Introduction: This study aimed to provide a thematic network of systematic HSE management elements in sports places. Materials and Methods: This study was an applied, qualitative, and thematic analysis research in terms of purpose, strategy, and implementation, respectively. The participants in this study were pundits and informed persons in the field of sports facilities management. The maximum variation sampling was conducted and the total number of participants was 11. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the required data and Lincoln and Cuba's (1985) assessment criteria including credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability were used in the present study to check the validity. Results: The findings of this study indicated that the illustration of the elements in HSE management in sports facilities includes 6 global themes (occupational health activities, active planning and prevention, requirements, projecting, participation and monitoring, resource provisioning), 16 organizing themes (environmental health, Personal hygiene, hardware, risk management, incident management, safety requirements, legal requirements, environmental requirements, standardization, waste management, supervision, system integration, stakeholders engagement, financing, human resource provisioning (recruitment), and facilities/ equipment), and 75 basic themes. Conclusion: The thematic network provided in this study does not support the existence of any hierarchy among the elements of systematic HSE management, instead, it supports thematic buoyance that is necessary to emphasize the interdependence and interrelationship between them.