This research investigated the effect of physical condition of osmotic dehydration including temperature (45, 50 and 55°C), kind (sucrose or glucose) and concentration (60-70-80%) of sugar solution and different amount of NaC1 (0,0.5 and 1%) as active agent, on quantitative properties of dried apricot c.v. "Shekar Pareh of Isfahan". For this purpose halfed apricots were mixed with osmotic solution in the ratio of 1 to 4 (w/v) for 6.5 hourse and them dried in a laboratorial cabinet drier till R.H.=14%. This study showed that increasing of temperature till 50°C caused escalating in shrinkage, hardness, vitamin C content and sugar of slabs, but decreasing in optical density (browning) and water uptaking capacity of them. By adding to the sugar concentration of osmotic solution, the quantity of shrinkage, browning and water uptaking power of slabs diminished; while firmness, sugar percent and vitamin C content of texture augmented. In most of the cases and in equal condition, the outcome of glucose solution on increasing of shrinkage, firmness and sugar and sugar percent and decreasing of water uptaking capacity was more intensity than the sucrose one. Rising the amount of NaCl in osmotic solution up to 1% caused declining of hardness and sugar content of texture. Mean while shrinkage and water uptaking capacity enlarged slightly. In all of the 54 osmotic treatments content of sugar, vitamin C, shrinkage and color of the slabs was better than the control ones. On the whole, quantitative studies of slabs distinguished that the best solution for osmotic dehydration of apricot has been a 70% (w/w) sucrose solution, containing 1% (w/w) NaCl in 45°C.