anger, lies, miserliness, worries, sadness, evil, wine, sexual intercourse, desire, earning money, and worldly love, and after introducing the method of recognition and factors affecting how to get rid of them, he examined Self-health pays (4). Razi assigns the achievement of mental health to the recognition of its threatening issues, and in a negative sense, it means the absence of disease and assigns its treatment to spiritual and moral medicine (5). In spiritual medicine, measuring the consequences and effects of behavior in terms of the amount of pleasure, suffering, or obedience to the dictates of reason, minimum enjoyment, and compliance with the limit of balance based on the Platonic point of view, is the criterion for distinguishing a healthy self from an unhealthy one. In having pleasures such as eating, sleeping, etc., the goal is to treat them as if they were sufficient, which should be enough (2). Razi considers the health of the soul and morals dependent on the health of the body and the moral vices as the cause of trouble and illness of the human body, in his opinion, the prevention of soul diseases and their treatment is the goal of the spiritual doctor (5). Human decisions and behaviors are defined as health, which this theory in terms of handover (handover of human health to self-health, handover of self-health to psychological health in the concept of negative psychologists), extreme individualism and neglect of the inclusion of social life in health and at least Orientation in the components of mental health is worthy of consideration (2).